Clare O'Neil MPחשבון מאומת


Shadow Minister for Innovation, Technology and Future of Work. Kennedy School, Fulbright Scholar, former Mayor and McKinsey consultant, policy and econ nerd.

כאן מאז יולי 2009


חסמת את @ClareONeilMP

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @ClareONeilMP

  1. צייץ מחדש
    23 באוג׳

    One year as PM. One year of cost of living going up, living standards going down and wages going nowhere. Scott Morrison loves to tell us that he's on our side. It's about time he started acting like it.

  2. צייץ מחדש
    23 באוג׳

    We are thrilled to announce our new Pathways to Government series feat. the best & brightest Labor MPs outlining their vision for returning to government. Speakers incl Don Farrell Details of dates/venues available soon.

  3. צייץ מחדש
    12 באוג׳

    This week on Pod On The Hill we've got the Shadow Minister for Innovation, Technology & the Future of Work. Spotify - Soundcloud - Stitcher - iTunes -

  4. 13 באוג׳

    It was a sheer delight to sit down with and talk politics and the Future of Work for Pod on the Hill. Love your work . Check it out on SoundCloud or iTunes.

  5. צייץ מחדש
    5 באוג׳

    Such deep generosity to share this story. I hope for a time when the grieving can just grieve & dignity & choice for all at the end of life is accessible & normalised. I’ll never forget those who worked so hard for this reform. Some gone. Some proudly watching on.

  6. צייץ מחדש
    1 באוג׳

    Too many Australians are struggling because of this government’s neglect of the economy. ❌

  7. צייץ מחדש
    29 ביולי

    New data shows Australians going backwards under the Liberals. Economy is floundering, middle Australia is struggling, & Morrison Govt has no plan to turn things around. If only they spent as much time focused on declining living standards as they spend focused on Labor.

  8. 28 ביולי

    Good to see such extensive coverage of gaps in innovation policy in ⁦⁩ today - look forward to hearing the outcomes of today’s conference. There’s $1.6trillion at stake for the countries which get it right.

  9. צייץ מחדש
    20 ביולי

    I’m looking for new people to join my team. If you know someone who’d be a good fit, please encourage them to apply

  10. צייץ מחדש
    11 ביולי

    Inspiring to have visit us today. We introduced her to , , and more.

  11. 3 ביולי

    I am hiring! Hunting for a new Chief of Staff and a Media/Policy Adviser. We do meaningful, quality policy work in a dynamic, fun political environment. It's pretty awesome. Please share with clever friends and email if you want more details:

  12. צייץ מחדש
    24 ביוני
  13. צייץ מחדש
    13 ביוני

    Huge news. Australia MD Stephen Lester & I have today announced that Nissan’s new Australian HQ & technical training centre will be in Mulgrave, securing 450 jobs & creating 60 new ones. And electric vehicle components will continue to be made & exported from Dandy South!

  14. 4 ביוני

    Love your work showing the way on innovation for social purpose! 👏🏾 👏🏾

  15. צייץ מחדש
    4 ביוני

    It was a pleasure to welcome the Shadow Minister Of Innovation, Technology and the Future of Work to River City Labs. toured our space and met some of our amazing community of Founders.

    , ‏, ועוד 6 נוספים
  16. צייץ מחדש
    4 ביוני

    EXCLUSIVE: Parents are being crippled with childcare debts of more than $4000 because of a Centrelink error that has resulted in a miscalculation of the Child Care Subsidy dating from February, renewing calls for an overhaul of the system

    , ‏, ועוד 7 נוספים
  17. 2 ביוני

    So delighted to be given responsibility for Innovation, Technology and the Future of Work in Labor Leader ’s frontbench. Can’t wait to get stuck into these issues that will have so much impact on the future shape of Australia’s economy, and the work we do in it.

  18. 23 במאי

    One of the best things about Labor is that women are encouraged to put themselves forward for leadership roles and I know that will continue. I’m going to talk to a few colleagues about whether it’s possible for me at this point. (2/2)

  19. 23 במאי

    Huge congratulations to on his success. Onwards to 2022. Many Labor people - particularly Labor women - have contacted me in recent days encouraging me to run for Labor Deputy Leader to ensure there is a women in the Leader/Deputy team. (1/2)

  20. 19 במאי

מסתבר כי הטעינה לוקחת זמן־מה.

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