'Optics' · Jewish Influence · Tech Censorship

Requiem for James Allsup

I normally eschew discussing news of social media censorship: this is not a huge platform; I prefer developing original, fruitful content. But upon James Allsup’s YouTube ban–despite having no previous TOS violations–I feel compelled to pay respects and postulate on what this means for dissenting thinkers going forward. True, Allsup is still on Gab; but… Continue reading Requiem for James Allsup

The Right type of identity politics

The Necessity of Identity

Last week, characterised by the El Paso shooting and media hysteria over ‘White Supremacy,’ spurred me to further reflect on the root cause of modern turmoil–identity. These reflections are as follows. It appears any effectual political action requires overcoming two initial obstacles. Surmounting these challenges does not automatically produce victory; but as shall be demonstrated,… Continue reading The Necessity of Identity

Aussie Nationalist Landmark Posts · Ethnonationalism · Racial Tribalism · Racism

Multi-Racialism: An Endless, Bitter Struggle

There are certainly problems with multi-racial societies all over the world. Australia is no exception. But for this post, I’ve decided only to discuss America’s struggle with multi-racialism; this is for 2 reasons. First, modern America contrasts perfectly against the White Supremacist violence of 19th and early 20th century America, illustrating an important point. Second,… Continue reading Multi-Racialism: An Endless, Bitter Struggle

Aboriginals · Jewish Influence

The Jewish War on White Australia

I came across the following piece recently; it aptly demonstrates how elite Jews view themselves, the nature of Australian Jewish influence, and their use of Aboriginals as proxy warriors. Evidenced, mind you, by extensive quotes from Australian Jews themselves–this goes far deeper than mere speculation. Despite it going for 15,500 words, it is unequivocally worth… Continue reading The Jewish War on White Australia

Liberalism · The Right type of identity politics

Liberalism As a Means of Undermining Freedom

The latest at Oz Conservative–‘Ginsburg on Feminism’–is a good piece that I recommend. Of particular personal note, was the implication that Liberalism–specifically, it’s primary offshoot: individual autonomy–has made individuals less free. I wanted to draw out this theme. It is necessary to outline a working definition of freedom. (Of course, there are various other good… Continue reading Liberalism As a Means of Undermining Freedom

'Nazis' · Communism · The Necessary Political Instinct

Communism: A Necessarily Tyrannical Ideology

Some preliminary housekeeping: I apologise for my sudden 5 week hiatus. Among other reasons, I took time off to read and formulate original ideas for new posts–I only write to add something substantive to the public discourse. To this end, coming new posts are being formulated. With that out of the way, I hope you… Continue reading Communism: A Necessarily Tyrannical Ideology

Scott Morrison · The 2019 Election

The 2019 Election: A White Pill?

Last night bore witness to another upset election result, as Scott Morrison and his LNP coalition returned to government for a further 3 years.  Before this election I encouraged my followers against voting Liberal, given the party’s profound shortcomings. Yet I enjoyed watching last night’s result–particularly once Penny Wong and Tanya Plibersek began to sour.… Continue reading The 2019 Election: A White Pill?

Australian Foreign Policy/ Foreign Affairs · China · Free Trade/ Foreign Investment · Nationalist/ Tribalist themes · Racial Tribalism

My Summary of ‘Silent Invasion’

All unreferenced quotes throughout this post come from Hamilton’s ‘Silent Invasion’. Some time ago I read Clive Hamilton’s ‘Silent Invasion’, a book which documents how Australia has begun transitioning into a Chinese vassal state. I encourage all my readers to purchase this book for full reading here. I was initially reluctant to publish a full-length… Continue reading My Summary of ‘Silent Invasion’

Racial Tribalism

What’s the Trouble With Race?

Since 2016, nationalism has made substantive gains across the West. At least, as far as public awareness of key, previously peripheral issues goes. Despite this emerging and legitimate opposition, Cultural Marxists dominate our culture: prevailing in culture-making institutions which forge young minds. By this crucial measurement, the Left is winning the cultural war. An important… Continue reading What’s the Trouble With Race?

Feminism/ Male rights · Liberalism

What Liberalism Reaps

A 23 year old Australian–Alex Hepburn–was recently sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for raping a British woman. Last week, this story was all over the Australian media. As an aside, I suspect this has to do with the media perpetuating its favourite rape archetype: the white, ostensibly Ayran male. When in reality, women have far… Continue reading What Liberalism Reaps

The Right type of identity politics

The Pre-Eminence of Identity

The following was written 1 month ago by PJB, but remains relevant today. In particular, PJB points out the pre-eminence of group identity. Essentially, identity is the cog on which all issues hinge–our sense of ourselves provides the framework to view politics and society. Without winning on this identity front, we lose the will to… Continue reading The Pre-Eminence of Identity

Aussie Nationalist Landmark Posts · Cultural Marxism · Our Guy · Scott Morrison · The 2019 Election

How Identitarians Should Approach The 2019 Federal Election

A federal election always directs additional media attention to Australian politics. Yet the mainstream media excludes all of us who don’t play the token, superficial ‘conservative’. Accordingly, I’ll expatiate my view–an Identitarian’s–on the May 14 federal election, and how we should approach it. On the most vanilla issue, Bill Shorten and his Labor party look… Continue reading How Identitarians Should Approach The 2019 Federal Election


The Oz Conservative Guide to Liberalism

Mark Richardson of the Oz Conservative blog is a perspicacious writer–especially when explaining Liberalism and its pitfalls. At a time when Liberalism engulfs our political landscape and is difficult to precisely quantify, Mark illuminates the ramifications of this ideology. Given this crucial insight, I’ve compiled 5 of my favourite Oz Conservative posts below. Enjoy, and… Continue reading The Oz Conservative Guide to Liberalism

'Nazis' · Anti- White sentiment · Leftism

The Political Utility of ‘Nazi’

Personally, I don’t subscribe to National Socialism. Among other reasons, unrestrained racial idolatry rings hollow; intractable limitations accompany a temporal view of our existence; a repackaged 20th century ideology cannot fulfil 21st century demands; authoritarianism would insufficiently counter Marxist institutional control; identity should be authentic–not escapist. And even if all those aforementioned problems were absent,… Continue reading The Political Utility of ‘Nazi’

Aussie Nationalist Landmark Posts · Economic issues

Why Society>Economics

Since Tucker Carlson’s January 3 monologue, an old clash has re-emerged between free market-oriented conservatives, and traditional conservatives who favour (where necessary), more government intervention in economic affairs. In essence, this intra-conservative dispute hinges on whether national interests should supersede economic dogma, when market forces harm the nation. The battle lines have thus been drawn:… Continue reading Why Society>Economics