By Reader on 09/02/2019
Re: A Scholarly Jewish Reader Tries To Set Wikipedia Straight On Kritarchs, But Wikipedia Prefers Being Wrong From: Norm [Email him] As I expected (see my previous note) the Wikipedia page that was the source of the suggestion that "Kritarchy" was "reverted" by some dude who seems to get automatic alerts whenever someone uses an "untrustworthy source." So I took out the contemporary bit and VDARE.c...
By Washington Watcher II on 09/02/2019

Recently, VDARE TV and other Dissident Right channels were kicked off YouTube without warning. VDARE was subsequently reinstated, but other channels remain banned. Why? Because YouTube caved to pressure from Leftist activists and journalists. VDARE TV was on a list compiled by the Anti-Defamation League. Tech executives follow such directives in the vain hope it will stop the bad press--but of course the Left just demands more censorship. Only government action forcing Big Tech to respect free speech—either legislation or litigation e.g.  Exclusive — Devin Nunes Warns U.S. About ‘Tech Oligarchs’ Censorship, Bias Against Conservatives: ‘I Am Very Concerned,’ by Matthew Boyle, Sept. 2, 2019—can counter this totalitarian agenda.

Some of the worst examples of Journofa:

  • Carlos Maza

Journalists have ginned up outrage against YouTube for years over its alleged “white nationalist” problem. This summer, one single reporter pressured YouTube to demonetize and suspend several accounts: Carlos Maza, then with Vox.

Maza set his sights on popular conservative commentator Steven Crowder in June. Crowder occasionally said mean stuff about Maza and mocked him for being homosexual. Maza claimed this was anti-gay “hate speech” and accused YouTube of enabling a “hate crime.” At first, YouTube resisted Maza’s demand. But after a few more viral tweets from Maza, the tech company caved and demonetized Crowder.

YouTube didn’t stop there. It also demonetized several other channels, deleted hundreds of “offensive” videos, and outright banned multiple channels. YouTube announced new policies banning content that “justif[ies] discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status.” And parent company Google vowed to eradicate “borderline content” that “doesn't exactly violate policies…but which can still cause harm."[ Our ongoing work to tackle hate, June 5, 2019]

This all happened because of one sick reporter’s viral tweets.


By Patrick J. Buchanan on 09/02/2019, the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland, Vice President Mike Pence spoke in Warsaw’s Pilsudski Square of “five decades of untold suffering and death that followed” the invasion. Five decades!

What Pence was saying was that, for Poland, World War II did not end in victory but defeat and occupation by an evil empire ruled by one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century, Josef Stalin.

The “Liberation of Europe,” the 75th anniversary of which we celebrated at Omaha Beach on June 6, was a liberation that extended only to the Elbe River in the heart of Germany.

Beyond the Elbe, the Nazis were annihilated, but victory belonged to an equally evil ideology, for the “liberators” of Auschwitz had for decades run an archipelago of concentration camps as large as Himmler’s.

So, who really won, and who lost, the war?

By Steve Sailer on 09/02/2019
One of the weirder self-exploding gotchas of recent years is the Donna Zuckerberg-pushed campaign to declare that Ancient Greeks and Romans have been racially “whitewashed” because most of the paint applied to their statues has flaked off over the millennia. For example, Okay, but we have lots of statues of Julius Caesar. And Julius Caesar really did look a little like John Gielgud, which is prob...
By Linda Thom on 09/02/2019
See, earlier: Not White Gun Owners! Black Gunman Shoots, Wounds, 10 At High School Football Between All-Black Schools The silence about blacks murdering blacks should be a current news headline but no one is talking. Not much is in the headlines about the disastrous outcomes for black students either. In Mobile, Alabama, a black teen named Deangelo Parnell shot up a high-school crowd but he killed ...
By Steve Sailer on 09/02/2019
In The Atlantic: Your Professional Decline Is Coming (Much) Sooner Than You ThinkHere’s how to make the most of it. by ARTHUR C. BROOKS JULY 2019 ISSUE “It’s not true that no one needs you anymore.” These words came from an elderly woman sitting behind me on a late-night flight from Los Angeles to Washington, D.C. The plane was dark and quiet. A man I assumed to be her husband murmured almost ina...
By James Kirkpatrick on 09/02/2019
It's a start, but it's not quite enough. The populist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) made a strong showing in Sunday's regional elections in Saxony. However, Angela Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU) still topped the polls, though centrist parties definitely took a hit.  Although preliminary results released early Monday showed a surge in support for the right-wing party, it came in se...
By Brenda Walker on 09/01/2019
The Gold Rush toward domination of the future self-driving vehicle market continues with enthusiasm. The reticence that occurred after a deadly Arizona accident in 2018 appears to have faded, at least according to a recent CBS story. In fact, the article begins by saying, “The race to create the self-driving car continues at a feverish pace…” The billions of dollars invested in the project probably...
By Steve Sailer on 09/01/2019
World War H is, of course, the globally escalating conflict over Hair. In brief, the terms of your inevitable surrender in World War Hair are that you must: Worship black women’s hair, Listen quietly and appreciatively as black women talk about their hair endlessly, But never, ever ask to touch it. Thus, from the BBC: Afro hair: How black Finns are taking on racism By Naima Mohamud, BBC News, 9...
By Kathy Knechtges on 09/01/2019

Above, a screenshot of Trump campaigning in West Virginia, 2016

See earlier by Kathy Knechtges: Donald Trump, Kennedy Democrats, And The Ghost Of Jimmy Hoffa and by Peter Brimelow, Goodbye, Gompers—If Webb Can’t Focus Democrats On White Working Class, Nobody Can

 When the International Association of Firefighters endorsed Joe Biden for president in early May 2019, President Donald Trump hosed down the union on Twitter: “I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!”

Former Secret Service agent and talking head Dan Bongino agreed:, “NONE of the Firemen I know are supporting Joe Biden for President”—a sentiment provoking enough positive Twitter reaction for Trump to retweet six dozen examples [Trump retweets dozens of people taking issue with a firefighters union’s endorsement of Biden, by John Wagner, The Washington Post, May 1, 2019]. Which raises a Labor Day question: Do union leaders represent their membership? Because union leadership has placed itself squarely in the camp of Open Borders Democrats who hate the Historic American Nation.

I asked my friend “George H.,” a Third-Generation union tradesman and a conservative 40-year union member, to decode today’s Leftist union madness.. He told: “The union leadership is Democrats first and union men second.”

George H. said: “The private sector construction unions are now woke to Trump. The UAW members are about 50/50 Trump. Trump had the building trades on day three of this administration.”

It appears Trump’s support is solid among union members, said George H., whose brother “worked in Ohio for three years and never heard a bad word about Trump.” Indeed, “all the tradesmen are solid for Trump, all the appointed union are anti. Twenty years they bitched about NAFTA, now Trump is fighting it. Where the hell is the union leadership?”



By Washington Watcher II on 09/02/2019

Recently, VDARE TV and other Dissident Right channels were kicked off YouTube without warning. VDARE was subsequently reinstated, but other channels remain banned. Why? Because YouTube caved to pressure from Leftist activists and journalists. VDARE TV was on a list compiled by the Anti-Defamation League. Tech executives follow such directives in the vain hope it will stop the bad press--but of course the Left just demands more censorship. Only government action forcing Big Tech to respect free speech—either legislation or litigation e.g.  Exclusive — Devin Nunes Warns U.S. About ‘Tech Oligarchs’ Censorship, Bias Against Conservatives: ‘I Am Very Concerned,’ by Matthew Boyle, Sept. 2, 2019—can counter this totalitarian agenda.

Some of the worst examples of Journofa:

  • Carlos Maza

Journalists have ginned up outrage against YouTube for years over its alleged “white nationalist” problem. This summer, one single reporter pressured YouTube to demonetize and suspend several accounts: Carlos Maza, then with Vox.

Maza set his sights on popular conservative commentator Steven Crowder in June. Crowder occasionally said mean stuff about Maza and mocked him for being homosexual. Maza claimed this was anti-gay “hate speech” and accused YouTube of enabling a “hate crime.” At first, YouTube resisted Maza’s demand. But after a few more viral tweets from Maza, the tech company caved and demonetized Crowder.

YouTube didn’t stop there. It also demonetized several other channels, deleted hundreds of “offensive” videos, and outright banned multiple channels. YouTube announced new policies banning content that “justif[ies] discrimination, segregation or exclusion based on qualities like age, gender, race, caste, religion, sexual orientation or veteran status.” And parent company Google vowed to eradicate “borderline content” that “doesn't exactly violate policies…but which can still cause harm."[ Our ongoing work to tackle hate, June 5, 2019]

This all happened because of one sick reporter’s viral tweets.


By Patrick J. Buchanan on 09/02/2019, the 80th anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland, Vice President Mike Pence spoke in Warsaw’s Pilsudski Square of “five decades of untold suffering and death that followed” the invasion. Five decades!

What Pence was saying was that, for Poland, World War II did not end in victory but defeat and occupation by an evil empire ruled by one of the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century, Josef Stalin.

The “Liberation of Europe,” the 75th anniversary of which we celebrated at Omaha Beach on June 6, was a liberation that extended only to the Elbe River in the heart of Germany.

Beyond the Elbe, the Nazis were annihilated, but victory belonged to an equally evil ideology, for the “liberators” of Auschwitz had for decades run an archipelago of concentration camps as large as Himmler’s.

So, who really won, and who lost, the war?

By Kathy Knechtges on 09/01/2019

Above, a screenshot of Trump campaigning in West Virginia, 2016

See earlier by Kathy Knechtges: Donald Trump, Kennedy Democrats, And The Ghost Of Jimmy Hoffa and by Peter Brimelow, Goodbye, Gompers—If Webb Can’t Focus Democrats On White Working Class, Nobody Can

 When the International Association of Firefighters endorsed Joe Biden for president in early May 2019, President Donald Trump hosed down the union on Twitter: “I’ve done more for Firefighters than this dues sucking union will ever do, and I get paid ZERO!”

Former Secret Service agent and talking head Dan Bongino agreed:, “NONE of the Firemen I know are supporting Joe Biden for President”—a sentiment provoking enough positive Twitter reaction for Trump to retweet six dozen examples [Trump retweets dozens of people taking issue with a firefighters union’s endorsement of Biden, by John Wagner, The Washington Post, May 1, 2019]. Which raises a Labor Day question: Do union leaders represent their membership? Because union leadership has placed itself squarely in the camp of Open Borders Democrats who hate the Historic American Nation.

I asked my friend “George H.,” a Third-Generation union tradesman and a conservative 40-year union member, to decode today’s Leftist union madness.. He told: “The union leadership is Democrats first and union men second.”

George H. said: “The private sector construction unions are now woke to Trump. The UAW members are about 50/50 Trump. Trump had the building trades on day three of this administration.”

It appears Trump’s support is solid among union members, said George H., whose brother “worked in Ohio for three years and never heard a bad word about Trump.” Indeed, “all the tradesmen are solid for Trump, all the appointed union are anti. Twenty years they bitched about NAFTA, now Trump is fighting it. Where the hell is the union leadership?”

By John Derbyshire on 08/31/2019

Above, a much younger JD visits the Gate Of Heavenly Peace, 1983

Cultural appropriation you can love.  I like Pachelbel's Canon in D. Sure it's overplayed, but I like it, so I was stirred to action after hearing Prof. Greenberg pass some mildly snarky comments about it in one of his lectures. The precise action I was stirred to was, I used the Canon for sign-off music in my August 23rd podcast.

That brought an email from a listener. The email contained a link to a short video from Japan—a commercial, it says, so presumably run on Japanese TV.

I watched it. Then I called my wife in and we both watched it. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. (Although I think the translation needs work.)

Here's the clip.

Why don't we have commercials as good as that?


How Japan works.  My entire direct acquaintance with Japan consists of an aggregate few hours mooching around Narita airport on stopovers. I did once, long ago, make a brief and not-very-serious attempt to learn the language; but all I have retained from that is the mnemonic for the order of letters in the Japanese alphabets (they have two):

Kana Signs, Take Note How Much You Read and Write them.

The fact that I can still remember that after fortysomething years suggests that it's a really good mnemonic.

My go-to guy for matters Japanese is a friend who does speak the language and spends much of his time in Japan. His observations about the place are interesting, HBD-realist, and sometimes contradict what I read in respectable news sources.

I recently tackled him with a question about Nepalese immigrants in Japan. There are a lot of them:

According to official data, as of the end of 2018, there were approximately 89,000 Nepalese living in Japan—up 11 percent from the previous year. There are 10 times as many Nepalese living in Japan compared with 10 years ago.

Welcome to Tokyo's 'Little Nepal': A microcosm of Japan's evolving identity, by Dave Hueston,, June 20, 2019

Most of these Nepalese are apparently doing low-level service jobs.

By John Derbyshire on 08/30/2019

Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, available exclusively on comes to you from beneath the sign of Saturn. I am glum. It's nothing personal, thank God; I'm glum about the state of my country. Coming from the author of a book titled We Are Doomed, I guess that's not an astonishing thing to hear; but I'm glummer than usual. Specifically, one of my hobby-horses, the Cold Civil War, is achieving mainstream recognition. It’s not a comfortable feeling.

In support of this conclusion, I offer you two social commentaries.

The first comes from my favorite liberal. I'm not speaking sarcastically; I really like this guy, and the things he says. It’s Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist who teaches at New York University. He's the author of the 2013 book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion.

Just note the date there before I proceed: 2013.

Professor Haidt is also more recently the co-author, with Greg Lukianoff, of the 2018 book The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure.