Friday, 16 August 2019

11 Million Victorians

When I was born in 1970 there were 3 million people living in Victoria, today that number is 6 million. The Victorian State Government has recently released a report Victoria in Future in which they predict that by 2056 there will be 11 million people here.

Nearly every Government prediction about our population has been wrong. In nearly every case it has been higher than predicted. If that is the case then Melbourne will be 10 million people strong. It will reach Geelong, Ballarat, Seymour and Warragul making them all suburbs. As well as having a huge number of high rise buildings.

This is not a plan, it is not governing, it is insane. Bigger is always better they insist. Like being fat is better than being skinny. People can be too skinny, being too skinny can have health problems. However the same is true for being fat. Bigger is not always better, it comes at a cost.

Melbourne today is congested. Today I went to visit a family member, they live in what up until a decade ago was farmland. Now it is an ever expanding suburb. That is happening on every boundary of Melbourne. The traffic is heavy, even in the newest suburbs. The governments plan at Federal, State and Local level is more immigration. A never ending supply.

For most of Australia's history it's population has been primarily urban. In fact while most people inside and outside of Australia think of our bushland, 86% of Australia's population live in a city. Most of those live in Melbourne or Sydney. That means that most immigrants are also heading to Melbourne or Sydney.

The Federal Government has recently said it wants to make new immigrants live for 5 years in a regional area. Which means that small towns and cities across Australia will receive a group of people who they have nothing in common with who will eat up resources before leaving for Melbourne or Sydney. Every small town in Australia will get to opportunity to become an airport lounge. Loads of Foreigners who are just passing through.

Don't run!

There is no where to go, we will all be enriched!

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Melbourne Traditionalist Episode Two

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Five

This week we talk about the new Long Tan movie Danger Close, the fall of South Vietnam, Epstein's improbable suicide and my political red pilling.

34 minutes long

Click on the link and enjoy!

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Five

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Read More History

Sunday, 11 August 2019

The Seventy-Seventh Month

Last month I said I was going to try something different, well I did!

I have done 22 posts since my last monthly report, which is excellent considering I was doing 4 a month for most of the year. I have also begin doing a podcast each Monday for the Melbourne Traditionalists. Four episodes so far, our goal being to keep them to around 25-30 minutes long.  The last month has been very good.

Over the last month I have had 3,769 visitors, with my worst day being the 29th July when I had 57 visitors. My best day was the 31st July when I had 296 visitors.

Australia has nearly doubled in the last month and while the United States is down from last month, it got down to nearly 500 in the last month.

July - August

United States
United Kingdom
Unknown Region

 June - July

United States
Unknown Region
United Kingdom
Australia, the Ukraine, Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany and Canada are all up.

The United States and Unknown Region are both down.

The Netherlands and France both back in the top 10.

India and Brazil have both left the top 10.

I have also had visitors from the following countries: Ireland, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Georgia, Turkey, U.A.E., India, Bangladesh, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Nigeria, South Africa, New Zealand, Brazil, Columbia

I look forward to seeing you all again.
Mark Moncrieff

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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The Seventy-Sixth Month

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Australia's Immigration Slippery Slope

In the 1800's Australians feared the huge populations to our North. In 1941 that fear became reality when Japan sort to expand it's Empire into South-East Asia. Australians believed that we would also be invaded. At that time our population was 7 million.

In 1943 the Australian cabinet decided that after the war our population would increase through immigration. A policy known as "Populate or Perish", with the success of the Japanese attacks used o scare people into accepting something that they did not support. At that time it was thought that that increase in population would be mostly from the British Isles.

But Europe after WWII was in a mess and the European countries asked those countries outside of Europe to assist. Millions of Displaced Persons (DP's) lived a very precarious life in make shift camps right across Europe, but concentrated in Germany. With so much destruction accommodation was scarce and DP's were put in old barracks, ex- Prisoner of Wars camps, even ex- Concentration camps were used to house people.

The United Nations asked nearly every country outside Europe to accept DP's as permanent settlers. A friend of mine who's Polish told me his parents were given the choice of going to Venezuela or Australia. Europe was devastated, people went hungry, it was down and out. It was a real humanitarian crisis. With great reluctance Australia accepted people, so many of them came from the Baltic countries that for decades these people were called Balts.

The Australian people did not want these people, they accepted them as the price to be paid for peace and prosperity. They had sacrificed during the war and now they were being asked to make another sacrifice. The government at first resisted accepting these DP's, as did all of the countries asked. But once it had accepted them it quite liked them.

This was the start of the slippery slope, the Australian people had accepted these people reluctantly, but the government noted that they had accepted them. It began to expand it's reach. It started with Italians. Then in the 1950's to Greeks and Yugoslavs, in the 1960's to Turks, in the 1970's to the Vietnamese. In the 1970's all restrictions on race or ethnicity were withdrawn. Today people from nearly every country on Earth live in Australia. 

Australia went from trying to boost it's population to resist a future foreign invasion to our own government forcing a foreign invasion upon us. That slippery slope they keep trying to insist doesn't exist is quite slippery.

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Liberalism Versus-the Working Class

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Victoria's Top Export Earner

Victoria, where I live was once Australia's industrial heart, but today nearly all of that is gone. But don't despair as we now have a new money maker. Each year we import hundreds of thousands of students, last year 230,000. And in return they give us $11.8 billion!

Wow thats fantastic, I'm rich!

Ohhh wait my contract position finished and now I'm unemployed again and unemployment benefits in Australia haven't gone up in 25 years. But clearly someone is getting rich. At an average of $51,000 for each student I'd say quite a few people are getting rich. But not everyone, no when it comes to immigration scams not everyone can rich. Did I say scam?

Well you see if you stay long enough in Australia then you can apply for permanent residency. You might live here or you might go home, but that permanent residency means you don't have to leave Australia for ever. The length of a degree is time enough.

I have read some of the survey results from students at our Universities and they make sad reading. The Indian student who paid big money to come here to study. He returned home to no job and a lot of debt. The standard of education we give is an embarrassment. Because we long ago sold our integrity for their money. We have cheated both of us.

Australia is a country with 50 Universities and we import doctors.

Immigration is a scam at every level.

Education isn't far behind.

Upon Hope Blog - A Traditional Conservative Future
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Liberalism Fights Back

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Advertising White Genocide

The media tell us that White genocide is a myth, a conspiracy theory, something that is not at all real. So imagine my surprise when in Melbourne's best selling newspaper, I read not one, but two articles on White genocide....side by side!

First we have "The world would be better off with fewer royal babies" by Darren Levin, on page 23 from Monday, August 5, 2019. In which he writes that he has three children but "it's not our fault, we had twins", but thats for him not for you. His advice to you is:

According to research from Sweden's Lund University, the greatest contribution you could make to the fight against climate change is to have one less child.
He uses the recent announcement by Prince Harry that they will be only having two children as the hook.

If you consider that the average Brit emits nearly 10 times as much carbon as someone in India or Vietnam each year - and more than 100 times more than your average Ethiopian - can you imagine how much carbon a royal baby would spew into the atmosphere over the course of their privileged lifetime?
This will be of interest soon.

Then we have the second article "We should take migrants from more nations" by Theo Theophanous, who was the state Member of Parliament for Thomastown, just down the road from me. Mr. Theophanous writes about his recent trip to Europe where he visited Italy and Greece.

We are reshaping the composition of Australia without any debate or planning.

Quite true!

Many people I spoke to in Europe told me how much they admired our policy of stopping the boats.
But what these supporters of our policies may not know is that alongside our tough policy of stopping a few hundred refugees coming by boat, there has been a massive official immigration program of almost 200,000 each year over the past decade that is changing the demography of Australia. And what most Australians don't know is that there has been an explosion in the number of people flying to Australia in visitor visas and then applying for refugee protection visas: up from 8547 in 2014-15 to a staggering 27,931 in 2017-18. 
As a result, Australia has more than eight million overseas-born residents or about 30 per cent of it's population. The US has about 14 per cent, Germany 15 per cent, and other European countries have even less.
He sounds quite concerned, he even sounds like he agrees with us. But thats just fluff.

I think we need a high migrant intake because we are still building Australia. Study after study has shown that it is good for our economy. And as long as people we admit are supportive of our democratic values and respect our laws, I am OK with that.
But as I have argued, we must diversify our intake. If we want to retain social cohesion, if we want a truly multicultural nation, we should not have a concentration of immigrants from two or three countries.

When we talk about White genocide this is what we are talking about. One article tells us Whites to have less children and the second tells us that we need more immigration. If Whites were encouraged and supported in having their own children then we would not need immigration to create a bigger economy. And encouraging people from poor countries to come to the West increases environmental issues. But each in their own way supports our destruction, at each turn they want less Whites and more foreigners.

I would also point out that many people inside and outside Australia think that Australia's immigration policy is the height of good policy. However what Mr. Theophanous writes is correct:

 "We are reshaping the composition of Australia without any debate or planning."

It is all about ideology, not whats good for the country or it's people.

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Game of Thrones and Female Leadership 

Monday, 5 August 2019

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Four

How did you get on the Right side of politics?

That's such a good question that I asked David Hiscox from the XYZ about his political journey.

Click on the link and enjoy!

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Four

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Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Three