Frequently Asked Questions

  1. The widget does not appear or does not work correctly on my blog. What should I do?

    Visit our support page or email us at support AT linkwithin DOT com, and we will try to fix the problem.

  2. How does the widget decide what stories to show?

    Stories are chosen based on several factors, including title, tags, and content.

  3. Why does the widget sometimes show text links instead of images?

    The widget shows text links when most of the recommended posts in the widget do not have an image.

  4. How can I customize the placement of the widget on my blog?

    Modify your HTML template to add the code below at the place where you want the widget to appear:

    <div class="linkwithin_div"></div>

  5. How can I customize the text that appears above the widget?

    Modify your HTML template to include the code below:

    <script>linkwithin_text='Your custom text:'</script>

  6. Are there ads in the widget? How do you make money?

    We test revenue-generating features from time to time on a small scale. These features will always be optional if/when we roll them out.

  7. I have several blogs. How can I install the widget on each of them?

    Please repeat the installation process starting here for each blog. Simply repeating the steps on the installation page will not work because we need to generate a unique identifier for each blog.