
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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New Year’s Eve: solidarity action at deportation centre by Rotterdam/The Hague airport

received 01/02/18

On new year’s eve around 20 people held a solidarity action at the Rotterdam/The Hague airport deportation centre.

While almost the entire country was celebrating the new year, hundreds of people are awaiting deportation just because they don’t have the correct piece of paper. The prison next to the runway of Rotterdam/The Hague […]

“Armidale”, “Australia” : Shopping Center Intervention in Solidarity with Refugees on Manus Island

November 13th: People in So-Called Armidale, NSW, staged interventions in the town’s commercial hubs during peak afternoon shopping hours, using a megaphone to project statements and extracts of articles from Iranian refugee, Behrouz Boochani, who has been detained on Manus Island since 2014.

While hundreds of men are facing starvation, thirst and threats of […]

Berlin: Call out for demonstration on 9th of July

Call out from housing projects of Nordkiez in Friedrichshain, Berlin:

Defend Rigaer94! Destroy the Investor’s Paradise! On the 17th of June, we published the first call out for the 9th July neighbourhood demo “Destroy the Investor’s Paradise, Stop Carré Sama-Riga!” 5 days later the landlord, cops, and Senate cooperated in the storming of the house project […]

International Call Out for Solidarity with Rigaer 94

Dispatches from occupied Rigaer94 (Berlin)

It has now been over a week since our doors were first cut off, cops and security intruded into our housing project, installing themselves in our stairways and other previously collective spaces. From then, the speedy and aggressive eviction and destruction of the ground level of our home began. Our […]

Berlin: Rigaer94 under siege; Kadterschmiede evicted; hot days ahead…

Comrades are currently mobilising in the streets to make the eviction as expensive as possible for the cops and the Berlin Senate. Below is today’s announcement by Rigaer94.This morning, June 22nd 2016, at around 7.30am, approximately 300 cops, private security and construction workers came to our house in Rigaerstrasse 94. First, the construction workers cut […]

Berlin: Vehicle belonging to ThyssenKrupp torched by Informal Pyromaniac Conspiracy

Black December burns in Berlin’s ThyssenKrupp

«We are in the process of a qualitative upgrade of the “civilised warfare,” where one’s happiness coexists with the torment of another . . . Within this environment, anarchy acquires a strategic possibility to set fire to all forms of political representation, to become a front of open unorthodox war with […]

Lesvos Island [summer 2015]: Don’t call me a stranger

via (((●))) Candia :: Alternativa

A diy production by Sine dominis – Anarchist collective from Evangelismos squat (Heraklion, Crete), based on texts of Musaferat – Collective against detention centres (Mytilini, Lesvos island); translation and subtitling by Apatris media collective. Heraklion, Crete, September 2015.

Download video here. Download English subtitles here. Trailer here. View online here (with EN […]

Kielce, Poland: Message against arson at an open-air market

No States, No Borders! FAI-IRF

Solidarity with refugees

Video (uploaded November 9th 2015)

Today at 04:20 we placed boards of solidarity with refugees at the Kielce bazaar, where many Armenians, Bulgarians and people from the eastern border have been working for years. A few days ago (October 31st), their stands were set […]

[Poland/World] Antifrontex Days in Warsaw from 19 to 22 May 2015

Click the poster to read/spread multilingual call.

For many years, Antifrontex Days have been organised in Warsaw; it’s time to give them a new impetus and strengthen each other’s voices of protest. Thus, together, we, migrants and allies, invite you for the Antifrontex Days, which will take place in Warsaw on 19-22 May. We are waiting […]

Besançon, France: Down with the walls of Fortress Europe (and all states)

Saturday 25th April 2015, a few people gathered at place pasteur in response to the death of hundreds of refugees on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea last weekend. A banner saying “Down with the walls of Europe – No Border No Nation” was hung over the barriers of Passages Pasteur and remained for the […]

Athens: The Melina Cultural Centre in Thissio occupied by anarchists

The banner reads: “The rule of law murders. Solidarity with Nikos Romanos and the rest of comrades on hunger strike.”

Today, December 6th, 2014, we occupy the Melina Cultural Center of the City of Athens, located at the corner of 66, Herakleidon Street and Thessalonikis Street, in the Thissio neighbourhood of Athens.

The occupation […]

Athens: Gatherings in solidarity with Nikos Romanos and Yannis Michailidis (30/11)

A moto-protest in solidarity with anarchist hunger striker Nikos Romanos, who is hospitalized at the Gennimatas hospital in northern Athens, took place on Sunday afternoon the 30th of November. More than 200 demonstrators drove off from the city centre and made a short stop at Syntagma Square, where families of refugees from Syria – many […]

Basel, Switzerland: German federal police car torched in solidarity with refugees

Early on Tuesday morning, October 7th, 2014, a car of the German federal police was set ablaze at the Badischer railway station [operated by the German railway company Deutsche Bahn] in the city of Basel. The vehicle was burned to the ground. This action was carried out in solidarity with the struggling refugees in Berlin […]

EU joint police operation against migrants


An EU-wide police operation with the name “mos maiorum” is taking place from Monday the 13th to Sunday the 26th of October 2014. During these two weeks 18,000 police forces will chase people without papers. They want to find out about our migration routes and arrest as many of us as possible.

Please warn all people […]

Berlin: Gürtelstraße rooftop occupation ended

After 13 days of continuous protest, the last refugees left the hostel roof on Gürtelstraße 39 in Friedrichshain on Sunday evening, September 7th. The next day, around 1,000 people marched through Friedrichshain in solidarity with refugees and against the ignorance with which the Berlin policy reacted to the refugee protest.


Berlin: Gürtelstraße 39 update

On Sunday evening, August 31st, a large demo started from Warschauer Straße in Friedrichshain and reached the Gürtelstraße and Scharnweberstraße junction, at one of the police blockades around the besieged former hostel, where refugees are threatened with eviction and deportation process since the morning of the 26th. The participation of people in solidarity in the […]

Berlin: Raw news from the refugee protest in Friedrichshain

on the 28th of August there was an evening demo from Frankfurter Tor with around 500 people. cops tried to break it two times. they beat up people. one arrest was confirmed. the demo was crumbling after the arab group (antiimperialist communist group, which also organised the ‘revolutionary may 1st demo’) announced that the cops […]

‘Attack’ against Berlin Foreigners Registration Office in Moabit

Racism kills!

Tonight, in the early hours of Saturday, August 30th, 2014, we – a small group of small humans – smashed the windows of your workplace and sprayed slogans on your walls.

It’s not your windowpanes and walls, we know it, it’s the windows of your employer, the windows of your State, which […]

Berlin: Gürtelstraße 39 solidarity group update

Translators’ note: Below is an update from August 27th, 2014 retrieved from We may not share all of the views expressed, but we feel it offers a good overview of the situation. The German original text is also spread in the streets.

Refugees are still protesting on the roof of the hostel on Gürtelstraße 39 […]

Berlin: Raw news following crackdown on refugees in Friedrichshain

previous updates here

August 27th, after 16:00 (local time):

– refugees are still occupying the roof of the former hostel Georgenhof in Gürtelstraße (the hotel Georgenhof, where anti-riots cops were stationed yesterday, is another building right next to the hostel)

– the cops deny them food, water and any contact with their lawyers; they also deny […]

Germany: Large-scale police operation against refugees in Berlin

Since yesterday, August 25th, 2014, after reports in the mainstream media that the migration office rejected the applications for asylum of 108 refugees, there have been preparations for the eviction of these refugees, who occupied the Oranienplatz in Kreuzberg in the past (and were evicted in early April 2014) but later signed contracts with the […]

Berlin: Some impressions from anti-eviction protest in Kreuzberg

previous updates here

Below is a brief update from street protest against the besiege of the refugee squat in Ohlauer Street, in Kreuzberg, threatened with complete eviction since the 24th of June. We write this down to share what we experienced on July 1st, hoping that it can somehow help comrades to form a view of […]

Berlin: Poster against the eviction and besiege of the refugees in Ohlauer Street +Updates

Berlin: „Kugeln für Herrmann, Henkel, Panhoff“ – Arson on Tempelhof-Kreuzberg District Court

We bring light into the darkness…

A militant intervention: 4 tires, 10 liters of petrol.

In the night toward Friday, June 27th, 2014, we set fire to the district court in Kreuzberg. This is only a small symbolic act to support our friends in struggle against the prevailing conditions.

Our solidarity goes to the refugees of Gerhart Hauptmann […]

Berlin: An update on the situation at the refugee school in Ohlauer Street

According to a brief report from the 26th of June, here, cops have announced that they will enter the school very soon to “check the situation”. There is a danger that they will use this action to evict the place entirely. Also, they are obviously trying to disturb the cell phone signals in order to […]