
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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[Germany] Text about the wave of repression in connection with the resistance against the G20 summit in Hamburg

Spontaneous protest against repression in the streets of many German cities after police raids in early December 2017 (in Kiel, about 70 participated in the protests)

Summary for our internationalist comrades G20-Repression Prisoners * Conditions in the prison * Trials * Video- and Photo publications * House raids

The G20 summit and the euphoric […]

Russia: Support anarchist and antifa prisoners in St.Petersburg and Penza!

received on 31.01.18

Fundraising for lawyers working on cases about police raids and arrests of anarchists and antifascists in St. Petersburg and Penza, Russia has begun. At the moment two persons in St. Petersburg and five in Penza are arrested, more are connected to the case as witnesses. Raids and repressions are likely to continue. Arrested […]

Brazil: Against “Operation Erebo”

received 10/26/17

Police started the so called “Operation Erebo” aiming to prosecute anarchists in Porto Alegre city, south region of the territory under domain of bra$silian state. This operation is an attempt to arrest anarchists that supposedly took part in informal activities since 2013.

About this case, we don’t have nothing to say but the […]

Switzerland [July 2016]: House searches in Zürich and St. Gallen

Received August 4th 2016:

Ding Dong – It’s the State

On Sunday July 10th 2016, it came for another time to house searches in Zürich and St. Gallen. This time it was 3 of these raids. The reason stated on the search warrant that had been authorized through Zürich’s prosecution was “arson, etc.”, as we came to […]

Berlin: Rigaer94 under siege; Kadterschmiede evicted; hot days ahead…

Comrades are currently mobilising in the streets to make the eviction as expensive as possible for the cops and the Berlin Senate. Below is today’s announcement by Rigaer94.This morning, June 22nd 2016, at around 7.30am, approximately 300 cops, private security and construction workers came to our house in Rigaerstrasse 94. First, the construction workers cut […]

Athens: Kleous 96 squat in Exarchia raided by cops; 3 arrested; house re-squatted

“Hands Off Kleous 96 Squat – Immediate Release of the 3 Arrestees”; banner on Alexandras Avenue during gathering outside GADA (Athens police headquarters) in solidarity with the 3 arrested squatters

A privately-owned building located on 96, Themistokleous Street in the neighbourhood of Exarchia was squatted just a few days ago.

On June 14th 2016, […]

Warsaw, Poland: Three anarchists remanded on charges of attempted explosive attack

In the early hours of May 23rd 2016, three anarchists were arrested near a parking lot in the Warsaw district of Włochy for allegedly placing a homemade explosive device under a cop car in an attempt to attack the local police station. The three comrades – aged 17, 31 and 35 years – refused to […]

Koridallos prison: Searches of cells and ‘ghosting’ of dozens of prisoners

April 18th 2016 | Updates via Athens IMC:

Last night, shortly after midnight, the EKAM special suppressive antiterrorist unit and other police forces raided the 1st and the 4th wing of Koridallos men’s prison.

At least 150 cops, along with judicial functionaries and representatives of the justice ministry, conducted raids in the cells of all prisoners in […]

Berlin: Political projects of Friedrichshain’s northKiez call for a demonstration on 6/2

After the major offensive on Rigaer 94 by 500 cops, SEK, a K-9 unit and a helicopter, the northKiez of Friedrichshain is still under siege. There are constant controls all around Rigaerstraße and the streets are patrolled by massive swathes of cops.

We take the attack on the night of 13.01.2016 on Rigaer 94 and the […]

Copenhagen, Denmark: On the recent repression

At 5.30 am Thursday August 13, the anti-authoritarian collective Bumzen was raided by a gang of masked cops from the police anti-criminal gang unit. They were followed by an army of armoured cops, who handcuffed everyone present in the building at the time.The pretext given was that they were looking for participants in a riotous […]

Brussels: “Anti-terrorist” raids of comrades’ homes and Le Passage

This Wednesday June 10th 2015, just before 6am, different anti-terrorism teams raided four comrades’ houses as well as Le Passage, the local space of struggle against the maxi-prison. These raids were conducted as part of an operation named “Cavale” [On the run].

Six comrades were shipped off to the federal police offices, then released around 1pm […]

Pandora’s box and the hotchpotch of Spanish anti-terrorism

(Anarchists at the Spanish consulate in San Francisco, USA)

The morning of Tuesday the 16th of December has surprised us with a wave of house raids and arrests. Surprised us? We are not going to lie. Let’s start again. The morning of the 16th of December has NOT surprised us. The autonomous Catalan […]

[Spanish State] Poster in solidarity with comrades arrested in Operation Pandora

A bank account has been opened in solidarity with the comrades arrested in Operation Pandora in Madrid and Barcelona: ES68 3025 0001 19 1433523907 (Caixa d’Enginyers).

Tag in Spanish | For more information: solidaridadylucha(at)

İstanbul: Caferağa Mahalle Evi, squatted community centre in Kadıköy, evicted

Caferağa Mahalle Evi declaration about the eviction and evacuation of the house:

On the 1st of December 2014 we were notified that Caferağa Solidarity’s Mahalle Evi – where we’ve been living since January 2014 – would be evicted on Friday the 5th of December, at 10am, due to an inquiry of the General Directorate of National […]

Messolonghi, Greece: An anarchist comrade sent in pretrial detention

In the evening of October 29th, 2014, two comrades were badly beaten by undercover cops shortly after they hung a banner against national celebrations reading “Every fatherland is a prison – Class consciousness, instead of national consciousness” in the central square of Messolonghi, where nearly 30 neo-Nazis of the Golden Dawn were gathered at the […]

Greece: Text by anarchist Stella Antoniou after her detention in Thessaloniki

On July 14th, I traveled from Athens to Thessaloniki to stay there until the 16th of July, when I planned to return to Athens; personally, when I got bail conditions, I was not banned from exiting Attica.

There I was hosted by a couple of comrades. Thanos Chatziaggelou, who is one of the comrades that hosted […]

Athens: Comrades raided by police in Exarchia

After Nikos Maziotis was recaptured, anti-terror cops stormed a house of comrades in Exarchia on the 17th of July and conducted a search, denying them the right to the presence of a lawyer. In addition, five of those who gathered in solidarity in front of the house were detained (the five comrades were released after […]

Greece: A text in response to ongoing raids on homes of comrades in Athens and Thessaloniki

Below is a text handed out by the Anarchists assembly for the connection of struggles within the prison-society (“Sasta”), in Thessaloniki, concerning recent house searches in the framework of an anti-terrorist “pincer operation” unleashed by the Greek police against anarchist/antiauthoritarian individuals since January 21st, 2014.

Lately, in the cities of Thessaloniki and Athens, cops of the […]

Belgium: Second wave of raids for the “Operation Ashes”

Saturday, September 28, 2013

As a reminder, on May 22, 2013, in the morning, the antiterrorist section of the Belgian federal police conducted a first wave of raids on houses where anarchists and anti-authoritarian comrades live among other people; the anarchist library Acrata was searched as well. The eleven persons present were arrested and led to […]

Thessaloniki, Greece: The Orfanotrofio was resquatted and reevicted; mass detentions

(footage from corporate media: 1, 2, 3, 4)

On Saturday morning, September 28th, 2013 a group of comrades reoccupied the evicted Orfanotrofio squat in the district of Toumba, Thessaloniki. Shortly afterwards, they released a collective communiqué about their action, and went out on the rooftop of the building unfolding a banner reading “RESQUATTED.” In the meantime, […]

Greece: Keli squat, which was evicted in July, re-squatted in Igoumenitsa

“The Rebels Are Right! Solidarity with All Squats! –Keli squat, against the State, fascists and musclemen”

On September 3, the Keli (Cell of Freedom) squat was reoccupied.* This was our short response to the ongoing state repression against anarchists and squatters.

As we have already said, the fight goes on and will continue.

In addition, […]

Greece: Cops evicted the Orfanotrofio squat in Thessaloniki

In the morning hours of September 2nd, 2013 the Greek police conducted another anti-squatting operation, this time against the Orfanotrofio squat, a former orphanage in the district of Toumba, Thessaloniki.

Seven squatters were arrested inside the building and charged with violating the law regarding occupation of public buildings, as well as weapon possession (an […]

Hamburg: Attack on courthouse

What cops and other state servants enforce on the streets through control and all-out repression is being legitimized and accomplished by the Court. Every day, in their theatre of ‘justness,’ they decide on people’s future, punish them, lock them up, and destroy lives. Really, a few stones and some paint are not too much to […]

Cardiff, Wales: Solidarity with squats in Patras, and raided houses in Berlin

Click image to read the communiqué by the Antagonistic Collective Against Boredom (ACAB).

translation in Greek here

Berlin: Demo in solidarity with comrades raided by police on August 14th

According to first reports, there were huge police raids on eight house projects and apartments in Berlin, including the Rigaer 94, this morning (14/8). The cops are supposedly looking for people responsible for attacks on various job centers (‘welfare offices’) as well as a recent molotov attack against police, who were conducting a […]