
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Austria: Anarchist Black Cross solidarity event at ABC Solidarity Fest Vienna [20.-23. April 2017]

Solidarity event of “Anarchist Black Cross – Solidarity Cell” with imprisoned comrades of Koridallos prison (Athens) @ ABC FESTIVAL VIENNA (20. – 23. April 2017)

“As anarchists, we perceive the need of a multiform anarchist struggle, posing the issue of attack against state and vassalage that is imposed, with every means possible, here and now.”(from the […]

Athens: Responsibility claim for two incendiary actions

Originally published February 7th 2016:

An incendiary contribution by FAI to the proposal for an informal anarchist platform “One day, all will have to be risked at once, Western style, Main Street shootout style: them or us. Faced with this solitude, one’s own city creates its sympathies, tepid dams made of toothpicks that occasionally […]

Scotland: ATMs sabotaged in the wider area of Edinburgh [updated]

Scotland, Edinburgh, 22/12/2015:

At night of the 22/12 I sabotaged 3 ATMs in the wider area of Edinburgh. I used polyurethane foam to block all entrances and exits. This material expands and becomes solid after some time. In this way I attack the walls of my civilized existence. Wildness doesn’t exist in the ghost of Nature. […]

Melbourne, so-called Australia: Paint and sledgehammer attack against BAE Systems

Received December 31st:

In the final hours of December 2015 we attacked the offices of the defense contractor BAE Systems on River Boulevard in Richmond with paint and sledge hammers.

BAE Systems make billions from war and their technology is responsible for countless civilian deaths worldwide.

This action was carried out as part of Black December, a month […]

[Greek prisons] Nikos Romanos: “Requiem for a Journey of No Return”

in PDF

Below, anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos gives his account of what preceded the assassination of Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th 2008.

Received November 30th 2015:

Requiem for a Journey of No Return

Today, I will begin to speak about what should be imprinted as an authentic testimony of the soul to revolutionary memory. My own soul’s testimony concerning […]

[Greek prisons] For a new combat position of anarchist insurgency – For a Black December

I hate the individual who bends his body under the weight of an unknown power, of some X, of a god.

I hate, I say, all those who, surrendering to others, out of fear, out of resignation, a part of their power as a man, are not only crushed themselves but crush […]

Egaleo, Athens: Benefit gig for arrestees of the 17/09 demo that ended in clashes in Exarchia

Spread the word!

Monday, September 21st 2015, inside the occupied Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens in Egaleo — ten minute walk from Aghia Marina metro station

Graffiti Festival + Open Mics (bring your spray paints) at 16:00 Rap Live by ‘to miasma’, ‘ex nihilo’, ‘ola denoun’ at 20:30

–Assembly of anarchists/antiauthoritarians at the occupied TEI of Athens

Note […]

About some car fires in recent weeks in Berlin…

For Mónica Caballero, Nikos Romanos, Francisco Solar, Nikos Maziotis and all upright prisoners, for those who burn the vehicles of the prison-construction company Vinci in the streets of Paris and have celebrated the 14 July national holiday in their own way, for the untouchables that throw once again μολότοφ [Molotov cocktails] and stones through the […]

London: The Anarchist Struggle Against Prisons In Greece (Event)

Saturday 4th July at the Elephant & Castle Social Centre in London

Greek prisons: Nikos Romanos’ request for educational leave denied for the umpteenth time

On June 12th 2015, comrades in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos reported that the Koridallos prison board – the prosecutor Nikolaos Poimenidis, the prison director Charalambia Koutsomichali, and the social work assistant Vassiliki Fragathoula – unanimously rejected the comrade’s request for educational leave, and instead proposed to “facilitate” distance learning examinations inside the Second […]

Athens: Business of fascist parliamentarian attacked with gas canisters

Crush the fascists (A)

At a time when voters were getting ready to hand over their dignity to the ballot boxes by delegating the administration of their lives to the country’s political staff, an incendiary cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation went on the offensive, thus wanting to contribute to an intensification of […]

France: Attacks against the Socialist Party (PS)

We Own the Night

In the night between Thursday the 11th and Friday the 12th of December 2014, we broke the windows, signs and digital door locks of the offices of the Socialist Party located on the streets of Cour-des-Noues (20th arrondissement of Paris) and 14 juillet (Les Lilas).

Attack Power wherever found!

Solidarity with Nikos Romanos.

Paris: A.N.A.B

On the night of December 4th, an EDF-GDF car was set on fire on the rue de l’Atlas in the 19th arrondissement. All Nucleocrats Are Bastards.

A thought for Nikos Romanos, in struggle for his life.* A thought for Alexis Grigoropoulos, six years since his assassination by the pigs.

“I am very hungry. If you murder Nikos, […]

Athens: Communiqué of the occupied Polytechnic School, 11/12/2014

Beyond victory and defeat

Anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos employing the only means he had in his disposal within the confinement of prison, his body, conducted a hard and decisive struggle starting on 10/11/2014, demanding a breath of freedom. Using the contradictions of the legal system, he confronted it and exposed these contradictions. The State, while maintaining […]

Athens: Nikos Romanos ended his hunger strike

Nikos Romanos, anarchist prisoner in Greece, was on hunger strike from the 10th of November until the 10th of December 2014. The judicial mechanisms refused his furlough request to attend university classes. In response to this, multiform actions of solidarity took place inside and outside the prisons of Greek democracy and internationally.

Most of all, it […]

Vienna: Remember, Remember, the 6th of December

On December 6th, 2014, around 80 people participated in a solidarity gathering that took place in Vienna’s Karlsplatz in remembrance of Alexandros Grigoropoulos and for Nikos Romanos and the other revolutionary prisoners in Greece.

From the call:

Nikos Romanos witnessed the murder of 15-year-old Alexis Grigoropoulos by a Greek police officer. The killing of the young school […]

Germany: Solidarity with Nikos Romanos from Nuremberg

(originally released on 7.12.2014)

We hung this banner in the West of Nuremberg to publicly show our solidarity with Nikos Romanos in the short run. We wish the comrade much strength in the struggle against the Greek classist justice.

Organize class autonomy. Against the domination of patriarchy, Capital and the State.

The crisis is permanent. December 6th will […]

Denmark: Solidarity gathering at the Greek embassy in Copenhagen, 3/12/2014

retrieved from athens imc (1, 2)

Greek prisons: Solidarity with anarchist Nikos Romanos and the rest of prisoners in struggle

Footage of clashes in Exarchia, downtown Athens, December 6th, 2014:

Anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos, currently hospitalized in critical condition in Athens, has been on a hunger strike since the 10th of November 2014. His request for educational leaves – to which he’s entitled since September 2014 – has been repeatedly denied by the Greek justice system.

In […]

Tampere: Solidarity to Nikos Romanos

A modest expression of solidarity to Nikos Romanos from Tampere, Finland.

Athens: Headquarters of the private sector union GSEE occupied by anarchists and anti-authoritarian communists since 4/12

“They told us you’ll conquer when you submit. We submitted and found ashes.” [George Seferis]

As of December 4th, 2014, we have occupied the building of GSEE (Greece’s General Confederation of Workers) in a display of solidarity with anarchist Nikos Romanos, who is on hunger strike since the 10th of November. Anarchist Nikos Romanos is a […]

İstanbul: DAF and other groups salute comrade Nikos Romanos

“Freedom for Romanos – Long live anarchism – Revolutionary Anarchist Action (DAF)”

police in front of Greece’s consulate

Today, we were in streets for Alexis who was murdered by Greek State and for Nikos Romanos who is in hunger strike for 26 days against the repression of the same state.

Today, we […]

Athens: The Melina Cultural Centre in Thissio occupied by anarchists

The banner reads: “The rule of law murders. Solidarity with Nikos Romanos and the rest of comrades on hunger strike.”

Today, December 6th, 2014, we occupy the Melina Cultural Center of the City of Athens, located at the corner of 66, Herakleidon Street and Thessalonikis Street, in the Thissio neighbourhood of Athens.

The occupation […]

İstanbul: ELF/Insurrectionary Solidarity Faction sabotaged a road roller for Nikos Romanos

On the night of December 1st, 2014, we broke the windows of a road roller and cut its cables in the Kocasinan district of Istanbul, with the intention of showing our solidarity to anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos, who is on hunger strike for 26 days, and then to Yannis Michailidis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Dimitris Politis, […]

Piraeus: Open letter of hospitalized comrade Yannis Michailidis, on hunger strike since November 17th

I write these lines to express how much I was touched by the widespread and polymorphous solidarity activity of comrades outside the prison walls.

Not only because its extent, imaginativeness, organizing-coordinating, tenacity and aggressiveness so far have surpassed all my expectations, knowing that significant state and capitalist buildings, and radio and television stations have […]