Environment & Ecology

A society in struggle on the slopes of Mauna Kea

In their resistance against the construction of a telescope on Mauna Kea mountain, Hawai’ians and their allies are building a new society altogether.

People & Power

Flare up like a forest fire

Watching the Amazon burn, it is hard not to feel despair. But we have to remind ourselves that social transformations can take off as rapidly as a forest fire.

Intellectuals & Ideas

On alienation, the Situationists and everyday revolution

In this rare interview, former Situationist Raoul Vaneigem shares his thoughts on the revolt of the Gilets Jaunes, technological progress and the failings of intellectualism.

Autonomy & Authority

Zapatistas announce major expansion of autonomous territories

In a surprise announcement, the EZLN proclaim the creation of 11 new “caracoles” and autonomous municipalities, significantly expanding the territory under rebel control.

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