Options Bodega Pop Live with Gary Sullivan: Playlist from September 13, 2017 Options

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Gary Sullivan spelunks New York City’s teeming immigrant-run shops collecting Abigbo, Bollywood funk, Cantopop, Nortec, Shibuya-kei and pure pop from Peru to Palestine—and all points in between. Grab the best of the booty at bodegapop.com … and shake your own booty with Gary here each week, live.

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Options September 13, 2017: Typical (Atypical)
Recent finds from bodegas in Astoria, Corona, Elmhurst, Forest Hills, Greenpoint, Harlem, Jackson Heights, Jamaica, and LeFrak City

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time
Music behind DJ:
Bodega Pop 
Intro   Options Bodega Pop Live  2017     
Laxmikant-Pyarelal  Title Music   Options Roti  1974  India  0:06:41 ()
Unknown Egyptian Artists  Track 5   Options Upper Dance    Egypt  0:08:36 ()
Safet Isović  Track 8   Options Iz Bosankse Sehare 2    Bosnia  0:10:00 ()
RD Burman | Asha Bhosle  Nahin Nahin Abhi Nahin   Options Jawani Diwani  1972  India  0:12:55 ()
Pacotille  Dem   Options Yaay Mber  2006  Senegal  0:16:50 ()
M'mah Doumbouya  Abarafa   Options Album Abarafa    Guinea / France / USA  0:19:51 ()
Tego Calderón  ¿Cómo Me Llamo Yo?   Options The Underdog / El Subestimado  2006  Puerto Rico  0:24:33 ()
Gaby Zevallos  Ayer   Options Selección de Gaby Zevallos  2015  Peru  0:26:55 ()
Music behind DJ:
Unknown Egyptian Artists 
Track 1   Options Upper Dance    Egypt  0:29:40 ()
Kazik  Czekając Na Wczoraj   Options Piosenki Toma Waitsa  2003  Poland  0:36:29 ()
Kazik  Cmentarna Polka   Options Piosenki Toma Waitsa  2003  Poland  0:39:14 ()
Kazik  Tuż Za Oknem Mym   Options Piosenki Toma Waitsa  2003  Poland  0:41:49 ()
Kazik  W Brzuchu Wieloryba   Options Piosenki Toma Waitsa  2003  Poland  0:49:51 ()
Kazik  W Głębokim Dole   Options Piosenki Toma Waitsa  2003  Poland  0:53:44 ()
Kazik  Rozpacz Płynie Rzeką Poprzez Świat   Options Piosenki Toma Waitsa  2003  Poland  0:58:35 ()
Music behind DJ:
Track 7   Options Rax Fok El Tabla    Egypt  1:03:45 ()
E.K. Nyame & Kwabena Okai  Meba Wiase Mu   Options Tribute to E.K. Nyame    Ghana  1:09:16 ()
Lord Kenya  Sikabaa   Options Slip Dance Album    Ghana  1:13:09 ()
Joe Frazier  Atofie   Options Slip Dance Album    Ghana  1:17:24 ()
Nkasei  Tsibom   Options Yefri Tuabodom  2005  Ghana  1:22:29 ()
Eduwoji  Obaa Kyere Me   Options Yenko Nkoaa    Ghana  1:27:27 ()
Dada K.D.  Waye Me Ankonam   Options Odu Mensu    Ghana  1:32:10 ()
Kofi Nti Akonta  Ema Awon De Me   Options Akonta    Ghana  1:36:50 ()
Music behind DJ:
Superu (Instrumental)   Options Yenko Nkoaa    Ghana  1:40:57 ()
Akvarium / Аква́риум  Миша из города скрипящих статуй (Misha from the city of creaking statues)   Options Треугольник  1981  Russia  1:47:06 ()
Exadactylus  The Kids Are All Right   Options Rock Now!  1971  Greece  1:49:42 ()
Warda  Haramt Ahibak   Options Warda    Algeria / Egypt  1:53:25 ()
Dur Dur Band feat. Sahra Dawo  Gorof (Elixir)   Options Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes from the Horn of Africa  2017  Somalia  2:00:06 ()
Wiki  Islander   Options No Mountains in Manhattan  2017  USA | Antonio Hernandez, Alex Epton & Patrick "Wiki" Morales  2:05:33 ()
Music behind DJ:
Nana Wusu 
Ogye (Instrumental)   Options Ogye    Ghana  2:07:34 ()
Ex Tempore  Prijezd hostu - Overtura   Options Zabijacka  1979  Czechoslovakia  2:12:56 ()
Ex Tempore  Prijezd hostu   Options Zabijacka  1979  Czechoslovakia  2:17:03 ()
Ex Tempore  Veprova zpoved   Options Zabijacka  1979  Czechoslovakia  2:24:39 ()
Ex Tempore  Zranice   Options Zabijacka  1979  Czechoslovakia  2:27:11 ()
Ex Tempore  Stryc Venda   Options Zabijacka  1979  Czechoslovakia  2:29:32 ()
Ex Tempore  Lava a stava   Options Zabijacka  1979  Czechoslovakia  2:32:19 ()
Ex Tempore  Den co den   Options Zabijacka  1979  Czechoslovakia  2:37:18 ()
Music behind DJ:
Dla El Hoanam 
Tabla Ala Hak   Options Oriental Music    Egypt  2:40:36 ()
Joanne Gordon  Blow Roland Blow   Options Reggae Anthology: Randy's 50th Anniversary [Disc 1]  2008  Jamaica  2:43:48 ()
Carlene Davis  Don't You Stop the Music   Options 15 Classics of Carlene Davis  2008  Jamaica  2:46:08 ()
Carroll Thompson  I'm So Sorry   Options Hopelessly in Love    Jamaica  2:50:44 ()
Julie Ann (Judy Mowatt)  The Gardener   Options Reggae Anthology - Joe Gibbs: Scorchers From The Early Years [Disc 2]    Jamaica  2:55:22 ()
Music behind DJ:
Catrina Paslaru 
Hei La Bodega   Options Hei La Bodega - Carnaval!  2000    2:57:33 ()

Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 6:57pm listener james from westwood:

Owing to news of that Bodega app from earlier today (Silicon Valley types thinking they'll disrupt neighborhood food provision, ::eyeroll::), and its being dragged on Twitter all day, I've had Bodega Pop on the brain since the opening whistle. So, glad to be here for actual finds from ACTUAL bodegas!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 6:58pm Gary:

Wait, whaaa ... ? Hey there, James!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:02pm Doug Schulkind:

What Listener James is trying to say is...

Bodega Pop = good
Bodega ( www.fastcompany.com... ) Assholes = bad
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:02pm listener james from westwood:

What Doug said.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:03pm Gary:

Uh oh ... will have to look this up ... HEY DOUG!
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:03pm Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

Oh yeah I was wondering about that
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:06pm listener james from westwood:

I swear, folks leaving big tech firms need a few months in a virtual reality cabinet or holodeck or something to regain a sense of human empathy so they at least look beneath the surface at the functional fucking communities their Google buses speed them past.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:07pm Gary:

Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:08pm Kenzo (Ken's Last Ever):

friggin robots
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:09pm Parq:

Trying to think of bodegas I know that are in neighborhoods full of the type of people who would be eager to do business with Bodega-dot-com. Not coming up with many.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:09pm Parq:

Not to say the guys trying to set this thing up aren't smug assholes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:12pm Gary:

Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:19pm hyde:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:19pm Gary:

Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:24pm Parq:

By the way, I just love the concept of tonight's show. So great to know that this sort of stuff is available in the bodegas of Queens.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:28pm Gary:

And it was all found within the last month or two
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:30pm Parq:

Gary, what percentage of what you grab turns out to be memorable? Not asking in a judging or challenging way, just curious.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:36pm Parq:

Yes, I'm here for the Polish set! I brought back a bunch of music from Poland last year, and people told me about Kult, but, sad to say, I didn't pick up any.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:38pm Gary:

Oh, you should look them up, Parq! Go to Music Planet in Greenpoint -- that's where I got this
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:48pm hyde:

this set just makes me want kiszka
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:48pm Parq:

These are some of the best Waits songs, and yes, it makes complete sense that a guy from Warsaw would relate to them.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:49pm hyde:

but who stole the kiszka?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:51pm Gary:

I never sausage a kiszka
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:53pm hyde:

i once knew someone who had a cat named Kishka. She was probably the dumbest cat i have ever known (which is saying something)
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 7:53pm Parq:

It was his pierogi-tive.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:53pm Webhamster Henry:

Hi Gary - this is a real click- starry show! Make sure Ken hears it becasue I think he's run out of Khlam tracks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:55pm Webhamster Henry:

Stashu could also play Cmentarna Polka.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:55pm Gary:

Webhamster Henry! Forgive me for being thick, but what is "Khlam"?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:58pm Webhamster Henry:

Khlam is a Russian loud rock-jazz group that Ken was obsessed with for some time. They broke up some years ago, recorded material is limited.
  Wed. 9/13/17 7:59pm Jill B.:

Good Evening and all you Bodegaistas! James your comments are so right on!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 7:59pm melinda:

Hi gang!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:00pm Gary:

Oh, I'll have to look them up. We're going to hear a kind of jazz-rockish sort of band later this evening, from Czechoslovakia
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:00pm Gary:

Mom! How are you?!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:00pm Gary:

Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 8:00pm Parq:

Eating this up like bigos, Gary, but just gotta get out of here. Catch the last reel when I get home.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:01pm Gary:

See ya, Parq!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:01pm melinda:

Polish Waits covers, cool.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:04pm Webhamster Henry:

A real tongue twister, that Rozpacz Płynie Rzeką Poprzez Świat
  Wed. 9/13/17 8:04pm Jill B.:

I'm doing pretty good. I keep seeing Pearl our the corner of my eye. I know she is out there somewhere looking down on me. After the first of the year we might be up for adopting another furry angel.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 8:05pm hyde:

hello to Jill B!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:07pm Webhamster Henry:

Rain Dogs! Cemetary Polka
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:07pm Webhamster Henry:

You're Innocent When You Dream would be good in Polish.
  Wed. 9/13/17 8:08pm Jill B.:

Hey Hyde. Good to see you here!!!!
  Wed. 9/13/17 8:10pm Jill B.:

Oh, I love this one Gary!
  Wed. 9/13/17 8:16pm peter:

hi from Tucson, AZ, Gary! from peter and lauren
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:17pm Gary:

Well, hello there, Peter and Lauren! Hope you guys are doing well!
  Wed. 9/13/17 8:27pm Jill B.:

So, would this be considered Ghana rap? Just wondering.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:27pm Gary:

  Wed. 9/13/17 8:29pm Jill B.:

Wow, I finally figured out what I have been listening to, I love it! Seems better than US rap.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:32pm Gary:

There's a lot of great -- and various -- US rap, but this is definitely quite different!
  Wed. 9/13/17 8:33pm Jill B.:

Throughout this section of Bodega Pop I have been dancing in my heart! Feels good.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:37pm Gary:

Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:48pm Webhamster Henry:

I had an Akvarium record ... It may have disappeared in the great deacquisitioning of 2010.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:50pm Webhamster Henry:

"Misha in the city of creaking statues?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:51pm Gary:

Ding Ding! Yes
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:51pm Webhamster Henry:

скрипящих might also mean "Fiddling" since скрипка is a violin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:53pm Gary:

  Wed. 9/13/17 8:54pm Jill B.:

This is another great one!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 8:55pm Gary:

Warda rules!
  Wed. 9/13/17 8:58pm Jill B.:

  Wed. 9/13/17 9:02pm Jill B.:

Thanks for the uplifting evening dear Gary. Off to rustle up some food. Will to tune in next week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:03pm Gary:

Night, Mom! I'll give you a call soon ...
  Wed. 9/13/17 9:05pm Jill B.:

Okey dokey!
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:09pm hyde:

ouch, my new shared house cat just carved me up proper
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:11pm hyde:

tho to be fair, i was taunting him
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:13pm northguineahills:

I used to work in Lefrak City (2005-2007)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:14pm Gary:

Ouch, Hyde. Hi, NGH! Most of the CDs I played are actually from that era, I believe (based on the 2015 date of one of them) ...
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:15pm northguineahills:

The Q59 bus from Williamsburg was so erratic, that taking the L to the G to E/F to the R/M was actually faster.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:17pm hyde:

@Gary my last two cats that i owned were slow, indoor dopes. need to adjust to the fast, stringy outdoor type.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:18pm Gary:

The busses here are verrrrrry hit or miss
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:20pm northguineahills:

Still no power, but my driveway no longer has trees blocking it.

I somehow have become living catnip. While taking walks in my neighborhood, all of these outdoor cats come up to me for pettings, and the purr when I pick them up. One owner was flabbergasted as he said that his cat usually shreds his friends. Must be my diet?
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:21pm northguineahills:

Hoping to go home tomorrow. I hope I don't have to use to many holiday days for work.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:22pm Gary:

Damn, I forget that there are still a LOT of people w/out power down there
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:24pm northguineahills:

too many
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:25pm northguineahills:

The only reason my parents got power after 16 hours is that they're on the same power grid as the hospital. 1km, everyone is w/o power.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:25pm Gary:

Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:26pm northguineahills:

1 km away... (brain, fingers, not cooperating).
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:27pm northguineahills:

(Which is why I knew this was a good place to hunker down for the storm).
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:32pm northguineahills:

Not familiar w/ Ex Tempore, digging...
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:33pm Gary:

A very lucky find!
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:34pm hyde:

yeah, i'm with ngh. don't know this band, but it's cool.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:38pm northguineahills:

and from 79, the only other amazing band from the same era I can think of is the Plastic People of the Universe.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:38pm northguineahills:

(Czech band)
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:40pm Gary:

Plastic People of the Universe played literally around the corner from me at the Bohemian Hall Beer Garden a few years ago and ... I somehow managed to miss them
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:44pm northguineahills:

A month ago, the Bohemian Hall Beer Garden had a chamber orchestra play a bunch of modern avant Czech pieces. I really wanted to go (if I was near). I miss that place.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:45pm Gary:

WTF! How did I miss *that* one?!?
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:47pm Gary:

Tonight on Larry Grogan's Testify! coming up in a dozen minutes, "All aboard for LA, SanFran, Woodstock, Ghana, Java, Addis Abbaba and points West..." wfmu.org...
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:48pm hyde:

oh no, not Woodstock
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:48pm northguineahills:

I heard about here on WFMU.

To all of you Massholes out there, I saw SW Mass utility trucks helping to restore power. Thankyou!
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:48pm northguineahills:

I know, hyde, not my favorite Peanuts character either.
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:49pm Gary:

Ha ha
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:49pm Gary:

If Larry's playin it, I'm sure it rocks
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:51pm hyde:

heh, true
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:54pm Parq:

Mrs. Parq is back (from -- ta da! -- Queens, where she teaches immigrant students) so I gotta lower the volume a bit. Landmark show, Gary. Thanks so much.
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:55pm northguineahills:

Thanks Gary, superb as per usual!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:57pm Gary:

Thank you fabulous people so much for hanging out!
Avatar Wed. 9/13/17 9:57pm hyde:

thanks Gary!
Avatar Swag For Life Member Wed. 9/13/17 9:57pm Webhamster Henry:

Thanks Gary! Keep supporting bodegas!
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