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  1. 23 ene.

    First Regional Workshop in Romania was organised by in Alba Iulia. The event was attended by representatives from 7 universitties across Romania and 5 local and regional public authorities.

  2. 25 nov. 2019

    On November 22nd Florin Andronescu, director of ALEA, participated as "Cohesion Policy Ambassador" in he Conference "Career Management" organsied in the framework of : let’s rEUnite!”

  3. retwitteó
    9 may. 2019

    On , our leaders may set Europe on the right side of history with ambitious & immediate climate action. Our members renew their commitments to support energy transition across Europe, our MANIFESTO:

    , , y 7 más
  4. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018

    20 esperienze internazionali a confronto: in questo momento a , nel nostro centro congressi, stiamo progettando piani di energia e mobilità per città più efficienti e sostenibili. Grazie a !

    , , y 3 más
  5. 14 dic. 2018

    Sebes and organised a dissemination event on 14th December dedicated for the presentation of the approved Sebes SECAP, one of the very first SECAPs in Romania. Sebes Municipality benefitted from support for the harmonization of the SECAP with their SUMP.

  6. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018

    Just few tips from the ... 📌 There is a way to make plans alive that is involving local and different parties (Luca Mercatelli ) 📌 Planning is not something written in a paper but it's a (Florin Andronescu )

  7. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018

    «We have had the opportunity to mutual experiences that will be very usefull to transfer to Porec as well» Gordana Lalic, Municipality of - 🇭🇷 Harmonize ⚡️ & 🚙: !

  8. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018
  9. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018

    «I hope that our could be more and more friendly for people in future» Todor Tonev ( Dobrich Local Agency for Energy Management) 🇧🇬 Harmonize ⚡️ & 🚙: !

  10. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018

    «A very good opportunity, to be together with other peers from other countries, and understand how they succeed in this very important goal» Florin Andronescu ( ) e Oana Ilies (Baia Mare Municipality) 🇷🇴 Harmonize ⚡️ & 🚙: !

  11. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018
    , , y 5 más
  12. retwitteó
    28 nov. 2018

    She is Pilar Ibarz for the municipality of 🇪🇸 Lots of people from are today in for Simpla in Harmonize ⚡️ & 🚙: !

  13. 28 nov. 2018

    Alba Iulia, Baia Mare, Oradea, Sebeș, Tg.Mureș la în Trieste. În dezbatere: politici în mobilitatea urbană durabilă, influența schimbărilor climatice în planificarea energetică și a mobilității. Armonizarea ⚡️& 🚙: !

  14. 27 nov. 2018

    Reprezentanții municipalităților Alba Iulia, Baia Mare, Oradea, Sebeș și Tg. Mureș, participanți în beneficiază de o oportunitate unică de învățare reciprocă la nivel european pe teme legate de planificarea integrată a energiei și mobilității pentru orașe.

  15. 21 nov. 2018

    Al 3-lea Workshop Regional găzduit de ALEA are loc în Alba Iulia (21-22.11) Sunt prezentate soluții de finanțare ale proiectelor de eficiență energetică din România. De asemenea se discuta despre situatia actuala a datelor energetice disponibile la nivel regional

  16. 19 nov. 2018

    Within the Symposium "Centenary of Energy in Romania" (Alba Iulia - 16.11.2018) ALEA presented the benefits of project, which provides support to local authorities in Alba County to implement sustainable energy policies within the Alba County Energy MasterPlan.

  17. 10 oct. 2018

    @SUPPORTIntereg third Interregional Seminar hosted by on 9-10 october is ongoing!

  18. 12 jun. 2018

    Managenergy Workshop in the framework of the Expert Mission event. Organised in Alba Iulia, Romania by , with the aim of overcoming barriers in relation to sustainable energy investments. The meeting is attended by regional/local stakeholders.

  19. 23 may. 2018

    The 2nd Regional Workshop is taking place in Alba Iulia, Romania, organised by ! Local and regional authorities, local institutions and company representatives share existing energyrelated data to build knowledge frameworks at regional level.

  20. 27 abr. 2018

    Alba Local Energy Agency is celebrating 10 years of activity in April 2018. Set up by Alba County Council under the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme, ALEA set out to boost the sustainable development of Alba County.


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