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Luxembourg based non-profit organization defending civil rights on the internet.

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Abuse mail statistics July 2019

Abuse mail counter: 28
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 27
Bot activity: 1
Other: 0

There is not much to tell about july, except that we had a botnet.

2019/08/04 21:39 · fantawams

Abuse mail statistics June 2019

Abuse mail counter: 16
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 16
Bot activity: 0
Other: 0

Nothing to tell about june.

2019/07/15 17:26 · fantawams

Abuse mail statistics May 2019

Abuse mail counter: 23
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 23
Bot activity: 0
Other: 0

Nothing to tell about may.

2019/06/12 22:42 · fantawams

Abuse mail statistics April 2019

Abuse mail counter: 26
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 26
Bot activity: 0
Other: 0

As you can see, there is nothing to tell about march.

2019/05/06 18:30 · fantawams

Abuse mail statistics March 2019

Abuse mail counter: 25
DMCA Complaints: 0
Hacks/Attacks/Scans: 25
Bot activity: 0
Other: 0

As you can see, there is nothing to tell about march.

2019/04/09 21:41 · fantawams
news.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/15 17:24 by chrescht