Vendor Management System

AgencyPortal is a Vendor Management System (VMS) that allows recruitment agencies and hiring companies to work together more efficiently.

Vendor Management System (VMS) | AgencyPortal
Employers alert recruiters to open jobs | AgencyPortal

Get alerted to open jobs. Acquire new clients.

This self-service VMS allows hiring companies to create job orders, submitting them to their preferred recruiters. After receiving an email alert which links to the job on the VMS, recruiters can review the full job details and submit their best candidates to the hiring company via the portal.

Avoid Fee disputes

Submitted candidates are automatically entered into the hiring company’s JobAdder account, registered against the open job and tagged as having come from that particular recruiter.
Closed loop VMS | AgencyPortal

Finding new business leads doesn’t have to be hard

VMS syncs with JobAdder recruitment CRM | AgencyPortal

Connects with JobAdder

Actions you take in AgencyPortal will sync directly back to JobAdder. Manage your recruitment process from one place so it’s seamless from start to finish.
Close the VMS communication loop | AgencyPortal

Communicating is even easier

Using AgencyPortal to submit candidates ensures you get the attention of the hiring managers. It also gives you piece of mind knowing the activity is accurately tracked and recorded.
Prioritise roles in the VMS | AgencyPortal

Prioritise roles you are most likely to place

See how many candidates have already been submitted for a job so you can prioritise your time accordingly.