Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) Solution

If you want the best applicant system that is completely cloud-based, fully accessible from anywhere on any device with an Internet connection then look no further than JobAdder. We offer it all.

Applicant tracking made simple

Intuitive recruitment dashboard | JobAdder

JobAdder is a comprehensive, easy to use, web based recruitment platform

JobAdder is designed exclusively for recruiters and is used by over 10,000 recruiters, every day, in more than 45 countries. JobAdder is perfect for small to medium recruitment agencies, as well as in-house HR and recruitment teams.
The JobAdder recruitment platform enables you to recruit anyone, anywhere at anytime. That’s right no matter what your browser – Macs, PCs, mobile device or tablet – JobAdder runs like a Swiss watch: it will keep working even when you need a break.

What makes the JobAdder recruitment platform different?

JobAdder is one of the only recruitment systems in the world that has both job posting and applicant tracking built right into the DNA of the platform. You do not need to license a third party job posting system in order to post your job ads from JobAdder. With JobAdder you simply create a job, then click Post Ad and write and post your job ads to any of the hundreds of integrated job boards.

What is an Applicant Tracking Software Solution and why is it important?

Applicant Tracking System is a small but very important part of an online recruitment platform.

Applicant Tracking Software is not a recruitment solution in itself, but an important module or component that is essential to any world class recruitment platform.
Applicant Tracking by its very name is the tracking and management of candidates who have applied for a job that is being advertised by a recruiter or hirer. A world-class recruitment platform allows the user to automatically post job ads to job boards and social media websites in order to attract qualified job applicants. The system then captures and imports job applications and parses (or reads) the resume, and automatically enters the detail into the recruitment system.
The recruiter can they easily view the Job Applicants who have applied for their Jobs in the online recruitment system. They can then review the resumes and then speak to and interview the candidates and track their progress through the recruitment cycle.

The Benefits of JobAdder Applicant Tracking Software

JobAdder is one of the only recruitment systems in the world that has job posting and the best applicant tracking built into the product as part of its core DNA. This streamlines and automates the time consuming process of posting job ads on multiple websites and uploading or entering candidate details into the system. The average recruiter can save at least 10 hours a week using JobAdder over a non automated recruitment solution.
Some of the many benefits of the JobAdder applicant tracking software include;
  • The ability to easily write and post job ads to more than 200 of the leading job boards in the world, putting your jobs in front of the very best candidates.
  • The ability to post status updates and job ads to social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, ensuring your roles get maximum exposure to passive job seekers and referral networks.
  • Automatic capture and automatic parsing and uploading of applicants into the system, saving the average recruiter a minimum of 10 hours a week in manual data entry.
Recruitment Software | JobAdder
Internal HR Recruitment Software | JobAdder
  • Automatic parsing of all resumes as they enter the system. No need to license and integrate expensive parsing software because with JobAdder it is all built into the product.
  • 100% accuracy of applicant source reporting. JobAdder does not rely on a human selecting or entering where the candidate came from because JobAdder posts the ads and captures the applicants details immediately, so therefore it automatically knows where each and every applicant came from.
  • Save time and make more hires by being able to view job applications in real time on your mobile. While others can only recruit during work hours at their desktop in the office, a JobAdder user has all job and job application data at their fingertips on their mobile app. This allows you to respond instantly to customers, hiring managers and applicants.
  • Save time and money by automating aspects of the candidate selection process by creating customizable applicant screening questions.
  • Save time and ensure your database is always up to date by using the JobAdder Gmail, Outlook and Outlook 365. You can work directly from your inbox if you prefer and simply click in your inbox to add notes to JobAdder, create Candidates, Contacts, upload Job Applications and more.
Sync email and your recruitment software | JobAdder

Applicant Tracking (ATS) for HR

Application tracking software offers big advantages to HR departments or in-house recruiters who place their own job advertisements via job boards or via social media.
JobAdder can manage social recruiting with ease for corporate companies through the posting of job ads and status updates to social media sites and the automatic capture of applications details back into the system.
JobAdder also helps you track your talent acquisition channels by providing powerful reporting on the source of job applications, so you can more effectively manage and allocate your advertising spend. JobAdder administrator users can also set quotas on each of the job boards to control job board spending in order to work within set budgets (if applicable).
JobAdder also provides a number of free options for a completely customizable careers page on your website. These include customizable JavaScript widgets, WordPress plugins or XML job feeds.
JobAdder also helps bridge the gap between HR and recruitment agency panels through the Vendor Management System (VMS). With the VMS you can send job requisitions to your preferred recruiters and they in turn can submit candidates for your jobs directly back into your system, allowing you to work more effectively with your recruitment agency partners. More information about the JobAdder Vendor Management System can be found here.

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