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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / movimiento anarquista Wednesday July 31, 2019 21:09 by FAS
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Vivimos un periodo histórico marcado por una crisis social y ecológica ocasionada por la exacerbación del extractivismo, el despojo de los territorios y el control de los cuerpos por parte del sistema de dominación. Este escenario plantea nuevos desafíos para el anarquismo.

Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Αναρχικό κίνημα Friday July 05, 2019 06:07 by mⒶnifesto & Ανθός
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Όποιος κι αν διαχειρίζεται την πολιτική εξουσία. Το «φως», δηλαδή το συμφέρον της τάξης μας δεν είναι η ανάθεση των ζωών μας σε επίδοξους σωτήρες και εμπόρους ελπίδας. Το μέλλον μας είναι η κοινωνική και ταξική μας χειραφέτηση, είναι να σπάσουμε τα δεσμά του σύγχρονου φασισμού. Για να πάρουμε τις ζωές μας στα χέρια μας, για την κατάργηση κάθε συστήματος εκμετάλλευσης και καταπίεσης.

north america / mexico / the left Wednesday July 03, 2019 15:37 by Wayne Price
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Many liberals and other Democrats see Trump as the main problem facing the U.S. Therefore their focus is on defeating him in the next election (or impeachment). They focus on the electoral system and hope for salvation through government action. I disagree. Trump is a major problem, but he is the culmination of years of political and economic development, and is related to similar politics in other countries. The fight against Trumpism requires a non-electoral and militant program.

france / belgique / luxembourg / mouvement anarchiste Thursday June 13, 2019 19:24 by Union Communiste Libertaire
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Réuni·es en congrès commun, nous, militantes et militants d’AL et de la CGA, avons décidé de fonder une nouvelle organisation révolutionnaire : l’Union communiste libertaire.

[Castellano] [English]

Compartimos nuestro saludo por la conformación de la hermana UCL (Unión Comunista Libertaria) – Diversas organizaciones de Sudamérica
Alternative libertaire se dissout pour créer l’Union communiste libertaire – Alternative Libertaire [Castellano]
L'Union fait la force ! Texte d'autodissolution de la CGA – Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes [Castellano]

ireland / britain / anarchist movement Sunday June 09, 2019 04:27 by Die Plattform
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Anarchist Communist Group

We are happy to present you our interview with the Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) from Great Britain. The organization is relatively new. They are active in four regions: West Yorshire, Leicestershire, Surry and London. To connect internationally with other organizations is an important part of our current work to establish our Federation. An interview of the ACG with us is also already in planning. For now we wish you a pleasant lecture with this one.

In international solidarity towards anarchistic communism!

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Neste 8 de Março, levantamos mais uma vez a nossa voz e os nossos punhos pela vida das mulheres!

Neste 8 de Março, levantamos mais uma vez a nossa voz e os nossos punhos pela vida das mulheres!

Wed 28 Aug, 09:56

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