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  2. il y a 4 heures
  3. il y a 4 heures

    CBC Chair: "The CBC stands w/ b/c we're committed, like them, to making this country a more perfect union."

  4. il y a 6 heures

    Attn mainstream media: There are Black experts in every field. We don't wanna see anymore all White panels.

  5. il y a 8 heures

    end caucasiophobia, anti-goyimism and kiffarophobia

  6. il y a 8 heures

    This is your daily reminder from the Congressional Black Caucus.

  7. 23 août

    HELL YEAH, let's root it out of ALL these RACIST organizations! 👌🏻

  8. 23 août

    by voting the democrats out of office. Well, that was easy enough.

  9. 23 août

    BREAKING🔥: Police release sketch of suspect responsible for U.S. racial divide. Not sure but doesn't look like Trump...

  10. 23 août

    in the land where it is most prevalent.

  11. 23 août

    Alt-right is inflammatory speech scapegoating refugees, gays, muslims, transgender, mexicans, women and black people

  12. 23 août

    Trump awakened the U.S. white supremacist movement. He and the Republican Party own this mess.

  13. 23 août
  14. 23 août

    by exposing the Democrat Party

  15. 23 août

    Obviously Sheila Jackson LEE Is Trying To Deflect From The DemocRats Long Racist History.. Typical Liberal Tactic🤔

  16. 23 août

    Here's one way Congress can : Passing legislation to and keep voting restrictions from silencing black voices.

  17. 23 août

    Thank goodness someone has high standards

  18. 23 août

    The Democrat Party has to go.

  19. 23 août

    Steve Bannon was just a baby step. This administration must do more to purge racially divisive forces inside the WH. Time to

  20. 23 août

    Bannon is gone, but Miller and Gorka are still there. We must in the . Censuring Trump would be a great start.

  21. 23 août

    Sessions is rolling back consent decrees b/t police departments & @TheJusticeDepartment.

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