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Join the ProtonVPN team and
help build a safer Internet free of censorship

We want to create an Internet that is secure, accessible for all, and has privacy as the default. The team at Proton Technologies brings together top experts from around the world who are committed to building a better Internet.

Today, the tools we have built, including ProtonVPN and ProtonMail, are directly used by millions of people worldwide. The code that we have contributed to open source community have also touched millions more. We're proud to be making the world a safer place for journalists, activists, business professionals, and everyday individuals.

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We believe diversity is a strength and not a liability

The team at Proton Technologies speaks over a dozen languages. We are an equal opportunity employer. Women and other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply.

Working at ProtonVPN

ProtonVPN AG is an independently operating unit within the Proton Technologies group of companies. ProtonVPN is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland but we also have branch offices in Prague, Vilnius, and Skopje. In addition to growing vertically within ProtonVPN AG, candidates also have the ability to move horizontally between other Proton Technologies operating units such as ProtonMail.

We are an equal opportunity employer, and don't account for race, sex, nationality, current location, or educational background when hiring. We also hire remote candidates, although local candidates are preferred.

Lake Geneva


ProtonMail Swiss Office


 Health and social benefits for you and your family

 Casual and friendly working environment

 Flexible working hours

 Dedicated budget for computers and equipment

 Generous perks (parking, snacks, etc)


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