

“A man may be blocked, but not the idea. Keep the fight going, keep the idea going” - Sanjay Hegde My country is great, but 99 out of 100 are Dishonest!

Se unió en noviembre de 2008


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  1. retwitteó
    hace 11 horas

    I Will Declare as a Muslim If Parliament Passes Citizenship Amendment Bill, Says Harsh Mander | DoolNews Salute to you sir

  2. retwitteó

    Disappointed to see JDU supporting that discriminates right of citizenship on the basis of religion. It's incongruous with the party's constitution that carries the word secular thrice on the very first page and the leadership that is supposedly guided by Gandhian ideals.

  3. retwitteó

    Amit Shah mispronounced 'naturalisation' as 'neutralisation'. That's what he plans to achieve: 'neutralise' Muslims. No to CAB, No to NRC, No to Hindu Rashtra.

  4. retwitteó
    hace 18 horas
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    Not just 293, but EVERYONE who voted for BJP + are ANTI MUSLIMS & will be happy to see off Muslims frm India. No one who voted for BJP can hide behind talk of progress, development & anti corruption, this is their real agenda. BUT WE INDIAN MUSLIMS ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE.

  5. retwitteó
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    Congratulations! India is now officially a fascist, majoritarian state where minorities are 2nd class citizens.

  6. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas
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    We must Name these 293 Fellows, who may become cause of unrest in country & must be held accountable.

  7. retwitteó
    hace 20 horas
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  8. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas

    Those who have supported the CAB Bill are traitors.

  9. retwitteó
    hace 15 horas

    जिस देश में बीवी को दांव पर लगाने वाले घटिया पांडवों की गाथा गायी जाएगी तो उस देश में यह संस्कृति बन जाती है।

  10. retwitteó
    hace 17 horas

    So the Secular Mask of Nitish Kumar has fallen off Finally as his party JDU has decided to support the Bigoted Citizenship Amendment Bill People of BIHAR, When You vote in 2020, Remember This Nitish has officially supported Fascist CAB Bill AntarAtma marr gayi kya Nitish Babu?

  11. retwitteó

    The will not be a Reality !! That is a promise

  12. retwitteó
    hace 17 horas

    Manish Tewari,Congress in Lok Sabha: Today Home Minister said that Congress is responsible for partition on basis of religion. I want to make it clear that the foundation for two nation theory was laid in 1935 in Ahmedabad by Savarkar in a Hindu Mahasabha session, & not Congress

  13. retwitteó

    No matter how cleverly worded this statement is but don’t be fooled that India becomes a Hindu country just because Pakistan decided to be an Islamic nation. India’s foundation was always secular. And the bigger lie is that the Congress was responsible for the partition of India.

  14. retwitteó
    8 dic.

    Bloody fool look at your age - scoundrel you should be blessing young people as them or spread love and happiness but even before a few days of your death, you are spreading venom? How pathetic your life is. Your brain stinks - you are a blood thirsty hound.

  15. retwitteó

    Tripura: Indefinite protest against begins throughout state.

  16. retwitteó
    hace 21 horas

    Rarely in the history of a nation, does a time come when silence is no longer an option. The isn’t against Hindus like me. But it is against my idea of India. To not speak out now will mean complicity in one of the most evil exercises undertaken by a government.

  17. retwitteó

    Wake up India those in favour they all are against Indian Constitution so don't forget when you vote for coming elections 👎

  18. retwitteó
    hace 23 horas

    Why is Modi sitting in disguise?

  19. retwitteó

    Happy to know that most non NDA parties will Will and clear their stand? Also will you not oppose ?

  20. retwitteó

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