Equifax, Marriott Hotels, Google+, Cathay Pacific Airways… the list of data breaches goes on and on. Here’s what you can do to reduce the likelihood your data will be exposed in the next breach: protonmail.com/blog/how-to-pre

ProtonMail uses the time-tested security of PGP encryption to keep our users safe. But what is PGP, and how does it work? protonmail.com/blog/what-is-pg

Last month, Kazakhstan attempted to break encrypted web traffic by asking citizens to install bad root certificates on their devices. Now the authorities say it was all just a "test." We've updated our article on the matter with the latest info: protonmail.com/blog/kazakhstan

Past generations were able to grow up without a digital record... This generation, and the ones to come, will be held accountable to their inescapable online identities." wired.com/story/protect-kids-d Here is what you can do to protect your child's data: protonmail.com/blog/how-to-pro

We previously created a comprehensive guide to Internet privacy that details how to keep companies and hackers away from your data. We have now updated the guide with additional tips and information. protonmail.com/blog/internet-privacy

Do you know what to do if border agents try to search your phone? If you're traveling out of the country this summer, check out our guide to protecting your device at border crossings. protonmail.com/blog/border-cro

Google and the email app Superhuman promised to fix their privacy flaws. But surveillance remains the core of the products. That's why privacy must be baked into the foundation, argues @cwarzel. nytimes.com/2019/07/09/opinion

Even tech-savvy people can fall victim to spear phishing attacks. This cautionary tale by @RobJHeaton shows how creative hackers can be. The lesson here? Never click on a link from someone you don’t know unless you’re 100% sure it’s legitimate. robertheaton.com/2019/06/24/i-

Congress wants Google and Facebook to tell users exactly how much their personal data is worth. "Whatever the exact value that gets assigned to our attention... a little more transparency will remind us that "free" isn't free," via @wired. wired.com/story/senators-want-

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated." — the 4th Amendment of the US Bill of Rights

Google and Facebook are selling us fake privacy that’s good for them and bad for users. We can’t let ad-funded businesses redefine the concept of privacy. protonmail.com/blog/google-fak

Using Gmail confidential mode is neither secure nor private. As long as Google can read your emails, its privacy promises will always be disingenuous. Here’s why Gmail’s confidential mode isn’t actually confidential: protonmail.com/blog/gmail-conf

ProtonMail also encrypts messages at rest, which prevents us from being able to decrypt your inbox. This provides both better privacy and security as your unencrypted messages can't be shared with third parties nor stolen from us: protonmail.com/blog/zero-acces

While trying to convince us all that they take user seriously, Google is prohibiting ad blockers in Chrome. Trackers will be able to follow your activity across the Internet - and Google will be able to continue collecting its ad-based revenue.

ProtonMail v3.16 adds elliptic curve cryptography, undo move, and a new anti-phishing feature. Learn more: protonmail.com/blog/protonmail

We’re proud to support Disappear - Documentary sequel to Nothing to Hide, featuring Matt Mitchell. He’s the founder of Crypto Harlem, Director of Digital Safety & Privacy for Tactical Tech Berlin (@info_activism ), and a ProtonMail user! Find out more about the documentary and how to support the crowdfunding campaign here: protonmail.com/blog/disappear-

Recently sites have appeared which claim to provide ProtonMail coupons or provide our customer support number. Be wary as these sites may be malicious. ProtonMail does not provide publicly available phone numbers or coupons. protonmail.com/support/knowledge-base/coupon

You can now unlock the ProtonMail app with your fingerprint! See what other improvements are in the latest version here: protonmail.com/blog/protonmail

As part our commitment to open source, today we are announcing the release of GopenPGP, an open source golang encryption library. This library powers all our apps and has been audited for security by @sec_consult. protonmail.com/blog/openpgp-go

If you’re still using Internet Explorer, now is a great time to make the switch. Along with our Version 4.0 update, ProtonMail will no longer support that iconic browser of your youth. protonmail.com/blog/internet-e

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