Community Supported.

ProtonMail is community software, funded by the community, and open source. We do not show ads or make money by abusing your privacy. Instead, we depend on your support to keep the service running. Revenue from paid accounts is used to further develop ProtonMail and support free users such as democracy activists and dissidents who need privacy but can't necessarily afford it.






Users 1 1 1-5000 6
Storage 500.00 MB 5 GB 5 GB/user 20.00 GB
Addresses 1 5 5/user 50
Messages per day 150 1000 Unlimited Unlimited
Folders / Labels 3 200 Unlimited Unlimited
Support Limited Normal Priority Priority
Custom Domains 0 Custom Domain 1 Custom Domain 2 Custom Domains 10 Custom Domains
Email Filters
Catch-All Email
Multi-User Support
ProtonVPN Extra Extra Extra Included

CHF $ 5.00 /mo


CHF $ 48.00 /yr

CHF $ 8.00 /mo/user


CHF $ 75.00 /yr/user

CHF $ 30.00 /mo


CHF $ 288.00 /yr

  Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up

Extra Storage: CHF $ 1.00 / month or CHF $ 9 / year per GB
Extra Domains: CHF $ 2.00 / month or CHF $ 18 / year per domain
Extra Addresses: CHF $ 1.00 / month or CHF $ 9 / year per 5 addresses



Why pay for ProtonMail?

ProtonMail is the world's largest secure email service with millions of users, and the service requires extensive infrastructure and expertise to run. Our mandate from the community is to provide the highest level of security and privacy, with the cost considerations secondary.

ProtonMail's revenue is used to support the following features for the benefit of the ProtonMail user community.


24/7 Operations

ProtonMail employs a full time staff of ~20 working in shifts to allow for 24/7 operations and full organizational redundancy. At great expense, we overstaff all key positions to ensure full operational capability at any hour of the day, and to ensure that unexpected unavailability of team members won't disrupt operations. This allows us to provide the highest level of reliability and security for your confidential emails. Meet some of our team here.

Security without Compromise

We take email security seriously, and this means going above and beyond and avoiding shortcuts. In addition to email end-to-end encryption, we also use highest strength 4096-bit SSL certificates issued in Switzerland and full disk encryption. For added privacy, we don't use cloud hosting, but instead we own and manage our own server and network infrastructure. Our primary datacenter is located in a bunker 1000 meters under the Swiss alps. When it comes to security, we do not make compromises, regardless of the cost. Learn more about ProtonMail security here.

Cryptography Research

ProtonMail has numerous PhD scientists and cryptography experts on our full time staff. On a day-to-day basis, we are actively involved in applied cryptography research and development and working to advance the state-of-the-art. We are also involved in the development of OpenPGPjs, the world's most advanced JavaScript PGP library which is completely open source. Our in-house expertise in cryptography allows us to stay at the cutting edge of email encryption and security. Learn about OpenPGPjs here.

PGP Compliant and Open Source

We are strong advocates for Open Source and Open Standards. ProtonMail's cryptography follows the OpenPGP standard which has twenty years of development behind it and is well reviewed by the security community. ProtonMail cryptography libraries, and all client side code is completely open source and available for review. The combination of OpenPGP and Open Source means ProtonMail is the only secure email service which has been extensively audited and peer reviewed. Learn about ProtonMail and Open Source.

Infrastructure Redundancy

We operate a large scale server infrastructure that is distributed across multiple datacenters in Switzerland. This redundancy means even catastrophic failures of entire datacenters will not lead to data loss. We build multiple levels of redundancy into our storage systems so that all encrypted emails are replicated multiple times across our infrastructure.

Resilient Networks

For optimal privacy and security, ProtonMail runs on a dedicated network with redundant uplinks. Together with our partner IP-Max in Switzerland, we operate a 24/7 NOC (network operations center) to ensure network security and uptime. We are a member of RIPE (Réseaux IP Européens) and are also a Local Internet Registry (LIR) which gives us control over our own IP space. We control all traffic from our servers up to the main Swiss point of presence in Zurich, preventing many forms of data interception.

We have also invested heavily in DDoS protection to make ProtonMail the only encrypted email provider that is capable of resisting large scale DDoS attacks. ProtonMail's network and NOC team are battle tested, having dealt with attacks on a daily basis, including one of Europe's largest DDoS attacks. ProtonMail is not only cryptographically secure, but we are also highly resilient against network based attacks. Learn about ProtonMail DDoS protection.

Swiss Based

ProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland and runs all of our server infrastructure exclusively in Switzerland. This puts our secure email service under the protection of Swiss privacy laws, which are among the strongest in the world. By remaining outside of US and EU jurisdiction, we provide a safe and neutral location to protect your confidential data. This greatly increases our operational costs as Switzerland is the world's most expensive country, but as we have seen recently, legal jurisdiction is an important component of privacy. Learn more about Swiss privacy laws.

Expert Customer Support

Our expert customer support team is available 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. We understand that email is extremely important, and our team is always ready to respond promptly if you encounter problems with your account. We do not outsource any of your customer support. All support is done in house with teams based in Europe and North America so that we can provide the highest quality service. We also maintain a dedicated support portal so that you can easily find answers to your questions. Visit the ProtonMail Support Site.

Community Activism

For us, security and privacy are core principles and beliefs, not just a day job. Whether it is educating the public through TED talks, working with Global Leaks on encryption tools, or forcing a nationwide referendum on surveillance, we are actively involved in driving the changes that will fundamentally reshape the privacy debate. By supporting ProtonMail, you will also be supporting these efforts to defend our civil liberties online.

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Other ways to contribute?
It is also possible to donate or even contribute code.

Do you need more?

We also offer custom enterprise plans to fit into your business.

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Proton Technologies AG

Chemin du Pré-Fleuri, 3
CH-1228 Plan-les-Ouates, Genève
, Switzerland

For support inquiries, please visit


Email us for our PGP public key if you want to send us a manually encrypted PGP email. Or enable JS to view it.
