

We help progressive parties, candidates, and NGOs implement digital strategies to build movements. Founded by & .

Inscrit en mars 2012


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    18 mars

    It's not the Fyre Festival. It's @DemFest_EU There'll be no: Palm trees, bikinis, badly organised catering. Lots of: Europe <3, digital organising, political nerds. Forget Fyre. Join us: @DemFest_EU

    Ce média pour contenir un document offensant. En savoir plus
  2. 14 août

    Truly honoured to have had the opportunity to talk with legendary LGBT activist Gwenn Craig for “Take 5”, Tectonica’s new video series where we talk with the most brilliant minds in progressive digital organising. Join TON:

  3. 8 août

    We're big fans of the use of committees as an engagement method for movement building! Read about how we helped Comitati Azione Civile implement committees and online engagement to organically grow their progressive movement in Italy.

  4. a retweeté
    8 août

    Robo calls are BS. And texts rock. I mean, I don't even want my friends to call me. Why would I want a robot candidate to do it?

  5. a retweeté
    6 août

    Progress lies in participation! We need to and on strengthening EUROPEAN DEMOCRACY 🤗🇪🇺💫 For more, check 👉👉

    , , et 7 autres
    Afficher cette discussion
  6. 6 août

    I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. - Toni Morrison

  7. a retweeté
    5 août

    Hi there! We invite you to take a look at this webinar with and discover all the powerful things you can do with and their amazing platform. … Thank you, and for making it possible!!

  8. a retweeté
    31 juil.

    New/Mode partner has launched this valuable community to help us all skill-up and scale-up. 🔥

  9. 2 août

    Fed up with Trump’s inhumane immigration policies? We are, too. That’s why we’ve teamed up with We Are All America to mobilise a massive community response using our new organising tool, . Read more about our pro bono project here.

  10. 2 août

    Order your free copy of our beautifully illustrated book “Organising: A Story of Communal Heroism” to read about how our storybook townspeople defeat the rise of authoritarianism, populism, and scapegoating in times of technology that breeds fear.

  11. 31 juil.

    We want to make it easier for you to build your people-powered movement and win. Join the Tectonica Organising Network and get the latest in progressive digital strategy from this year’s winner for Best International Firm.

  12. 24 juil.

    Consuming information is a challenge thanks in part to technology that has made it easier and faster to disseminate disinformation. Any plan to counteract disinfo needs to include a focus on improving our critical thinking and fostering real relationships.

  13. 23 juil.

    Most of today's technology is not built for civil engagement and democratic ends. We hope this study will bring to light not only the harm that technology can do, but also its potential for democracy.

  14. 23 juil.

    We’re following this closely. New legislation is key for regulating hate speech and disinformation on online platforms, and as digital organisers, new regulations can mean being aware of its impact on the techniques and work we do.

  15. 17 juil.

    We agree with this 100%. Building real relationships is vital to digital organising’s ability to create lasting movements and systemic change. Digital is an incredible tool in today’s world, but it’s not a magic wand.

  16. 16 juil.

    We couldn't agree more: “Instead of spinning their legislative wheels to enact something by 2020, lawmakers must confront that deepfakes are a symptom of a much larger problem: the weaponization of disinformation.”

  17. 10 juil.

    Truly thrilled that our client, Ernesto Talvi, has won the Colorado Party’s nomination in Uruguay and is now a top contender for the presidency! Check out our work for him here:

  18. a retweeté
    9 juil.

    NationBuilder: providing endless possibilities for MyActionCenter organizing. Discover in this article how we are using the powerful tools of .

  19. a retweeté
    8 juil.

    🥂 Join us during on 7/12 for a night of ! Come by for a drink & chat with guests: 's Founder & CEO & Founding Bd Member , St. Louis Treasurer , & Dir. of Business Dev. !

  20. a retweeté
    9 juil.

    The future of politics is , not . Happy to see some major candidates taking the advertising model of campaigns head on.

  21. 4 juil.

    We are so excited for shaking things up and helping change the political landscape for causes across with incredible organising tools like . Great to collaborate with others who deeply believe in the power of .


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