
The endpoints we release in Labs will be previews and are likely to change before they are released broadly, so we encourage you to take that into consideration as you build. Before getting started, we encourage you to read more about Twitter Developer Labs.

Endpoints included in the “Tweets and Users” preview allow developers to request Tweet and user information from the Twitter API. Only the GET method is supported currently. POST support for Tweets will be added in the future.

GET /users

GET requests to the/users endpoint return a user’s, or group of users’, Twitter profile information. The information that is provided includes profile metadata such as account name, description and location.

GET /tweets

The GET requests to the /tweets endpoint return information about a Tweet or group of Tweets. The information that is returned includes metadata such as text, author, media attachments and more. The requesting user (based on user context) can access if the Tweets are protected if you are following with the account.


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