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  1. Tweet fijado
    25 jun.

    NEW: We've identified five more members of the racist org Identity Evropa in Georgia. - Megan Martin ("Rayne") & Charles Robertson - Savannah GA - Dalton Millek - Richmond Hill GA - Damian Stanfill - Lilburn GA - Mitchel Weaver - Atlanta

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  2. hace 4 horas

    NY Tri-State Area: the US Army allowed Christopher Hodgman to stay, although he was caught putting up posters of fascist group, Identity Evropa, in Rochester, NY. Jason Laguardia, from Connecticut & also an Identity Evropa member, was "administratively separated" from the Marines

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  3. hace 4 horas
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  4. hace 4 horas

    As Trump is in El Paso, there is an Atomwaffen member in the city too. Carver linked on social media to Trent East - former AL National Guard no longer actively serving - and Dalton Woodward - GA National Guardsman recently returned from Afghanistan.

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  5. “‘We need a country founded for white people with a nuclear deterrent. And you watch how the world trembles.’ Gebert joined the State Department in 2013 as a presidential management fellow.”

  6. hace 10 horas

    With liberal politicians embracing rhetoric that attempts to divert violent racist impulses into wars abroad, it is imperative to draw the link between fringe white nationalists and broader structures of white supremacy.

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  7. hace 10 horas

    It's also worth noting that Gebert was employed as a foreign affairs officer in the Bureau of Energy Resources, which focuses on security of energy supplies. We can only speculate as to details of his role in perpetuating imperialist oil wars, but it's not difficult to imagine.

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  8. hace 10 horas

    Note that Gebert's admittance into the center of the state's security apparatus cannot singularly be pinned on the rightward lurch that followed Trump's election; Gebert has been working with the State Department since 2013 and linked up with Alt-Right circles in 2015.

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  9. hace 10 horas

    A high-ranking fascist organizer who celebrates mass murderer Dylann Roof works for the US State Department. Please tell us again how we should leave it to the government to deal with white supremacists.

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  10. 6 ago.

    پیام همبستگی انارشیستهای فلسطین با روژاوا Solidary greetings from the Youth Festival of the Palestinian People's Party in Farkha/West Bank.The Kurdish liberation movement,as well as the internationalist solidarity movement stands with all the oppressed people around the world!

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  11. 5 ago.

    At a time when El Paso is already in headlines from detentions centers, to deaths by ICE, to border militias, etc. It’s not a reach to say that Andy Ngo’s irresponsible bullshit tweet meant to rile up his followers added to this attack and future attacks on this community.

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  12. 5 ago.

    A local group was planning a convergence in El Paso to highlight what’s happening at border/connect with other organizers. Andy Ngo then decided to tweet this FAKE bullshit about it being an “Antifa militia training” and right wing outlets started spreading it everywhere.

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  13. 6 ago.

    The Turkish State is amassing weapons on the borders of Rojava and pushing for open war; a conflict which threatens to tear the region apart and cut down a whole generation of revolutionaries. What you need to know about the threat to .

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  14. 6 ago.

    White abolitionism on national tv I’m here for it

  15. 5 ago.

    Just so people have some context for the heightened Indian occupation of Kashmir - the India Hindutva is probably the largest, most successful, and most violent fascist movements in the world right now & has heavy political power in the Indian state via the BJP & PM Narendra Modi

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  16. 5 ago.

    If you'd like to financially support las O.V.A.s / La Conxa you can do so at this link.

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  17. 4 ago.

    Official statement by Las O.V.A.s on the recent attack by local Maoists here in Los Angeles on July 31st. Link to IG post which shares images of the eyes of some of those pepper sprayed at the event:

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  18. 4 ago.

    We are now releasing our third Doxx on Rogersville, TN resident and IE/AmIM affiliate David Carter Reynolds: "From Football To Fascism: Introducing "car14rey."

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  19. 4 ago.

    For those surprised that El Paso white supremacist referenced environmental concerns & over-population in his document, there is a long tradition of far-right environmentalism stretching back to the Nazis in the 1920s & a historical overlap between Malthusianism & fascism

  20. 5 ago.

    misogynists, abusers, rapists, and anyone who kills innocent people can fuck off into the sun.

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  21. 5 ago.

    24 hours ago a white nationalist drove to El Paso, TX and murdered 20 people. Today, Identity Evropa/AmIM boasted of its presence in Allen, TX - the city where the murderer comes from.

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