Amazonians: We Won't Build It


Amazon workers calling for accountability and transparency in the tech we build.
Beigetreten Juli 2019


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    29. Juli

    Hello Twitter! We are a group of workers calling for accountability and transparency in the tech we build. With the detentions and abuses of people in concentration camps by ICE, we are reminded of the role IBM played during the Holocaust

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  2. 9. Aug.

    Why do we as Amazon employees oppose hosting Palantir on AWS? Watch this video by which gives a good overview of Palantir’s role in ICE’s deportation machine and how Amazon profits off of it.

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  3. 8. Aug.

    BREAKING: We're releasing a new report: "The War Against Immigrants: Trump's Tech Tools Powered by Palantir" today. It's a comprehensive look at Palantir’s work & the web of personal connections that make it all happen, all centered around Peter Thiel.

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  4. 8. Aug.

    We stand with Walmart workers facing retaliation for demanding accountability and a safer work environment from their management

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  5. 7. Aug.

    , is a senior leader blocking workers with dissenting views what Amazon means when it says leaders should, “have backbone?”

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  6. 6. Aug.

    Amazon sells 8chan owner Jim Watkins’ audiobooks on . We urge our company to stop selling his books and giving a lifeline for white supremacists.

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  7. 2. Aug.

    As Amazonians, we are told to take Ownership for our work, meaning we "never say 'that's not my job.’” We tagged in a tweet because he dismissed our concerns about building facial rec and hosting Palantir’s tech for ICE. This is how he responded. Where’s the Ownership?

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  8. 1. Aug.

    This is the second flyer that employees have been posting around our offices. We are inspired by the actions of workers and stand with Microsoft & Salesforce employees who have also spoken out against their companies' contracts with ICE.

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  9. 31. Juli

    Additionally, hosting Palantir is "harmful to our reputation" because it hurts customer trust and leads to negative publicity. By continuing to host Palantir despite clear documentation of ongoing abuses that result from their products, AWS is choosing not to enforce its TOS.

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  10. 31. Juli

    Palantir directly enables ICE to "violate the rights of others" by powering the deportation processes that are rounding up immigrants and putting them in concentration camps.

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  11. 31. Juli

    The AWS Acceptable Use Policy states that "[a]ny activities that are illegal, that violate the rights of others, or that may be harmful to others, our operations or reputation" may be grounds to "suspend or terminate" use of our services.

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  12. 31. Juli

    Last year, said the AWS Terms of Service would ensure customers of our facial recognition technology would use it “responsibly”. How can we have any faith in this if we continue to allow Palantir to operate on AWS?

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  13. 31. Juli

    We stand with employees. No one should be making a profit off the humanitarian disaster in ICE concentration camps.

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  14. 31. Juli
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  15. 30. Juli

    Wonder how much of this $92m is being paid to to power the deportation machine.

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  16. 30. Juli

    This is one of two flyers that employees have been posting up around Amazon offices. To our fellow Amazonians who haven't yet signed on to the letter, please search for “WeWontBuildIt” on the internal wiki.

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  17. 29. Juli

    We stand with the 600 Amazon employees (and counting!) calling for accountability and transparency into what they as tech workers build. Check out this thread and follow for updates on their fight!

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  18. 29. Juli

    As one of the many , and a descendant of Holocaust survivors who wishes that IBM employees had done what you're doing: thank you. ❤✊

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  19. 29. Juli
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  20. 29. Juli

    According to this article, Amazon is working with 200 police agencies to push Ring and its app Neighbors, which “has a problem with racial profiling”. This is just another example of our technology being deployed without regard for its effects.

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  21. 29. Juli

    Googlers send solidarity! Watching this movement grow is amazing.

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