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The future of enterprise innovation is open source

Transform your business into an open source enterprise. Make a smart and secure investment in open source with GitHub Enterprise.

  • ✓Self-hosted or cloud-hosted
  • ✓SAML single sign-on
  • ✓Access provisioning
  • ✓Simplified account administration
  • ✓Unified search and contributions
  • ✓Priority support
  • ✓99.95% uptime SLA for Enterprise Cloud
  • ✓Invoice billing
  • ✓Advanced auditing

Choose Enterprise Cloud to work alongside 40 million developers right here on, or start your free Enterprise Server trial to deploy GitHub to your own servers, AWS, Azure, or GCP.

Need help choosing, or want to use both?

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Get started

Become an open source enterprise

Open source enterprises bring the code, practices, and scale of open source communities into their organizations with a secure and compliant platform.

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Join the world’s largest open source community

No single person or team can make the progress we can make together. Take part in the largest open source community in the world, and speed up innovation in your organization.


Create opportunities for cross-team collaboration

Collaborative development teams deliver software faster. Enterprises can adopt best practices from the open source community to find new ways to work together and build internal software at scale.

Security and compliance

Secure your process from start to finish

Build security and compliance into your process. GitHub provides the tools and practices you need to identify and resolve issues in your software, whether you’re working with open or closed source code.


Automate fast and extensible workflows

Open source enterprises need continuous and traceable software lifecycles. Software teams of every size save time with automated GitHub workflows and industry-leading systems and integrations.


Build with the largest open source community in the world: 36 million developers, thousands of open source communities, and over one billion contributions.

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36 million developers and counting

Developers are building some of the world’s most impactful technologies on GitHub. Here you’ll find the ideas, innovations, and tools your team needs to level up their work.

Community contributors

Software development is the world’s largest team sport. Discover the open source communities behind the projects you rely on.

GitHub Sponsors BETA

Open source developers can receive financial support from the people and communities that depend on their software with GitHub Sponsors.

innersource innersource


Collaboration, transparency, and productivity at scale aren’t unique to open source communities. Open source enterprises adopt the same best practices to build internal software.

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Code review

Inviting more developers to work on your projects invites more ideas—and more code. On GitHub, manual and automated code reviews are built into your workflow through pull requests.

Organization insights BETA

Get insights from your source code on GitHub. Find out how your teams are working together inside of your internal developer community. Then make data-driven productivity improvements.

Internal repository visibility BETA

Enterprise members can see and collaborate on code with each other, while keeping their IP confidential from outside collaborators.

GitHub Connect

Access the best of the open source community, no matter where you run your code. GitHub Connect allows you to manage users and search for code across any environment.

security alert notificaion security alert list

Security and compliance

Open source comes with unique risks and challenges. GitHub provides a complete approach to security and compliance, so your team can use best-of-breed tools and stay safe along the way.

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Secure development

Build with security best practices—and the tools you need to support them. Protect branches, scan for credentials, require reviews, and more.

Team and user management

Keep code safe while giving your users the access they need to do their work with detailed role-based permissions. Grant access and keep groups and users synchronized with your identity provider.


Automated security fixes keep your projects secure and up to date by monitoring your dependencies for known security vulnerabilities and automatically opening pull requests to update them.

Security vulnerability alerts and dependency insights

Better audit and report on your open source dependencies with details on security vulnerabilities and open source licenses. We’ve also partnered with Whitesource to broaden our coverage of potential security vulnerabilities in open source projects.

See how we keep GitHub secure 

Travis CI
Circle CI
Code Climate
Azure Pipelines
            action "Deploy to Production" {
              needs = "Provision Database"
              uses = "actions/aws/ec2"
              runs = "aws deploy --prod"


Access a vast ecosystem and connect the integrations and systems you need to build software from idea to production. Then automate them with powerful workflows.

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Thousands of integrations

Build a complete and automated development lifecycle leveraging thousands of industry-leading integrations.

GitHub Package Registry BETA

Discover and publish public and private packages in one place. Then seamlessly use and reuse any package as a dependency in a project by downloading it straight from GitHub.

GitHub Actions BETA

Kick off automated workflows written in any language for any platform. Explore GitHub Actions in beta to learn more about our new built-in CI/CD capabilities.

GitHub Learning Lab

Speed up your team’s adoption of open source best practices with new Learning Lab courses. You’ll learn how to implement innersource, become an open source enterprise, and more.

mgm-resorts logo
The goal is the entire enterprise embracing GitHub. A place where everyone can share code, and collaborate within an open source model.

Jay Sreedharan

SVP Engineering, MGM Resorts International

Read more 


See how the world’s leading companies use GitHub Enterprise.

Read more customer stories 

Get started with GitHub Enterprise today

Sign up today for Enterprise Cloud or launch a free trial of Enterprise Server on your own servers, AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud platform.

  • ✓Self-hosted or cloud-hosted
  • ✓SAML single sign-on
  • ✓Access provisioning
  • ✓Simplified account administration
  • ✓Unified search and contributions
  • ✓Priority support
  • ✓99.95% uptime SLA for Enterprise Cloud
  • ✓Invoice billing
  • ✓Advanced auditing
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