Columnists August 9
Andrew Scheer and Doug Ford at Ontario PC Party 2018 Convention. Photo: Andrew Scheer/Flickr
Rick Salutin | Elsewhere in the world, right-wing populism is having a moment. But in Canada, you can't do outright denial or ridicule, à la Trump or Bolsonaro.
Blog August 9
Mark Iype attends "Words Matter" event at Peter Lougheed Leadership College, University of Alberta in 2017. Photo: Peter Lougheed Leadership College/Facebook
David J. Climenhaga | Do the latest changes at the Journal have anything to do with the placement of one of Canada's most right-wing commentators in charge of political coverage at Postmedia?
Columnists August 9
Former prime minister Stephen Harper in 2013. Photo: michael_swan/Flickr
Antonia Zerbisias, Broadsides | It's easy to imagine that former prime minister Stephen Harper is still writing the conservative playbook. The clues are everywhere, as Harper makes stops on his tour of the rubber-chicken circuit.
Blog August 8
Judy Rebick | rabble remains resolved to amplify underrepresented voices and bring media democracy to the forefront of the Canadian media landscape.
Columnists August 8
Vigil for victims of mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio. Photo: Becker1999/Flickr
Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Even as the U.S. reels in the wake of two mass killings this past weekend, the scourge of guns and anti-immigrant actions continue.
Blog August 8
Jason Kenney, Andrew Scheer and Tim Uppal (Photo: Andrew Scheer/Twitter).
David J. Climenhaga | Investigations by the RCMP and the Office of the Election Commissioner keep turning over new rocks in the 2017 UCP leadership race won by Jason Kenney.
Columnists August 8
Pro-choice activists stage counter-protest. Photo: Zhu/Flickr
Joyce Arthur | Canada's pro-choice movement is in good fighting form, and stronger than ever. That's the undeniable conclusion after living through ongoing anti-choice activity over the last three months.
Podcast August 8
Photo: Olivia Robinson
Victoria Fenner | The role of libraries in our communities is changing. Olivia Robinson talks about why she chose libraries as her focus for her Jack Layton Journalism for Change Fellowship with
Book Review August 8
Rohan Ghatage | Whitehead's new novel was spurred by a desire to understand the new American reality inaugurated in the era of Donald Trump.
Blog August 8
Image: Sally B. Tuck/Flickr
Robin Tress | From Kenney's war room to CSIS and the RCMP monitoring Indigenous activists and sharing knowledge with oil giants, democratic institutions have been captured by the fossil fuel industry.
Blog August 7
Thomas Dang, one of the NDP members of the Alberta legislature's member services committee (Photo: David J. Climenhaga).
David J. Climenhaga | From the perspective of practical politics, what is important, and what will be remembered, is that the vote of the committee was unanimous. NDP members should have voted no.
Podcast August 7
Image Copyright: Lily Zepeda. Used with permission.
Face2Face | Not having a place "to go" isn't just an inconvenience. It's a problem that impacts billions worldwide. Lily Zepeda and Jack Sim talk about why we need to normalize the toilet globally.