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Sider checks code using custom rules based on project specific knowledge and cumulative team experiences. On each pull request, Sider automatically alerts developers on previously documented issues and key information relevant to the changed code.

Share knowledge effectively

From API deprecations to internal coding standards, Sider automatically delivers information pertinent to each pull request on the fly. Get new developers up to speed on the code base faster and keep the entire team in the know.

Prevent recurrence of known issues

Sider analyzes each pull request against the entire team's aggregated knowledge on the project. Never repeat the same mistakes, as Sider will immediately find and alert developers of any code that previously caused issues.

Maintain consistency across the project

Manage and run all your static analysis tools in one place to ensure consistency across the codebase. Sider lets you handle potential issues more gracefully than running linters using a CI service.

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Sider analysis results page
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Pricing and setup

Sider logo preview


Public & private repositories

  • Unlimited private and public repositories.
  • Find and track quality, security, and style issues
  • Create Custom Rules
  • Automatic GitHub pull request analysis
$12 per seat
/ month
$144 per seat
/ year

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information.

Sider is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support contact.

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