GitHub Marketplace

GitHub Marketplace connects you to developers who want to extend and improve their GitHub workflows. You can list free and paid tools for developers to use in GitHub Marketplace. GitHub Marketplace offers developers two types of tools: GitHub Actions and Apps, and each tool requires different steps for adding it to GitHub Marketplace.

GitHub Actions

Anyone can publish an action in GitHub Marketplace as long as they meet the terms of service. Unlike apps, GitHub Actions listed in GitHub Marketplace are not verified by GitHub.

To learn about publishing GitHub Actions in the GitHub Marketplace, see "GitHub Actions in the GitHub Marketplace."


You can list verified and unverified apps in GitHub Marketplace. Unverified apps do not go through the security, testing, and verification cycle GitHub requires for verified apps.

Verified apps have a green badge in GitHub Marketplace. Unverified apps have a grey badge next to their listing and are only available as free apps.

Green verified and grey unverified badge

If you're interested in creating an app for GitHub Marketplace, but you're new to GitHub Apps and OAuth Apps, see "Building apps."

GitHub Apps are the officially recommended way to integrate with GitHub because they offer much more granular permissions to access data, although you can list both OAuth and GitHub Apps in GitHub Marketplace. See "Differences between GitHub and OAuth apps" for more details. To learn more about switching from OAuth to GitHub Apps, see Migrating OAuth Apps to GitHub Apps.

If you have questions about GitHub Marketplace, please contact GitHub Support directly.

Unverified Apps

Unverified apps do not need to meet the "Requirements for listing an app on GitHub Marketplace" or go through the "Security review process".

Unverified apps are only offered with free plans. To list paid plans, you must submit a verified app. Having a published paid plan will prevent you from being able to submit an unverified app. You must remove paid plans or keep them in draft mode before publishing an unverified app.

To list your unverified app in GitHub Marketplace, you only need to create a "Listing on GitHub Marketplace" and submit it as an unverified listing.

You can submit both an unverified and verified app. This will allow you to launch with a free version of your app. Once GitHub verifies your app, your listing will change from unverified to verified in GitHub Marketplace and GitHub will publish your new pricing plans.

Verified Apps

If you've already built an app and you're interested in submitting a verified listing in GitHub Marketplace, start here:

  1. Getting started with GitHub Marketplace
    Learn about requirements, guidelines, and the app submission process.

  2. Integrating with the GitHub Marketplace API
    Before you can list your app on GitHub Marketplace, you'll need to integrate billing flows using the GitHub Marketplace API and webhook events.

  3. Listing on GitHub Marketplace
    Create a draft GitHub Marketplace listing, configure webhook settings, and set up pricing plans.

  4. Selling your app
    Learn about pricing plans, billing cycles, and how to receive payment from for your app.

  5. GitHub Marketplace Insights
    See how your app is performing in GitHub Marketplace. You can use metrics collected by GitHub to guide your marketing campaign and be successful in GitHub Marketplace.

  6. GitHub Marketplace transactions
    Download and view transaction data for your GitHub Marketplace listing.