Molly Jong-FastOvjeren akaunt


Tucker Carlson called me “not super smart.” Recently, Marianne Williamson DMed my mom to complain about me. follow me on Instagram

George Soros' basement
Vrijeme pridruživanja: travanj 2008.


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  1. Prikvačeni tweet
    23. ruj
    Prikaži ovu nit
  2. There’s no way Wilbur is still sleeping in that UN auditorium?

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    Kevin Spacey visiting Israel and wearing a kippah is objectively Bad For The Jews

  4. Sure eating your kids Halloween candy while they’re asleep is good but a swing in polling towards impeachment is real good.

  5. Attacking a middle aged women for aging. Classy move little buddy. Classy move.

  6. Just like Democrat’s got slaughtered in the midterms. Oh wait, that was republicans who lost the house.

  7. prije 1 sat

    Any spots left on your dystopian hellscape bingo card? Mine is all full up.

  8. prije 1 sat

    I don’t understand how the right can peddle these two arguments simultaneously—“He didn’t do anything wrong” and “you can’t impeach him because his followers will be upset”

  9. prije 1 sat

    Calling a jewish person shifty and controlled by a wealthier jewish person feels just a little (and by a little I mean a lot) antisemitic.

  10. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    If Eric thinks that's bad, wait till he hears about the politician whose sons are running an international business that the politician still visits, promotes and *personally profits from* in office

  11. You mean when the president bragged about how he could sexually assault women because he was famous?

  12. Poništi
  13. THE PRESIDENT’S FREE LAWYER IS UP AND HE MAY HAVE put a little something in his coffee.

  14. They copied from Wikipedia, which seems very on brand for Trumpists.

  15. This may mark a paradigm shift in the way reporters interview the president.

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 10 sati

    My latest piece for spares absolutely no one. "SCENES FROM A MELTDOWN Trump Is Going to Burn Down Everything and Everyone, and Republicans, That Means You" Enjoy!

  17. Lindsey Graham getting owed by Australia. We live in wild and yet very stupid times.

  18. Poništi
  19. I’m starting to suspect that this little experiment in trumpism ain’t gonna be so great for the Jews.

  20. Poništi
  21. Rudy just said George Soros! Everybody drink!


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