Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  2. Duela 14 ordu
  3. uzt. 21

    2 senior cats whose owner tried to commit suicide are in PLEASE contact Hope the OP if you can help in any way eg funds, transport, foster.

  4. uzt. 20
  5. uzt. 20

    Took a break during my 6-mile run to watch the porpoises frolic.🐬🤗

  6. uzt. 19
  7. uzt. 19

    Shout out to staff for personally rescuing this Red-shouldered Hawk from a busy roadway. Motorists stopped traffic while she scooped it up in a towel. With only minor injuries, the hawk should be ready for release in a jiffy!

  8. uzt. 19

    Pot-O-Gold. I was set up and waiting for a lightning shot but the storm split and this dynamic rainbow reflection landed at my feet. in .

  9. uzt. 19
  10. uzt. 18

    Mama, I scared of the lizard on the lanai...🦎

  11. uzt. 18

    Come to . Escape the heat.

  12. uzt. 18

    On a scale of 1-10, how much do you 💕 ? 🌴

  13. uzt. 18
  14. uzt. 18

    That's one way to beat the heat 🤣🤣🤣

  15. uzt. 17

    In five days time, we’ll be in for the official opening of the world’s first-ever high-volume, high-speed advanced satellite production facility. Helping to bring transformative internet connectivity to 🛰️

  16. uzt. 17
  17. uzt. 17

    Prime shelf cloud season. Credit: Ronald Kotinsky at Siesta Key.

  18. uzt. 17

    Thank you for your efforts to and protect access to affordable and for patients in !

  19. uzt. 17

    "I returned to a stand of pines, bone-thin phalanx flanking the roadside, ..." --Natasha Trethewey, "South"

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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