
आपण @TwitterSafety यांना अवरोधित केले आहे

आपणास निश्चितपणे ही ट्विट्स पहायची आहेत? तसे केल्याने @TwitterSafety यांना अनब्लॉक केले जाणार नाही.

  1. यांनी पुन्हा ट्विट केले
    १७ जुलै

    We’re testing a feature to hide replies from conversations. This experience will be available for everyone around the world, but at this time, only people in Canada can hide replies to their Tweets. We want to know what you think. Please Tweet us your feedback and questions!

    पूर्ववत् करा
  2. ११ जुलै

    We’re testing a new feature in Canada to give you more control over your conversations.

    पूर्ववत् करा
  3. ९ जुलै

    Today we’re announcing an expansion to this policy which will address dehumanizing language towards religious groups. This is just the first step. Over time we'll expand the policy to include more groups and update you along the way. Learn more:

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  4. ९ जुलै

    Last year we asked for your thoughts on how we could expand our hateful conduct policy to include dehumanizing language. We heard that we needed to be clearer, narrow down our focus, and explain how we enforce.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  5. २७ जून

    Sometimes, we decide that it may be in the public’s interest for certain Tweets to remain on Twitter, even if they would otherwise break our rules. We're going to start using a new notice to make it clear when we make these decisions. Read more:

    पूर्ववत् करा
  6. १३ जून

    We're releasing additional accounts & Tweets we believe were involved in state-backed information operations — all have been removed from Twitter. Since this archive's creation, researchers have used it to further the public conversation. More here:

    पूर्ववत् करा
  7. ६ जून

    Note: we may need to change these Rules from time to time in order to support our goal of promoting a healthy public conversation. The most current version is always available here👇

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  8. ६ जून

    Learn more about our approach to enforcement, including potential consequences for violating these Rules or attempting to circumvent enforcement, as well as how to appeal.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  9. ६ जून

    You may not violate others’ intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  10. ६ जून

    You may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations in a manner that is intended to or does mislead, confuse, or deceive others.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  11. ६ जून

    You may not use Twitter’s services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, where, or how to vote.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  12. ६ जून

    You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  13. ६ जून

    You may not post or share intimate photos or videos of someone that were produced or distributed without their consent.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  14. ६ जून

    You may not publish or post other people's private information (such as home phone number and address) without their express authorization and permission. We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  15. ६ जून

    You may not use our service for any unlawful purpose or in furtherance of illegal activities. This includes selling, buying, or facilitating transactions in illegal goods or services, as well as certain types of regulated goods or services.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  16. ६ जून

    You may not post media that is excessively gory or share violent or adult content within live video or in profile or header images. Media depicting sexual violence and/or assault is also not permitted.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  17. ६ जून

    You may not promote or encourage suicide or self-harm.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  18. ६ जून

    You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  19. ६ जून

    You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, or incite other people to do so. This includes wishing or hoping that someone experiences physical harm.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा
  20. ६ जून

    We have zero tolerance for child sexual exploitation on Twitter.

    हा थ्रेड दाखवा
    पूर्ववत् करा

लोड करण्या करता काही वेळ लागू शकतो.

Twitter वरची क्षमता ओलांडली गेली आहे किंवा तात्पुरती अडचण अनुभवास येत आहे. पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा किंवा अधिक माहितीसाठी Twitter स्थिती येथे भेट द्या.

    आपण मला सुद्धा विचारू शकता
