EN/IT: Solidarity with Dinos Giagtzoglou (Greece)

July 24th, 2019



Anarchist Dinos Giagtzoglou was arrested in central Athens on 28 October 2017, one of Greece’s national days, in an ambush by anti-terrorist police forces as he left a safe house-hideout rented by him under a false name, carrying weaponry.

Initially he got imprisoned in the prison of Larissa, a city 355 km from Athens, with the aim of isolating him from his comrades, family and friends, making the talks with the lawyer extremely difficult and preparing for his trial almost impossible since the case files contain thousands of pages in digital format.

On 21 February 2018, he was transferred back to Athens for a pending trial about an old arrest in clashes with the riot police in the context of a general strike against the Greek government’s austerity economic measures in May 2011. After the postponement of this trial he began a hunger strike demanding to be typically transferred to Korydallos prison, close to his place of residence. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

‘Heretics’ by Gabriel Pombo da Silva

July 23rd, 2019

The heretic, like the bandit, knows that the loss of his freedom takes him irremediably to the gallows. What awaits him is a tribunal that will ask him about his actions. A court that will exercise its power and absolute reason in the name of God, the People, the Kingdom and the State. Power and reason are acts of authoritarian syncretism developed throughout the course of the centuries by the proprietors of the Earth, the Sea and the Sky. Therefore the individualist anarchist – who is at the same time heretic and bandit – is aware that his conviction on power and reason takes them to the stake. Like a moth, they seek light and succumb. Like Icarus, they fly high and the Sun melts their wings. Like Prometheus they steal the fire of the gods for themself and for the others; like him.

The anarchist’s drama is his passion for freedom, his unrelenting search for accomplices, whom he rarely finds. She/he despises the conformism of the herd, the cowardice of the crowd, the dogmatism of every faith.

Any priest – of every ‘ism’ – hates her because they can’t be controlled, she/he doesn’t obey him, he/she doesn’t listen to him; and when he/she can, she/he raises their voice to attack the slightest form of power and authority. Sometimes these solitary avengers throw a bomb or plunge a dagger with the intent – always – of sowing chaos into the order of reason, rigorously established as law or supreme truth. At other times, they mingle with discontent with the intent to trigger insurrections. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty |

Earth Liberation Front torch SCA timber company vehicle (Sweden)

July 23rd, 2019

On the night of July the 8th a car parked outside the office of SCA in Östersund in mid Sweden was torched. SCA is one of the companies responsible for the clearcutting and destruction of oldgrowth forests in Sweden.

Their terror of the wild will have consequences. We will no longer stand by silent and watch their eco-terrorism destroy the last wild forests in the north of Europe.

With fire and sabotage we will hunt you. Destroy the one who destroys.

For the wild!


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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Repression updates from Italy

July 23rd, 2019

Firenze, Italia: Verso la fine del processo “Panico”
Florence, Italy: Towards the end of the “Panico” trial


Italia: Sequestro e tentata deportazione dell’anarchico Divine Umoru + Sabato 20 luglio: Presidio al CPR di Bari
Italy: Kidnapping and attempted deportation of anarchist Divine Umoru + Saturday, July 20th: Protest at the CPR of Bari


Italia: Richieste di condanna al processo per l’operazione “Panico”
Italy: Sentencing requests at the trial for the “Panico” operation


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Posted in Social Control |

“Raided. Radical. Motivated.” : Liebig 34 – Berlin (Germany)

July 23rd, 2019

This morning [20/7], the cops of the LKA 5.21 unit under the command of Kranich raided Liebig34. Unusual was the saturday, unusual the mix of units from different departments. New were a few civil cop faces, not new: the repression.

The reason for this raid was probably stones thrown from the house during the last few weeks. After the cops collected stones from the Dorfplatz around 2:30 this morning, they obtained a court order and search warrant to search part of our house and returned around 6:30 a.m.. They came through the backyard and the front door, sawed the doors and barris, picked them up and thus forcibly gained access to our project. A lawyer was quickly on the scene and was able to observe and testify. Altogether the cops were about three hours in the house, having searched officially and intensively three connected rooms and the attic. They also snooped around in unlocked private rooms, tore posters from the walls, knocked over furniture, cut internet cables and destroyed windows. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

Announcement and Call for Submissions! Oak: A Journal Against Civilization

July 23rd, 2019

A call to participate in a new anarchist journal, entitled, Oak, from an anti-civilization perspective.

There is no food that means more to me than the acorn, for the acorn fulfills both a promise and a fantasy: that the forest will provide for me.

Samuel Thayer

Issue 1: Perpetual Apocalypse – Spring 2020

Few things are as breathtaking as a forest of oak and its many expressions. The incredible symphony of falling acorns — a harbinger of bounty and community. For millennia the acorn has provided food for humanity and countless other species. The promise and resilience of the oak stands as a reminder of possibility. It’s likely that for thousands of years fires were set, not just to create areas for game, but to preferentially seed oak trees. It seems fitting that we should show homage to the ubiquitous oak by celebrating it in our title.

Since I can remember there’s been unceasing division within the anarchist and anti-civilization milieus, both at large and in my immediate experience. It seems we’re always knives first, taking aim at the comfortable targets a few degrees away from us. While I’m all for good sparring practice, I believe the connections must remain if we are to survive and thrive. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Library |

Total Liberation – Signal Fire x Active Distribution

July 23rd, 2019

New book just published by Signal Fire along with Active Distribution.

It sets out an insurrectional project grounded in social ecology, deep ecology, and anti-speciesism. It focuses on the question of what a revolution in the 21st century would look like, and how to make one possible.

View and download for free here:

Any help with spreading it appreciated.

We hope it offers clarity and strength in these urgent times.

In solidarity,
Signal Fire

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Posted in Library |

Support an anarchist who was sentenced in so-called Germany

July 23rd, 2019

Support an anarchist who was sentenced in so-called Germany. This person was captured by a civilian security guard in a shopping mall while nonviolently expropriating some goods. Without noticing he has a small pocket knife on him which he didn’t want to use as weapon. Even though he was accused of: A theft with a weapon prepared to use.

The German court imposed punishment of 90 days in prison or paying 1000 Euro. That means if he doesn’t pay those money he will have to spend three months in prison. The Czech ABC group decided to support him with organising a money collection. You can send your solidarity contribution to an account at: https://abcnews.noblogs.org/kontakt/ or put it in a box by the ABC stall at public events.

The expropriation is not a crime. Different forms of expropriation of capitalist and state sources is a legitimate way of a fight against dictatorship of a capital. We are supporting those who act in this way and are punished.

Solidarity is our weapon!

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Berlin: Police raid anarcha-queer-feminist squat Liebig34 (Germany)

July 22nd, 2019

Received Saturday 20 July

This morning 6:30, the police broke into Liebig34 to search evidence and DNA in one room. The reason is an attack with stones against repression forces on Friday night. Soon after many riot police vans and a helicopter arrived, a barricade was burning in Rigaer Street. After some hours police left, no one was arrested. There is a call for resistance tonight and solidarity actions. More info as it comes.


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Posted in Social Control |

August: Month in Memory of Santiago Maldonado – Argentina

July 17th, 2019

In August, we invite all the individuals and groups that feel close to the fate of our companion Santiago Maldonado, disappeared and murdered by the Argentine State.

From the 1st of August let’s see our anger, our proposals to the conflict, our unwavering will. Nothing has ended for us, we are sparks that can go on and off, but we will always be there.

Let’s unfold our beautiful creativities, activities, meetings, marches, whatever we want. That’s what our freedom is about, that’s what it’s about to remember our fallen brothers and sisters.
Let anarchy overflow the confines and margins of this disgusting society.
Neither martyrs nor heroes!
Active memory with us!
Long live anarchy!

Invitamos a que en el mes de agosto todas las individualidades y colectivos que se sienten cercanos al destino que tuvo nuestro compañero Santiago Maldonado, desaparecido y asesinado por el Estado argentino.
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Posted in Autonomy |

Open-source guide on how to send anonymous blackfaxes to DHS-ICE

July 17th, 2019

# How to send anonymous blackfaxes for free

#OPMeltICE #OPCrushICE #ChingaLaMigra #OpenSourceInsurgency #antifasec

161 /// AFA



### Step One: Establish a connection using a VPN or the Tor Project

[The Tor Project](

[Bitmask VPN](
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Posted in No Borders |

USA: Final Message from Anarchist Antifascist Fighter Will Van Spronsen, Killed in Combat on 13.07.19

July 15th, 2019

Here is the final message the anarchist fighter Will Van Spronsen left for his comrades before carrying out an armed attack against the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington on July 13th, 2019.

there’s wrong and there’s right.
it’s time to take action against the forces of evil.

evil says one life is worth less than another.
evil says the flow of commerce is our purpose here.
evil says concentration camps for folks deemed lesser are necessary.
the handmaid of evil says the concentration camps should be more humane.
beware the centrist.
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Posted in No Borders |

Arrest and detention of three comrades in Hamburg (Germany)

July 14th, 2019

via https://de.indymedia.org/node/34562:

Solidarity with the Three from the park bench

During the night of 8 July 2019, three of our friends and comrades were arrested and after that several apartments were searched. After the prison examination two of them are now in custody, the third person got released on parole. According to the press, they are accused of preparing an arson attack in connection with the anniversary of the riots against the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017.

Show solidarity and show them that they are not alone!

If you want to write to them you can send letters:

Libertäres Zentrum

Karolinenstraße 42 (Hinterhaus)

20357 Hamburg


Keyword “Die Drei von der Parkbank”

We are furious!

Whether guilty or not, solidarity with all those affected by repression!

Freedom for all prisoners!

Burning hearts cannot be locked up!

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Posted in Social Control |

$hile: Punki Mauri, ¡presente! A 10 años de la muerte en acción de Mauricio Morales

July 13th, 2019

EN: ¡Punky Mauri Presente! 10 Years After the Death in Action of Mauricio Morales


“La noche ya ha avanzado. No hace tanto frío para toda la ropa que oscurece nuestra imagen, pero eso no importa, el viento refresca nuestro rápido avance. Estamos a tiempo. Todo hasta el momento va bien. Estamos solos, solos como nunca y como siempre. Por las calles sombrías y maltrechas rodeamos la fábrica de carceleros. Nos acercamos. La próxima parada está cerca. En mi mente repaso el plan acordado…”

– “Un saludo de Libertad” – (1)

Tras un día feriado que anticipaba para muchxs un largo fin de semana, la ciudad de Santiago se iba durmiendo en la fría madrugada del 22 de mayo de 2009. Un sector de Avenida Matta permanecía en quietud, lejos de las luces y bullicio de locales comerciales. Solo dos ciclistas avanzan como difusas siluetas para diferentes cámaras de seguridad.

El avance se interrumpe cuando las siluetas se separan y una de ellas se baja de la bicicleta para arreglar algo en su mochila. Un gran destello corta entonces la filmación.

El ruido de una potente explosión hace eco entre las calles, la confusión despierta el lugar, lanzando las alertas policiales.

En la mitad de la calle Ventura Lavalle, casi en la esquina con Artemio Gutiérrez, un cuerpo ya sin vida está envuelto en una estela de pólvora, a un costado un revólver -con una sola bala en la nuez- más allá una bicicleta negra espera para continuar el viaje. A solo metros se encuentra la Escuela de Gendarmería, lugar donde los carceleros reciben adoctrinamiento y especialización. Read the rest of this entry »

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