Paul Vignaحساب تایید شده


Reporter, . Author, Guts (2017); co-author w/, The Age of Cryptocurrency (2015), The Truth Machine (2018).

New York
در ۱۳۸۷ اسفند پیوسته است


@paulvigna را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @paulvigna را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. توییت سنجاق‌شده
    ۳۰ شهریور ۱۳۹۷

    "Guts: The Anatomy of " is now available in paperback and hardcover. Get it before the dead get you. "Smart and entertaining" - Wash. Post

  2. مرداد ۱۲

    Well, at least he said Taylor Ham. Take that, South Jersey.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  3. مرداد ۱۲

    Wait a second...are the Rolling Stones...actually...the *Trolling* Stones? Don't lie about Taylor Ham, Mick!

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  4. مرداد ۱۲

    "And you can, bring me disco fries, every morning. Bring me disco fries, in a pail. Eat disco fries, at my wedding. And I won't forget to tip the waitress for the kale."

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  5. مرداد ۱۲

    "Under my thumb, is a greasy, taylor ham sandwich. Under my thumb, it's the sweetest, sandwich in the world."

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  6. مرداد ۱۲

    "I"m so hot for a... I'm so hot for a... I'm so hot for a... taylor ham!"

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  7. مرداد ۱۲

    When you're in New Jersey, you go to diners and eat Taylor Ham sandwiches (and disco fries). It's just what you do - even if you're the Rolling freaking Stones.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  8. مرداد ۱۱
  9. مرداد ۱۰

    All you need to achieve the American Dream is hard work - and maxed out credit cards. And student loans. And 7-yr auto loans. Oh, and forget about buying a house. via

  10. مرداد ۹

    Biggest gulf between a good band and a bad band name. Tears for Fears.

  11. مرداد ۹

    🎶 Where have you gone, William McChesney Ma-a-a-rtin? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you. Boo hoo hoo. What’s that you say, Mrs. Robinson? Punch-Bowl Will has left and gone away. Hey hey hey. Hey hey hey. 🎶

  12. مرداد ۹

    Mr. Market when the Fed cuts 25 bips but you wanted 50.

  13. مرداد ۸

    Congress missed an important point when they grilled Facebook's David Marcus: Libra's going to help cops track money. via

  14. مرداد ۸

    This is totally plausible, because the Dude and Walter are in all the action, but Donny mostly sits around and say “I am the walrus.” As recounted by the Dude himself.

  15. مرداد ۷

    My contribution to the new . Video from WSJ just for Twitter. (Sorry, crypto kids, this one's not about bitcoin.)

  16. مرداد ۷

    Something new from us here at the Journal, videos created just for the Twitterati.

  17. مرداد ۷

    Social media should have the equivalent of a calorie count, so you can know if you've had too much.

  18. مرداد ۷

    Since July 25, the Yankees are the worst team in baseball.

  19. مرداد ۶

    I'm not sure who Lewis Wake is, but he deserves an Oscar, or something.

  20. مرداد ۶

    This could possibly ruin Hey, Ya for you. Or It. Either way, worth the 12 second investment.

  21. مرداد ۶

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