

Pro Jewish Indigenous Rights. Zionism = self determination for Jews. I love [equally] UK & Israel. YES to peace and coexistence above all else.

East Sussex




  1. さんがリツイート
    2 時間前
    返信先: さん

    Would be great if you could clarify whether there's a place for mainstream left-wing publications to publish Jew-baiters. Hope the yobs who attacked Jones are found and jailed.

  2. 2 分前

    PROOF that Pakistan, a Muslim country, cares NADA about the 2m Arab-Israelis (majority Muslim) that would be massacred along with Israeli-Jews. This is quintessential Muslim antisemitism & it has nothing to do with territories in Israel.

  3. さんがリツイート
    8 分前
    返信先: さん、さん

    They just had a Saudi blogger visit.

  4. さんがリツイート
    8 分前

    Dear & -- I'm so terribly sorry that you missed this wonderful welcome prepared for you by your beloved Palestinians ☹️

  5. さんがリツイート
    9 分前
    返信先: さん、さん

    They said "We're going to Palestine". Then, their first day was in Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel and the Jewish people. Tlaib said she wanted to see her grandmother. Then, she pretexted an infantile reason not to go and told her that Israel was preventing it.

  6. さんがリツイート
    8 分前

    The ‘poor Palestinians’ - so beloved by every ‘progressive’ in the world - yet again firing rockets at Israeli civilians for no reason. World yawns and ignores it. Why is this considered acceptable?

  7. さんがリツイート
    10 時間前
    返信先: さん、さん

    Your country literally forces Israel to buy weapons from USA with ~90% of said $3.8m. But I guess you prefer your defense companies selling to other countries instead? Saudi? UAE? Oh wait, you already give 25% of your weapon export to them, your biggest clients. Sit down grandpa.

  8. さんがリツイート
    12 分前
    返信先: さん

    🇺🇸 USA bans Michael Ben-Ari an elected Israeli MP... the world says nothing 🇬🇧 UK bans Geert Wilders an elected Dutch MP... the world says nothing 🇮🇱 Israel bans Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar... the world goes crazy! Now do you see the double standard?

  9. さんがリツイート
    11 分前
    返信先: さん

    It’s not democratic to allow avowed enemies into a state when they have disrespected Israel at every turn Why do you want Israel to welcome terror supporters and inciters? Why must israel respect those who disrespect it? Why do you hold Israel to a different standard?

  10. さんがリツイート
    11 分前
    返信先: さん

    Flat out lies! Israel warmly welcomes Muslims and peoples of all faiths. Israel has Muslim members of Parliament and Muslims who serve across all sectors of Israeli society. You play on people’s ignorance of the facts. You have totally and utterly discredited yourself.

  11. 11 分前

    TERRORIST ORGANISATION similar to the Baader Meinhoff group (on the radical Left, anti-West & antisemitic.)

  12. さんがリツイート
    29 分前
    返信先: さん、さん、他

    They won't accept it as the NATION STATE of the JEWISH PEOPLE. They won't accept is as a JEWISH STATE.

  13. さんがリツイート
    22 分前
    返信先: さん、さん、他

    I’m a JEW and a ZIONIST, why would I support Islamic terrorist trash? 🇮🇱3801/71 🇵🇸0

  14. 13 分前

    Hold his parents accountable too. He was a young teen when he converted to Islam yet they did not find this strange? Also UK media omitted his conversion to Islam when interviewing parents or reporting on his story. Why omit such a pivotal transformation in his life?

  15. さんがリツイート
    18 分前
    返信先: さん

    If that's true, that's great. Would you prefer he raise money for Palestinian terrorist murderers? I'm sure you do. Antisemite hater.

  16. さんがリツイート

    me after finding out that Ashton Kutcher raised 80 million dollars for the Israeli Army

  17. さんがリツイート
    27 分前

    These imbeciles calling cops “parasites”. What a putrid culture you’ve helped create

  18. さんがリツイート
    29 分前
    返信先: さん、さん

    Yet again Ireland is shamed in the international arena, the Irish gobshites never stop to ask or check WHERE IS THE MONEY GOING, Ireland is not viewed as charitable just plain stupid.

  19. さんがリツイート
    4 時間前

    I see is one of the funders listed. Is this true ⁦⁩ ? If so it’s an utter disgrace. Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Passover blood libel in Hanan Ashrawi's "Miftah" website (UPDATE)

  20. 20 分前

    BDS is an antisemitic organisation. This anti-Israelist called CYNTHIAH is lying about Israel when she claims Israel invented the Muslim ban. Israel bans Jews & Christians who promote BDS too but THOUSANDS of Muslims enter Israel as tourists.




