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Letters //

Semester 1, Week 4 Letters 2016

Standing with students I write regarding the horrible photograph in Honi Soit of the Muslim prayer room in shambles after an attack. I ache for all those who returned to their sanctum and found it so violated. The desecration of a house of prayer is a desecration of the name of God. I pray the…

Letters //

Semester 1, Week 2 Letters 2016

In defence of the University Mardi Gras float Dear Honi. I’m writing this letter very much sleep deprived after what was a late and exciting night. Last night was the Mardi Gras and it was the first Sydney University Mardi Gras Float. However, last week there was an article titled ‘Queer students consider boycott of…

Letters //

Semester 1, Week 1 Letters 2016

Ivan’s Head To the Editors No Maze of Secret Rooms at St Paul’s: Honi p 14-15 Dear Natalie and Victoria, You have a weaker view of the adult powers of 18 and 19 year old women who attend the Women’s College than I have as a man living next door. I sometimes ponder this picture…

Letters //

OWeek Letters 2016

The things I do for Honi Dear last year’s editors, There’s something you should be aware of regarding your final edition. I travelled to Israel, admittedly in rather peculiar circumstances. I had not slept for a couple of days when in the middle of the night I drained my bank account for the next flight…

Letters //

SUSLAS responds

Dear Una Madura Verde, Thank you for the time and consideration you invested in writing your open letter to the Spanish and Latin American Society (SUSLAS) in the ACAR edition of Honi Soit. We appreciate your feedback; it has encouraged us to critically reflect on the purpose, functions and goals of the society. In your…