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London Campaign Manager at Child Poverty Action Group . Formerly campaigns and comms and now a trustee at . Views my own etc.
Alice_CPAG 转推了
OnLondon 12小时
NEW. The grim reality of London boroughs' finances is becoming clearer. has been looking at the figures:
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Centre for London 12小时
Every child has lost out on education over the last 3 months, but some have been more impacted than others.1/3 of pupils from middle class families are doing daily lessons, compared to just 16% of those from working class families. explains:
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Toral 6月16日
Thanks to your campaign highlighting that poor families have been forgotten by the government measures to protect people's livelihoods, just received a staggering £1,120 in donations for our vital work and monthly direct debit donations totalling £20.
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Joanne McCartney 6月16日
It’s so important that young Londoners aren’t priced out of getting to school, college or work. I made the case for Government to drop their plans to take away free travel for our under-18s at London Assembly Transport Committee.
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Child Poverty Action Group 6月16日
Fantastic news that free school meal provision will continue in England and Scotland over the summer holidays. Congratulations to and all involved in campaigning for this lifeline for low-income families.
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
John Bishop 6月16日
I strongly support the campaign started by to get the gov to change policy and supply free school meals to the most vulnerable children during the summer as in Scotland and Wales. You do not stop being in need because term ends Pls RT and support
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Jay Rayner 6月16日
The plea is making comes from a place of terrible experience. Extending free school meals across the summer isn't just some nice add on; it's vital for millions of children mired in poverty and at risk of going hungry.
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Alice_CPAG 6月16日
Such a brilliant letter in so many ways
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Alice_CPAG 6月16日
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
The Times 6月16日
Of the 1.3 million children registered for free school meals, a quarter of them have not received any help during lockdown — a forgotten generation. on ending child poverty
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Martin Lewis 6月16日
Brilliant & important campaign by for free school meals continuing in summer. He has everything a powerful lobby needs -Led by lived experience -Realistic, practical, ask -Individual action, putting money where mouth is -Ability to instantly reach large numbers
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Imran 6月16日
That £63m of help to families Grant Shapps is talking about on is not much of a dent in the £35bn pa cut in social security cuts since 2010
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Children's Commissioner for England 6月16日
Marcus Rashford: Ending child poverty is a bigger trophy than any in football
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Alice_CPAG 6月16日
Thank you for mentioning when talking about child poverty in the UK. It's not right that 9 children in every classroom are living in poverty after you take housing costs into account.
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
BBC Breakfast 6月15日
"I once had to go through that same system" In a TV exclusive with explains why he's calling for a u-turn over the decision to end free school meal vouchers in England over summer. More here:
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
London Councils 6月12日
Good to hear on talking about homeless people with No Recourse to Public Funds. Giving this group access to the welfare system would unlock much-needed funding and support, including housing
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Alice_CPAG 6月13日
回复 @sophiekhowes
Awww thanks Sophie!
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
James O'Brien 6月12日
My favourite politicians are the ones who vote to close libraries but claim that statues of slavers are of immense educational importance.
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
Ed Davie 6月12日
Proud that features in this best practice guide for tackling child poverty and giving welfare assistance
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Alice_CPAG 转推了
dominic twomey 6月12日
It’s important to understand inequality, vulnerability and deprivation, councils do a lot with limited resource, for a better understanding of the issues faced and solutions provided, read this👇
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