Friday, October 31, 2008

Treiops Treyfid

If Jerry Fuchs has a drum credit on it, I will probably buy the record. I feel like that is a pretty good rule to have.

If I still had a moustache I would be him for Halloween. I hope you are enjoying yours!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, a single by Treiops Treyfid.

All Water (Coolidge)
1. Water Is The Body
2. Waves I'm Watching

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Child Abuse

Tim, Luke, and Oran are all super cool dudes. Always a pleasure to see them.

I have a shirt with a yellow school bus that says "Child Abuse" on the side. I wear it occasionally but I'm always a little nervous about it.

Eagle Album came with no tracklist so I had to send an email to find out what it was. It had no title either but that was how Luke referred to it in the email he sent Oran, and I liked the sound of it. I go the extra mile for you!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Child Abuse.

Eagle Album (Self)
1. Repetitive Stress Syndrome
2. Emotional
3. Flesh Eating Wunderkind
4. Mental
5. Penile Jihad
6. Physical
7. Gray Lump Of Corpse
8. Death Spiral

Child Abuse/Octis (Forge)
1. Age Of Reason
2. Animal Kings And Queens

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I saw the first Slaves show at Bottom Of The Hill. I was excited because I loved The VSS.

It was less than stellar.

I saw them again a few years later at Brownie's and they were much, much improved. Andy said I was probably one of the few people who was at that first show who had seen them again.

These two records are pretty killer, with "Penumbra-Hadabra" in particular being an amazing song. I couldn't find them when they came out as they weren't too easy to find on this side of the Atlantic, but I was able to discover them more recently for a pretty reasonable price.

My discovery is now yours. I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as I do.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Slaves.

Teatro Sexy Movie (Valium/Nausicaa)
1. Right Back Down In The Middle

An Exact Seance (Alternate Mix) b/w Penumbra-Hadabra (Tripoli)
1. An Exact Seance (Alternate Mix)
2. Penumbra-Hadabra

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Anemic Boyfriends

I went to the WFMU record swap this weekend. I spent less than I have on previous occasions, about 50 of your American dollars. There were tons of records I would have liked to have purchased, but I decided I wasn't going to spend more than $20 on a record, and only buy things I could post here.

I did end up buying stuff you probably will never see as they are otherwise available but I decided I should pick them up anyway. I did not, however, spend more than $20 on a record (although I was tempted to, just so I could share them with you).

I do admit to feeling a little overwhelmed, it has been a while since I went to something like this and I didn't really have the patience to slog through every single LP in the room. So I only looked at tables that were selling singles, although I perused their LPs as well. This one had the following description: "1980 Alaska Female Vox Artwave" -- sold! At $5, how could I pass it up?

According to them, guys will even "do it with sheep". That would have to be one hot ewe, if you ask me.

This record rules, by the way.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, The Anemic Boyfriends.

Guys Are Not Proud b/w Bad Girls In Love (Red Sweater)
1. Guys Are Not Proud
2. Bad Girls In Love

Monday, October 27, 2008


I had the pleasure of seeing Sleater-Kinney on a number of occasions, the first of which was to half full house at Jabberjaw sometime during the summer of 1996. For some reason no one wanted to go with me to that show, which is funny because now there are probably all kinds of people who would like to have been there. I was one of only a handful of boys there.

They were always great. I never saw a bad Sleater-Kinney show.

When Dig Me Out came out, I swear I heard it every single place I went, including my own bedroom. Everyone in the world seemed to be listening to that record at once, and it was awesome.

I had the pleasure of singing karaoke with Janet one evening at The Mint in San Francisco. She sang "Like A Prayer", if memory serves me.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Sleater-Kinney.

You Ain't It! (Villa Villakula)
1. You Ain't It!
2. Surf Song

Move Into The Villa Villakula (Villa Villakula)
1. You Ain't It
2. Write Me Back Fucker
3. More Than A Feeling

Free To Fight Seven Inch Series #1: Girls Fighting Girls (Chainsaw/Candyass)
1. Big Big Lights

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bruce Lose

I love Flipper, and I love this too.

I almost feel guilty because I must have seen this record a million times and not known what it was. I was so psyched when I did.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Bruce Lose.

What's Your Name? b/w Waking To Sleep (Subterranean)
1. What's Your Name?
2. Waking To Sleep

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Talking Heads

I really, really love this band. You probably already do too.

The "Version Acoustique" of Psycho Killer will knock your socks off if you are anything like me. I'm not sure if it has been on any of the reissues, but it certainly wasn't otherwise available when I first purchased that single. I listened to it a few times in a row I liked it so much.

Believe it or not, I am going to see David Byrne play soon! His new record rules and if you haven't heard it I highly recommend fixing that.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, two singles by Talking Heads.

Love → Building on Fire b/w New Feeling (Sire)
1. Love → Building on Fire
2. New Feeling

Psycho Killer (Sire)
1. Psycho Killer
2. Psycho Killer (Version Acoustique)

Friday, October 24, 2008


This song is amazing. I am bummed that I can't find out much about them, and this appears to be their only proper recording.Why?

Perhaps you were in the band and have recordings that you would like to share with the world? Or with me at least?

You might be interested to know that one member went on the be in The Human League. Not Being Boiled era, unfortunately.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Graph.

Earcom 1 (Fast Product)
1. Drowning

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Vague Angels

I used to run into Chris Leo all the time. He was generally pretty upbeat, and always seemed like he was on his way to some awesome party. I rolled with him once or twice and the parties were actually pretty awesome.

I don't really see him around anymore. I guess maybe he is holed up writing books and such. White Pigeons was a pleasant surprise, I will admit.

I saw Vague Angels once at Cake Shop and quite enjoyed it. Perhaps I will get to see them perform again sometime soon.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Vague Angels.

Vague Angels Performs Themepark Ashtray In Ashtray Themepark By The Legendary And Fictitious Band The Breaks As It Appears On The Album Truth Loved Which Functions As Chapter 7 In The Novel White Pigeons By Chris Leo b/w Vague Angels Met Lavender Diamond And Sang Wild (Pretty Activity)
1. Themepark Ashtray In Ashtray Themepark
2. Wild

Vague Angels/The Gang (Altin Village)
1. The Whole Note Has Neither A Flag Nor A Body
2. Hurry! Hurry! Before It Happens Again
3. I Did Not Find You In Murray Hill

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Flowers

Oh man are these records good. You might have guessed that I am a fan of plenty of Scottish bands from this era, and you'd be right too.

This is another example of me being about to post something and then realizing that there was one more single that I could acquire and then submit to you their entire recorded output. So I purchased the second single from England and had it shipped over here at my own expense just so I could share it with you. I hope you enjoy it!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, The Flowers.

Earcom 1 (Fast Product)
1. Criminal Waste
2. After Dark

Confessions b/w (Life) After Dark (Pop: Aural)
1. Confessions
2. (Life) After Dark

Ballad Of Miss Demeanour (Pop: Aural)
1. Ballad Of Miss Demeanour
2. Food
3. Tear Along

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Secret Stars

I have loved this band since the first time I played their first LP. I bought the first two singles and was lucky enough to snag a copy of the cassette at Amoeba in Berkeley one day for a few bucks (I uncovered a number of Shrimper cassettes there over the years). This version of Shoe In is ridiculously good (especially when compared to the version on Genealogies).

I very recently picked up the split with Ida, which I have been looking for pretty much since it came out. It was literally the first time I ever saw a copy, and I have been to a record store or two in my time.

I had quite an afternoon listening to all these records again, it had been far too long. I used to listen to them all the time in college.

I had the pleasure of seeing them play exactly once -- at The Angel Orensanz Foundation with Ida and His Name Is Alive. They never came out to play the west coast, so that was my only opportunity.

I did not include either of their excellent LPs as they are both widely available as we speak. If you need more you know where to look. I am providing access to their minor works -- but this is not to say that these are not all excellent listens (which they are).

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, several recordings by The Secret Stars.

The Secret Stars CS (Shrimper)
1. Auto Reverse (Arcane 17)
2. Court
3. Our Voices Are Getting Higher
4. Shoe In
5. Math = Vacuum
6. Polaroid Prints
7. Tag Yours
8. Dating Is Stupid
9. September

Wait b/w Riot Kill (Simple Machines)
1. Wait
2. Riot Kill

Nightingale b/w RPMs (Atlas)
1. Nightingale
2. RPMs

The Secret Stars/Ida (R.W.)
1. Sanity Assassins

Fourteen Days In Belpaese (Candy Apple/Green)
1. RPMs
2. Congress

Monday, October 20, 2008


I had the pleasure of meeting these young gentlemen the first time I ever went to CBGBs. I had spent the day ridiculously hungover (which resulted in me not drinking for the next 2 years), and arrived at the show to discover that every band I had heard of had cancelled.

I didn't even see Blueprint that night, but I wound up chatting with them anyway. It turned out we had a mutual friend in Houston, who I was going to visit later in that trip.

It was our last night in New York. I was with Eric Pritchard. I believe I mentioned earlier that he has since forgiven me, but when Blueprint offered me a ride to Cleveland to see June Of 44 and godheadsilo, how could I say no? I feel like this story keeps coming up, this might be the fourth post that relates to it.

What can I say? That show ruled.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Blueprint.

Acoustic (Abridged)
1. Until Now
2. Character
3. Even Superheroes Make Mistakes

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Girls At Our Best

I recently purchased what turned out to be not only their first single, but the only one I didn't have. I am not quite sure why, but even though I went through the trouble of bringing them home from England I never got around to listening to them.

Where have they been all my life! I felt pretty awesome listening to these, and hopefully you can now too!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Girls At Our Best.

Getting Nowhere Fast b/w Warm Girls (Record)
1. Getting Nowhere Fast
2. Warm Girls

Politics! c/w It's Fashion (Record)
1. Politics!
2. It's Fashion

Go For Gold! b/w I'm Beautiful Now (Happy Birthday)
1. Go For Gold!
2. I'm Beautiful Now

Pleasure (Happy Birthday)
1. Pleasure
2. Too Big For Your Boots
3. I'm Beautiful Now
4. Waterbed Babies
5. Fun-City Teenagers
6. £600,000
7. Heaven
8. China Blue
9. Fast Boyfriends
10. She Flipped
11. Goodbye To That Jazz

Fast Boyfriends (Happy Birthday)
1. Fast Boyfriends
2. This Train

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I saw Moth once in the hallway at Asterisk. There sure was some blowing (literally!) going on that night.

Sam's baby is ridiculously cute, if you were curious.

One night Sam was chanting "I'm rocking with the rhythm of the night!" like it was some kind of mantra. I love that vibe.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Moth.

Moth (FuckingA)
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5
6. 6
7. 7
8. 8
9. 9

Friday, October 17, 2008

Kid Lemon

I was able to find absolutely no information about this band. But I have been enjoying discussing each band on a compilation individually, and have been trying to dig up other tracks if they exist. This is not always as easy as it sounds.

That being said, this song closes out this particular compilation. It is indeed some sort of alien party theme, ending with the words "There you have it, a journey into the mystery world of Mr. Kid Lemon."

Quite appropriate.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Kid Lemon.

Elastic Jet Mission (Slampt)
1. Alien Party Theme

Thursday, October 16, 2008

White Suns

Kevin Barry (or K Bear to his close friends) and I use to be roommates. He was awesome, and a bigger noise fan than you could probably suspect (I would love walking by his room and hearing some brutality waft through the door).

The cover might be representative of the time he was walking down the street in Fort Greene and some dude clocked him for no reason whatsoever. What the fuck is up with people sometimes?

He recently joined Cutter and I told him and Ben that they should grow their hair long, start taking acid, and stop listening to anything that isn't The Grateful Dead so they can start getting really heavy. That's what I'm talking about.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, White Suns.

White Suns EP (Self)
1. Piet獺
2. Don Mattingly
3. Communion
4. Exposable Income
5. Baby Tar

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Spider Vomit

I first heard about Spider Vomit last year when I was on tour with Love Of Diagrams. Everyone (even Bamford, if memory serves) was singing their praises.

Fast forward to the end of this summer. My friend Allison tells me she has a friend from Australia visiting, and we all end up going out to Fort Tilden (the best beach in New York City, by the way). His name is Johnny and he seemed super sweet.

I almost missed the ferry that day too, I was literally sprinting down from the train, and it was only the persuasion of two attractive women (Allison and Katherine) that convinced them to let me on. The ferry might cost a few bucks but it is totally worth it -- you get to see every New York City beach and if you are on one of the big ones they sell beer too.

Sometime in the afternoon I discovered that he is in Spider Vomit.

I wanted to get a copy of the EP off him before he left, but our paths did not cross again. However I saw Allison recently and she handed me this! Apparently he left her one to give me.

It rules. "Problems" is totally a killer cut, I listened to it at least 3 times in a row the first time through. If you're ever feeling a little bummed it is an instant pick me up (but in a feel bad sort of way). I was stoked to hear Allison's voice on it too.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Spider Vomit.

Widows Walk (Unstable Ape)
1. Tail Points To Hell
2. No Way
3. Problems
4. Widows Walk
5. Evil Bloody Long Haired Woman

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No Things

We played what was perhaps our drunkest show with No Things at Llano Estacado a few years back. I remember being bombarded with beer cans and toilet paper.

Pat and I have become quite good friends in the meantime. He is someone I share my nice scotch with, and so should you!

One of the best times we had was out in Southold, Long Island. He and Anna had a place on the beach for a week and I stayed with them for two nights. We barbecued freshly caught swordfish (I decided to experiment with eating fish but it didn't take), ate cheese from goats we patted, and drank wine from grapes grown nearby. Awesome!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, No Things.

Trees (Self)
1. Trees
2. Have It Your Way
3. Treat Us Like Children
4. Gather Round The White Chapel
5. Electric Chair
6. Coward
7. Gutta Luva
8. International Insurrection
9. Offa Bridge
10. Die In The Past
11. Heaven Has No More Room

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Leadfoot Broadcast

Hawk and I have been friends for some years now. I was all of 17 years old when I met him. It was weird to turn 26 because that was how old he was when I met him, but now that we are both in our 30s I guess it doesn't matter as much anymore. We have attended each other's weddings, stayed at each other's houses, toured together, etc.

It was through Hawk that I met many of the people who were influential to me during my time in the Bay Area. We don't talk everyday but we will always be close friends.

This was the band he was in when I met him, and also my personal favorite.

Sorry the cover is so dirty, it would appear it has seen a few miles in the last 12 years.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, a cassette by The The Leadfoot Broadcast.

The Leadfoot Broadcast CS (Self)
1. One Ton Heart
2. You're It
3. Broken Land
4. California Dedication

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Cloud Room

I met first Jonathan well over a decade ago when he was a student at UC Santa Cruz. I was friends with his roommates Gabe (now of Yellow Swans) and Courtney (who I had quite a crush on but never got anywhere with). I remember one morning eating breakfast with Jonathan and him telling me that I was welcome in his home anytime. He does not recall saying that to me, but that is neither here nor there. It has always been true, as far as I know.

Jonathan moved to New York maybe a week or so before I did. I ran into him at The Cooler, although for the life of me I cannot recall what show it was. We became fast friends. We went to see a lot of movies together for some reason.

One night I was informed that the girl I was seeing was sleeping with someone else. I was informed of this fact at Welcome To The Johnson's (with him present!) and I wasn't terribly thrilled about it. I wasn't quite sure what to do after they left so I called Jonathan up. He invited me over and listened to me go on and on about my heartache pretty much all night.

Jonathan and I haven't hung out too much lately, I think he is busy touring weird places and I am married so we don't have as much free time as we used to. It meant a lot to me that he was there for me that night, it was a bit of a rough one.

I think at some point he started telling people his name is J but I've known him for far too long to buy into it.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, two CDrs by The Cloud Room.

Demo (Self)
1. The Hunger
2. Devoured In Peace
3. Sonic Youth

The Cloud Room EP (Self)
1. Hey Now Now
2. Waterfall
3. The Hunger
4. Devoured In Peace

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Blood Lines

I saw Blood Lines at Live With Animals the night the Llano Estacado got shut down. We were going to make "Free Todd P" shirts but he was freed before we had the chance.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, a CD by Blood Lines.

Blood Lines (The Social Registry)
1. Only The Holy
2. The Lie Of I
3. Fire

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Panic

My friend Jasmine was in this band, which I never got to see because I didn't know her when she was in it and didn't live in New York City yet. Through Jasmine I met everyone else but I don't see them around anymore. Times have changed, apparently.

Is it me that changed or the world? I always wonder, as I am going to the same sorts of things since the mid 90s, and the audience has changed so much. I suppose that is what happens as one gets older.

The good news is that I would say that I am having more fun than ever! Hurray for being 30!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, The Panic.

The Panic (Self)
1. Ultra
2. Pisces
3. Cathedral
4. Kathleen
5. Nighttime Conversation

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Natalja once told me that she'd heard that Kevin Shea earned money holding those silver tanning reflector things for rich Japanese businessmen in fancy New York hotels. I would actually like to know who started that rumor, if you have any ideas.

I have known her for a few years and it is always a pleasure to see her. I ran into her the other night and she looked super tough!

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, a CD by Querent.

The Finkle Meets The Fog (Self)
1. Fog
2. Call Her Name
3. Fog (Part 2)
4. Crash
5. Singing Corpses
6. Fog (Part 3)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Didus & The Fabulous Mascarenes

Perhaps I purchased this record because I am currently mustachioed, but something about it spoke to me.

I have to admit that it is pretty fun too.

Also, a little bit of trivia, the drummer on this record (Steve Missal) played drums on "White Wedding". Somebody had to, didn't they?

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Didus & The Fabulous Mascarenes.

These Shoes Are Made For Walking b/w So & So (Xtinct)
1. These Shoes Are Made For Walking
2. So & So

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Radio Actors

This record was apparently organized by Harry Williamson to help raise money for nuclear disarmament. I'm not sure how successful it was, but I do know it featured members of The Police (although I'm not sure how flexible Sting was when he made this record), Hawkwind, Arzachel, and Gong.

It is unfortunately not nearly as good as any of those bands, but that isn't to say I don't enjoy it.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, The Radio Actors.

Nuclear Waste (Charly)
1. Nuclear Waste
2. Digital Love

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sterling Silver

During the summer my friends Lisa and James were going to sell off a bunch of their records at the Fort Greene flea market but got scared off because it was maybe going to rain. It didn't.

I wandered around looking for them to no avail, as they had stayed home. I called Lisa and went over to her house. We caught up and I looked through the records she was going to sell.

I picked out a few and she declined payment. I told her that sooner or later they would end up here. The Sterling Silver single is one of those records.

I was just going to post the single and the comp song when I discovered that the CD was available from the label for $6. If you enjoy it don't hesitate to paypal them the money immediately.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Sterling Silver.

Sterling Silver EP (Slowdance)
1. One In Twelve
2. Sandcastles On Sunday
3. Shades Of Emerald
4. Joy

Zum Audio Vol. 2 (Zum)
1. The Cliff

Leave Before It's Black (Slowdance)
1. Drone Cold
2. Planet Chester Horns
3. A Lesson In Melodrama
4. 7th Standard
5. East Bound Eight
6. Lilan
7. The River
8. Carousel
9. Traveling At The Speed Of Light
10. 2/13
11. Rosemarie
12. Beauty Sets Sail

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Bee Jays

I was pretty stoked to find this record. How many bands are named after you?

It doesn't hurt that this is hilarious. I think this record is as gayed up as it could possibly be.

Also, instead of just pressing a one sided record, the same song is on both sides. Amazing.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, The Bee Jays.

My Boyfriend's Back (Club 86)
1. My Boyfriend's Back

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Ed Banger

This record doesn't make any sense to me. What do you make of it?

I will admit that I did a little research to try to make some sense of this. What I found was disturbing -- different iterations of this band (unfortunately not the one on this record) featured not only Vini Reilly (of The Durutti Column), but Morrissey (!).

That still doesn't explain what Kinnel Tommy means (or who he is?)

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, a single by Ed Banger.

Kinnel Tommy b/w Baby Was A Baby (Rabid)
1. Kinnel Tommy
2. Baby Was A Baby

Friday, October 3, 2008

Alberto Y Lost Trios Paranoias

I love double singles and thus was immediately taken with that particular record. The title didn't make a whole lot of sense at the time, but I have to admit that in context it is pretty awesome.

Apparently the were some sort of spoof band, but that doesn't matter as these songs are pretty awesome even if you aren't in on the joke. I am going to keep my eyes peeled for the rest of their discography because I would very much like to hear more. I'm sure you've heard me say that before but this time I really mean it.

This record cost me more than 75p, by the way.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, four sides of Alberto y Lost Trios Paranoias.

Heads Down, No Nonsense, Mindless Boogie (Logo)
1. Heads Down, No Nonsense, Mindless Boogie
2. Thank You
3. Fuck You
4. Dead Meat (Part 2)

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Although they say you can't judge a book by its cover, this record sounds exactly like what you think it sounds like.

I would normally not label it "c/w" but that is what it says on the label. Coupled with indeed!

How could I not buy a record by a band called Data? Does not compute, does not compute!

I wonder if the Star Trek character was named after this band?

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, a single by Data.

Fallout c/w Politics (Bellaphon)
1. Fallout
2. Politics

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Plain Characters

This is another record that I recently picked up in the United Kingdom. What is frustrating is that I have been researching some of these bands and discovering that they have other singles out that I now feel obligated to purchase and post here. You might have guessed that I am a neurotic completist.

That being said, this record is good enough to warrant picking up the other ones too. I will keep my eyes peeled and bring them to eventually, although I wouldn't hold my breath as it probably won't be anytime soon.

Ladies and gentlemen, for your listening pleasure, Plain Characters.

I Am A b/w Very Peculiar Julia (Rouge)
1. I Am A
2. Very Peculiar Julia