Monthly Archive: December 2016


Official launch of the blog

In case you wonder why some posts are password protected, and others appear only to disappear again after a couple of days: Don’t worry! Our blog is currently ‘work-in-progress’. The MA students are busy writing their posts, providing each other feedback, waiting for comments from the test readers (pupils from...


Are you already a competent speaker of English?

  You might have already experienced some awkward or funny misunderstandings when speaking English or another foreign language with native speakers. Misunderstandings or pragmatic failure in a foreign language between members of different cultural backgrounds and languages are very frequent. They occur when people greet each other, when they apologize...


How to become the President of the USA in the 21st Century

A brief overview of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) using the example of the third debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump during the Presidential Election 2016 at the University of Nevada, 19th October. Do you ever wonder what it takes to become the President of the United States? Apparently not much...


What is Forensic Linguistics?

          Does language really matter? Definitely, yes! Especially in the area of Forensic Linguistics (FL), language is the key element. But what is Forensic Linguistics and what is its purpose? Is it only about language and the law or is it connected to other fields of practice?...


#Instaslang – All you need to know about hashtags

#Followme, OMG!, plz retweet!, Tnx, XO. Do you use these language terms chatting online as well? Social networking has become an essential part of our everyday communication. There are many different social media websites, such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Snapchat. In our blog, we would like to focus on Instagram communication. Instagram,...


Imagine you forget…

…how to cook your favourite meal, what the name of your best friend is, or what bus you have to take to get home. In our everyday lives, we take memory and language for granted. Our everyday communication has become highly automatised and also routinised. We can think about our...