Nick Lenaghan


Property Editor, , previously AAP, The Phnom Penh Post, Deutsche Presse-Agentur and one story at Reuters when I was filling in for Leo.

Inscrit en avril 2013


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  1. a retweeté
    7 mai

    Big news, is closing shop after less than 3 years in Australia. Story will be up on the soon. So much for the Uber real estate moment.

  2. 26 avr.

    All that glitters ... a bracing tale about an iron ore miner which arrived late at the property party by

  3. 26 avr.

    More corporate bosses than school teachers are taking advantage of negative gearing tax breaks. Nice digging by

  4. 4 avr.
  5. 25 mars

    A billboard with a phone attached. City of Melbourne knocks back advertising plan for Telstra's super-sized booths.

  6. 25 mars

    Inside the mind of a $1b start-up: 'I didn't spend the time invalidating it. This time I just decided to execute on it. It was an instinct that this was such a huge problem we're solving.'

  7. 23 mars
  8. 18 mars
  9. 18 mars

    The evolution of the mega-mall: Westfield's French owner plans a $1.2 billion rental housing project in London beside a shopping centre.

  10. 18 mars

    'Imagine if an Australian politician blamed the victims if those slaughtered were Christians worshipping at church and the terrorist was a Muslim? What Anning did was no less appalling.'

  11. a retweeté
    18 mars
    En réponse à

    NZ people and their children led by their respectable PM are showing the world how to live. Kids of all colours know how to do HAKA - their nation is built on respect of and learning the rich Maori culture. We can all learn to built such positive nation building. Bless them🙏🏽

  12. 10 mars

    Inside the machine: how ASX-listed valuations firm spilled its guts into the dark web. reports.

  13. 9 mars

    Heart-breaking. ‘Standing in the riverbed in Wilcannia, all the government’s claims about “environmental flows” and “sustainable diversion limits” seem like a sick joke. There is no water here.’

  14. 25 févr.

    Is Salvatore Vasta Australia's worst judge? It started with Judge Vasta jailing a father of two for contempt in a decision the Family Crt described as "an affront to justice" and which could lead to a wrongful imprisonment claim against the Commonwealth.

  15. a retweeté
    1 févr.

    Seriously, why would the government ask Hayne to do this crap given the independence of his commission? And why is the Treasurer smiling like he’s just been handed three comic books? Silliness all round

  16. a retweeté
    31 janv.

    I’m feeling very grateful 2 all d staff, reception, nurses, trainees and doctors 4 looking after me so well today. A first class medical system with first class attitudes to match with. I know I am bc I grew in the absence of good public health system. THANK YOU ALL🙏🏽

    Afficher cette discussion
  17. 31 janv.

    "That the prospect of the nation's kids and grandkids actually having a better shot at breaking into the property market appears to have been largely forgotten is probably no surprise ..."

  18. 31 janv.

    “This type of welfare for the ‘well off’ is unsustainable and will ultimately be an ongoing burden to future generations.”

  19. 31 janv.
  20. 30 janv.

    Good question. If ever agree to an interview, I’ll ask them.

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