Go to Slack


  • internal tools
  • simplified workflows
  • brilliant bots
  • useful apps
  • internal tools

for just your team, or Slack's millions of users

Start Building

Send messages

Messages are the building blocks of apps and bots. Start from “Hello, world,” or connect a service you already use.

Create simple workflows

Your app can respond to user activity, and buttons let users complete simple tasks (like requests and approvals).

Build bots

Add a bot to talk with users and automate tasks (and add a little fun).

Set up internal tools

Need a slash command or a bot just for your team? All our tools can be used for internal integrations.

Publish your app

Submit your app to the Slack App Directory, and reach millions of daily active Slack users.

Latest from the platform blog

Jeremy Mack
Jun 25, 2019

Helpful tips for building with Block Kit

Designing Dash for Slack with a customizable UI framework. Read More

Komran Rashidov
May 16, 2019

Thoughtful app onboarding

Clear and timely communication of your Slack app’s value using the app_home_opened event. Read More

Slack API
May 21, 2019

Join Slack in Berlin, Paris, and London this June

We’re hitting the road to meet the developers and builders creating a new way to work. Read More

Browse more of the Platform Blog here.

Want to dive deeper?

FAQs, tutorials, and more — read up on how to make your app shine.

Start Learning

Looking for more?

These handy links will help you get on your way.