Design meeting notes for July 31, 2019

These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday’s. You can read the full transcript on our Slack channel and find the meeting’s agenda here. You can join the Slack channel by following the instructions in our handbook.



Gutenberg 6.2 was released today! 🎉 🙌

@kjellr‘s PR to add additional borders to nested blocks is now merged and slated for the 6.3 release.

The design approach is changing for the Navigation Block.

Progress is being made on snap-to-grid functionality. Testers are appreciated for this early PR.

There are more contextual help iterations happening, including an intro modal, and a slide-out “Help” panel in the block library.

All of those issues could definitely use some feedback, so feel free to get involved!

Other updates

@assassinateur is asking for feedback and design help on work happening for the Icons Block.

Open floor

@joyously asked how would it look like if the Themes page in wp-admin could display data from a readme.txt file. You can read more and leave feedback here.


Design meeting agenda for Wednesday 31st July

This is the agenda for the weekly design chat meeting on Wednesday, 31st July 2019, 18:00 UTC.

  • Housekeeping
  • Updates
    • Gutenberg design update: @mapk
    • Any other updates?
  • Discussion
  • Sharing corner: Let’s each week share something great, if you’ve got something to share please add as a comment, bring to the meeting. It could be a new tool or a piece of inspiration.
  • Open floor

This meeting is held in the #design channel in the Making WordPress Slack.

Leave a comment if you would like something reviewed, design help or something added to the agenda.


Design meeting notes for July 24, 2019

These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday’s. You can read the full transcript on our Slack channel and find the meeting’s agenda here. You can join the Slack channel by following the instructions in our handbook.



 Gutenberg 6.2 release is being pushed back a week.

@mapk requested testing on the following PRs:

Mark also added that there’s been a lot of improvements to the Table block.

@melchoyce asked for more feedback on the Block Directory.

Component Audits

@drw158 shared that the component audits he’s been doing are all done. 🎉 He’s been auditing each React UI component that Gutenberg provides while looking for opportunities to improve naming, structure, composition, and visually-related props. Here’s more background on why we’re doing them and as always, feedback and discussion are most welcome.


Design team Trello board

@karmatosed has been doing some triage and commented on a few cards on our Trello board. (If you can’t see the board, comment on this thread in Slack to be added).

WordPress style guide in handbook

@karmatosed has been going through and seeing what can be added, removed and/or adjusted on the handbook style guide. She has come up with a list of suggestions and documented them in this spreadsheet. Your feedback is welcome and can be left in the comments of this post.

Open floor

@kjellr shared the unstyled Gutenberg starter theme. This theme is built to easily test unstyled Gutenberg. He’s been working on it and aiming to submit to the Theme Repo later this week so it’s available to more folks.


Design meeting agenda for Wednesday 24th July

This is the agenda for the weekly design chat meeting on Wednesday, 24th July 2019, 18:00 UTC.

  • Housekeeping
  • Updates
    • Gutenberg design update: @mapk
    • Any other updates?
  • Discussion
    • Design team Trello board: ‘meeting discussion’ label.
    • WordPress style guide in handbook iterations discussion.
  • Open floor

This meeting is held in the #design channel in the Making WordPress Slack.

Leave a comment if you would like something reviewed, design help or something added to the agenda.


Gutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #27

Happy Friday, everyone!

Widgets to blocks

@karmatosed and I did a review on the state of the widget-block screen and Customizer this week. Plenty of issues were created to help push this along.

Tightening up

Thanks for reading, staying informed, and contributing anywhere you can!

#design, #gutenberg-weekly, #phase-2

Design meeting notes for July 17, 2019

These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday’s. You can read the full transcript on our Slack channel and find the meeting’s agenda here.

There are no housekeeping topics.


Gutenberg Design update

@mapk updates us on what’s been going on with Gutenberg and design:

Patterns API for blocks

A discussion on language for labels follows, and @boemedia suggests testing designs with other languages besides English. As English is usually super short, and designs tend to break when translating into, for instance, German. @karmatosed suggests creating mockups with other languages too.

Another concern that’s raised by @nrqsnchz is, that he wonders how adding labels to the block toolbar is going to look like, since space is limited.


Design team Trello Board

The design team used to use the Trello board for task management outside of the focus on Gutenberg and tasks not related to Trac tickets.

@karmatosed raises a few discussion points around it:

  • Do people still want to use it?
  • Should we have a meeting where we go through and decide triage style what to do or close?
  • Is it useful?
  • How can it be more useful but still be approachable for new people without reading a manual?

As some things have changed since the design team used the Trello board in the current setup, Tammie suggests the following:

  • Before next week I can move over resources column to handbook
  • Before next week I will also ping each ticket to see if owner wants to do anything with it or unasign.
  • Next week we do triage of board : do not go through and see what we want to do or not. Perhaps have a ‘future maybe’ column?
  • Each week we add in a timeboxed 15 minutes of ‘Trello checking’

Once it’s in order we can also open for new ideas.

If you have thoughts about this, please feel free to leave it in the comments section below these notes, or reply on Slack (account required).

Sharing corner

@boemedia feels inspired by the design explorations Andy Clarke does for Smashing Magazine. She also recommends reading the book ‘Art Direction for the Web’ that he wrote for Smashing Magazine.

@davewhitley likes to remind everyone of the component naming audit that happens in the Gutenberg repository . If you’re interested in name changes for the component and how they are composed, please hop onto the issues.


Design meeting agenda for Wednesday 17th July

This is the agenda for the weekly design chat meeting on Wednesday, 17th July 2019, 18:00 UTC.

  • Housekeeping
  • Updates
    • Gutenberg design update: @mapk
    • Any other updates?
  • Discussion
    • Design team Trello board.
  • Sharing corner: Let’s each week share something great, if you’ve got something to share please add as a comment, bring to the meeting. It could be a new tool or a piece of inspiration.
  • Open floor

This meeting is held in the #design channel in the Making WordPress Slack.

Leave a comment if you would like something reviewed, design help or something added to the agenda.


Gutenberg Phase 2 Friday Design Update #26

Happy Friday y’all! Gutenberg 6.1 was just released Wednesday.
“ヽ(´▽`)ノ” Included in the release are some great motions for reordering blocks. I’ll add that while Gutenberg 6.0 took hit on performance, it been optimized better in 6.1.

Widgets to blocks

There are some really great experiments being added to the plugin.

Block directory

A recent post went up concerning the wp-admin concepts. Block Directory in WP-Admin Concepts @melchoyce has done some wonderful work here to get the conversation started.

Tightening up

Usability Testing

Several people took the usability test during WCEU. Part 1 and Part 2.

I’ve also recently posted the usability tests from June. Watch the videos and leave some feedback!

Thanks for reading, staying informed, and contributing anywhere you can!

#design, #gutenberg-weekly, #phase-2

Block Directory in WP-Admin Concepts

You may have spotted during @matt‘s Summer Update at WCEU a new wp-admin section for Blocks. I wanted to share those early concepts here.

View Figma Prototype

About Blocks

Rather than jumping straight into a list of blocks, I wanted to explore what an introduction to blocks could look like as a landing page. This page could feature some links to tutorials (that could open either externally, or in a modal), some basic FAQs, and a support link.

You’ll notice the new header style, inspired by the new Health Check screen and built on some concepts from the Design Experiments plugin. This new section provides a good opportunity to expand on this pattern, and to show how it could benefit WordPress users by providing context to each screen.

Add New Blocks

This section is largely inspired by wp-admin plugin cards, and the plugin details screen.

I also think we should update across wp-admin as well, since the current modal feels very outdated and doesn’t present information as cleanly or as organized as the .org modals:

Inside the modal, you’d also be able to demo a block before installing. @ck3lee has figured out how to make this possible 🎉

We’d tap into the Shiny Updates framework to make installation and activation quick & easy.

The upload flow would work the way plugins do — I’ll flesh out some designs around that in future iterations.

Installed Blocks

This screen would be a list of all installed third-party blocks, so you can activate, deactivate, delete, etc. in bulk, using a traditional list table. I’ve added an “instances” link, which would show all posts and pages the third-party block is being used in.

Manage Blocks

This is the screen I’m most “meh” about, which is pretty much a duplication of the block management modal inside the editor. I think we need to have this management available within this section, but I’m not sure if this is the best approach to tackling it.

Reusable Blocks

Currently, the only way to reach the Reusable Blocks screen is through either the block library inside the editor, or a link in the settings dropdown in the editor. Putting it in a new Blocks section gives it an easier-to-find home.


These are still early concepts, so it would be good to get some early impressions. Specifically, I’d like everyone’s thoughts on:

  • Thinking through the flow of managing blocks on your site, does it feel like any important tasks are missing from these concepts?
  • Would you expect any of these screens to be combined?
  • Can you think if any stress cases these screens will need to account for?
  • What would you like to see next for the Block Directory? Are there any other block management features you would benefit from?


Design Meeting Notes for 10 July 2019

These are the weekly notes for the design meeting that happens on Wednesday’s. You can read the full transcript on our Slack channel and find the meeting’s agenda here.


WordPress User & Developer Survey

There is a call for feedback on the Updates to the WordPress User & Developer Survey. @melchoyce asked if we wanted to discuss any questions as the design team. 

Two suggestions by @mapk:

  • What is the one thing that you struggle with most in WordPress?
  • What is something you know now about using WordPress that you wish you knew earlier?

There is also a discussion about whether this is focused on developers or end users, as having both as survey targets make it very difficult to narrow questions. 

@melchoyce clarifies that the survey is mostly publicized through and provided a link to data from previous years to guide us in our choices.

@karmatosed suggested we read the data and provide our suggestions as comments and insights as feedback on the post mentioned above.

Topics for next meetings

Another call is to add discussion topics for upcoming meetings. @karmatosed suggested that next week we focus on the Trello board and decide what needs to be done. @youknowriad asked how to access the Trello board.

@PiotrGawinski is a new member and would like to find a small project to get involved with and @boemedia recalled the link for Calls for Design column in Trello.


@mapk let us know that Gutenberg 6.1 was released today! It includes some really cool enhancements with lots of people contributing. @youknowriad gave us some explorations to look through:

@drw158 shared a component audit he’s been working on to clean up the component library as it has grown and exploded to places beyond the editor. The audit is related to naming, structure, and composition, not code audit, so designers at any level can contribute and it is on the React component library, not the Figma component library.

The first issue opened is related to the ButtonGroup and Toolbar.


@dingo_d from theme review team is looking for designers to help create a better preview for themes on, including better-looking demo data. The demo data should be used internally and perhaps theme developers can use it too. For reference, here is the old meta-ticket.  The demo should showcase Gutenberg blocks, as an example, see Chaplin Theme

To clarify the problem, look at Theme Twenty Nineteen in, it has a great theme screenshot, but the “preview” doesn’t look like the screenshot. It is missing elements like logo, nav, cover block, etc. It doesn’t show off the full potential of the theme. To resolve the issue, there is a separate demo site. The XML demo data should be imported using the default importer. There is an .xml for Twenty Nineteen but it doesn’t contain menus or widgets. #meta must add those manually. 

For step 2, we would like to have the option to change the presets of the demos data in the previewer, like chose between business/site vs. blog styles (business, portfolio, blogs, etc.)

So far actions go on trac ticket:

  • Meta ticket needs updating to have everything linked (there seems to be a lot of unlinked things).
  • Volunteers to take existing data (hopefully linked) and start working?

@williampatton will clarify actions and smaller tasks for design needs on trac ticket and design team has agreed to cross collaborate with themes team.

Open Floor

@melchoyce shared an opportunity to getting involved with usability testing. And for designers looking for small tasks, there is always the Meta trac. Try to stay away from anything titled “Redesign (big section for”
