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breakwater commented on

Those two had a match I never expected. Bryan deserves credit as usual, but Brock fucking showed up for this and put in the work.

breakwater commented on
351 points · 3 hours ago

If Variety is calling out your creative, you've done something wrong, pal.

The truth is that WWE's main issues are very simple. (1) Inability to create major stars due to booking. (2) Lack of compelling storytelling.

The one that fell into their laps -- Lynch -- they have marginalized after she won both titles in the freakin' main event of WrestleMania due to the absence of Rousey.

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3) match quality. Vince is still stuck on the 5 moves of doom mindset. Wrestlers can have signature moves but the deliberate sequencing of every match (save chicanery) is just terrible. They want to do a payoff moment almost every time instead of just having the matches look like real bouts.

Exception applies to when they want to end the match in a schoolboy, it's always a fucking schoolboy.

breakwater commented on
3.6k points · 4 hours ago

In a whirlwind of private meetings, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman — who pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into Republican campaigns and dined with the president — gathered repeatedly with top officials in Ukraine and set up meetings for Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, as they turned up information that could be weaponized in the 2020 presidential race.

Meanwhile, the two men — who both have troubled financial histories — rose to prominence in Republican circles, meeting with party leaders while injecting hundreds of thousands of dollars into top Republican committees and dozens of candidates’ campaigns.

As they carried out their campaign, they used their proximity to the White House to tout a new business they set up to sell natural gas in Ukraine, with photos posted on Facebook showing Parnas posing with President Trump in the White House and top House members on Capitol Hill.

He said the back-channel was initiated by Ukrainian officials who wanted to meet US authorities and had trouble making the right connections. "They knew I was friends with the mayor," he said, referring to Giuliani, who previously served as mayor of New York City. That was what kick-started the campaign to dig up information on Democrats in Kiev — an effort that “is not going away,” Parnas added. “We’re American citizens, we love our country, we love our president."

In one transaction in 2018, more than $1 million was wired to a bank account belonging to Parnas from the client trust account of a Florida lawyer specializing in real estate and foreign investments. Parnas and Fruman then redirected $325,000 to a Trump-supporting super PAC — without declaring the original source of the funds, records and interviews show.

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top officials in Ukraine

If you want to be upset about Ukrainian interference in US presidential elections, I have great news and a recent history lesson to share with you.

Original Poster32 points · 18 hours ago

The sad thing is that you can probably learn more from YouTube than you can from a college course, and that's essentially free. Once I graduated, I would use Youtube to hammer in knowledge for tests in my profession and found some youtubers did a way better job than my professors.

There's a plethora of knowledge out there on the internet and in libraries. Hell, Frank Abagnale passed the Bar Exam in Louisiana without going to college or law school.

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The sad thing is that you can probably learn more from YouTube than you can from a college course

It depends on the course. If you can get your education on Youtube for free what is the value of your education? Chemical engineers aren't getting it online.

breakwater commented on

I think the WWE had a terrible plan for the New Day when it launched. There was the germ of a good idea, but big picture a bad idea. I don't know if they mature into what they become without that path. Obviously these three have the talent and the heart. But it is hard to capture eyeballs on TV and I think their opening angle helped them transition by breaking all 3 wrestlers from their mold.

It’s so weird seeing Big E pre-New-Day. I almost forget that he spent around two years on the main roster before joining up with Xavier and Kofi.

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Dude, he touched AJ's boob. I mean he punched it, but still!

breakwater commented on
Score hidden · 20 hours ago

Going to such lengths to use kB/m to win a video game is beyond my comprehension

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Score hidden · 13 hours ago

Those aren't great lengths. People use much more ridiculous hacks than plugging in a few common PC peripherals in other games.

1.7k points · 21 hours ago

Always found it a testament to Vickie's mic skills and character work that she was able to become one of the most despised heels in wrestling history despite being the widow of perhaps the most beloved wrestler of all time.

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I think that the thing that spoke to me about Vicki is that we all know who she was married to, but it never felt like an important part of her character. She was her own person and stood on her own two feet as well as any heel in the business. It was just natural with her without relying once on the Guerrero name, an easy crutch to fall on if she needed it.

breakwater commented on
Comment removed by moderator1 day ago

As if that is a bubble that exists on this sub. Also check the comments, they are already in here.


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