Plone Trainings

Plone training events are a great way to expand your skills. Plus it's a excellent way to meet the community.

Building Angular 4 apps using the Plone REST API

Create a static site with Angular and display contents stored in Plone and retrieved using the REST API.

Content Management

How to work with content and manage site settings in Plone.


How to get you Plone site up and running.

JavaScript For Plone Developers

How to integrate JavaScript applications and integrations into Plone in different scenarios.


Get started with React & friends.

Mastering Plone Development

How to develop customized solutions with Plone 5

Solr Integration

How to add enterprise grade search to your Plone site.


How to style your Plone site.

“Through-the-web” Plone customization

Create custom content types, a design for a website, layouts for homepages and content types, and custom application logic. All in the browser!.


Create your own site using Volto.

Building a webframework from scratch

Build your own micro web framework in Python. It will help you to fundementally understand how common Python web frameworks work.

Plone Workflow

Controlling security and business-logic with workflows.
