How We Helped Expose Police Collusion With White Supremacists


Sacramento Antifa just prior to confronting armed white supremacists on June 26, 2016.

Yesterday The Guardian reported that evidence has surfaced of police collusion and cooperation with white supremacists in California.  On June 26, 2016, neo-nazis armed with knives (and, in one case, a semi-automatic pistol) were confronted by unarmed anti-fascists.  While the good guys were successful in shutting down the boneheads’ planned hate rally, it came at a heavy cost, with several antifa hospitalized with stab wounds as police stood aside and let the racist terrorists try to murder them.  The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund sent some cash to help out with medical bills at that time.

Then the witch hunt began.  CHP cops began charging anti-fascists exclusively after the fact and they didn’t stop there.  Helping to conceal fascists’ identitiesrefusing to lay charges against the knife-wielding neo-nazis that stabbed multiple people that day, asking for fascists to help ID anti-fascists so the police can lay charges, including charging people while they were in the hospital recovering from stab woundsusing anti-fascists’ political views to justify criminal charges – in the immortal words of Bunk Moreland, “there’s some shameful shit going on.”  As one investigating officer said to neo-nazi Derrick Punneo during a prison interview (Punneo was doing time for domestic assault), “we’re pretty much going after them,” and  “we’re looking at you as a victim.

We know this all of this thanks to Yvette Felarca.  When Yvette became one of the anti-fascists charged by the cops, she came to us to request help paying for her legal defence and of course we obliged.  As a result, Felarca’s lawyers have mounted a fierce defence which included obtaining & revealing the documents detailing the extent of police involvement with the fascist terrorists in their attempt to hammer the anti-fascists as described above.

Thanks to Yvette and her legal team, the details of the disgusting level of collusion between the cops and the armed racist extremists that tried to kill at least eight people that day have now come to light, a service to anti-fascists everywhere. Without the generosity of donors to The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, Yvette’s legal team would have lacked the resources needed to expose the full extent to which the cops were in bed with the neo-nazis.

Isn’t that good enough reason to make a contribution to the Defence Fund today?
