The leading nonprofit defending digital privacy, free speech, and innovation.
It’s EFF’s 29th birthday, and we need you to help us celebrate! For two weeks only, become an EFF member for just $20 and get a set of Internet freedom-themed enamel pins to help you remember that together we’ve got this. Each summer we renew EFF’s promise to defend the Internet’s incredible ability to power communities and movements, and we reflect on our commitment to fight for a world where tech puts users at the center. Not corporations , not...
SAN FRANCISCO — The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hecht LLP filed a class action lawsuit today on behalf of AT&T customers in California to stop the telecom giant and two data location aggregators from allowing numerous entities—including bounty hunters, car dealerships, landlords, and stalkers—to access wireless customers’ real-time locations without authorization. An investigation by Motherboard earlier this year revealed that any cellphone user’s precise, real-time location could be bought for just $300. The report...
Some lawmakers, seeking to hold companies accountable for the way they collect and profit from our personal information, are pushing a new idea: requiring companies to report a dollar value for the data they collect from us. Some frame this reporting as a first step towards requiring companies to share with consumers the wealth our personal information generates for these companies. Yet knowing how much your personal information is worth to a company doesn’t actually protect your privacy — and...