Workers Struggles

Kentucky miners block train tracks for sixth day demanding back pay

By Samuel Davidson, 3 August 2019

Out-of-work coal miners are now in their sixth day of blocking railroad tracks, preventing the bankrupt Blackjewel LLC from moving coal out of the Harlan County, Kentucky, mine where they worked.

Indian doctors hold national 24-hour walkout; Chinese auto workers strike; Australian railway workers vote for industrial action

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

3 August 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

“GM has made all of these profits and we’re getting shafted”

Autoworkers speak out as GM Warren Transmission plant closes after 78 years of operation

By our reporters, 2 August 2019

The closure of the facility, which once employed upwards of 4,000, is the latest economic blow to workers in the Detroit area, once the center of global auto manufacturing.

More than 150,000 healthcare and grocery workers could strike in California and other states

By Rafael Azul, 2 August 2019

Eighty-thousand Kaiser Permanente healthcare employees in several states and 70,000 supermarket workers in California and Oregon are poised to walk out.

UK workers to hold two-week strike at two hospitals against privatisation; South African public sector pay strike brings Pretoria to a standstill

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

2 August 2019

Bradford Royal Infirmary and St. Luke’s Hospital in Bradford began a two-week strike Thursday against forced transfers while public sector workers in Pretoria are pressing for an 18 percent pay increase.

Indian protest marks seven years of legal vendetta against jailed Maruti Suzuki workers

By Kranti Kumara and Keith Jones, 31 July 2019

The sole “crime” of the 13 jailed auto workers was to challenge the poverty-wages and repressive sweatshop conditions at Maruti Suzuki.

UAW, Ford enforce punitive attendance policies at Chicago Assembly Plant ahead of September contract expiration

By Jessica Goldstein, 31 July 2019

The UAW is now playing a critical role in disciplining workers at the behest of Ford in advance of the September expiration of the national auto contract agreement.

Retired teachers on hunger strike across Ecuador

Workers Struggles: The Americas

31 July 2019

The government of Lenin Moreno has asked thousands of retired teachers to accept payment in government bonds, rather than cash, in an effort to rob retirees of their pensions.

Layoffs mount as slump in world auto industry deepens

By Shannon Jones, 30 July 2019

Continuing sales declines, led by China and India, are leading to massive job losses and attacks on autoworkers as transnational companies seek to maintain high levels of return.

Factory explosion in central Chinese city kills 15

By Robert Campion, 30 July 2019

Claims by authorities to address safety after such industrial accidents have proven to be empty words.

Australia: Six Queensland mining deaths in 12 months

By Patrick Davies, 30 July 2019

The tragedies are a result of the gutting of full-time jobs and the erosion of working conditions, enforced by the trade unions.

Public transport workers’ meeting Thursday to demand WikiLeaks founder’s freedom

London bus drivers show support for Julian Assange

By our reporters, 30 July 2019

Many London bus drivers, drawn from every corner of the world, including Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean, have first-hand experience of the US war crimes and government corruption exposed by WikiLeaks since 2006.

Unpaid Kentucky Blackjewel miners block coal train to demand wages

By Naomi Spencer, 30 July 2019

After weeks without work or pay from the bankrupt company, miners blocked the removal of coal from an idled Blackjewel mine in Harlan County, Kentucky.

Indian doctors and health workers strike for higher pay; Sri Lankan postal workers hold nationwide walkout

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

27 July 2019

Hundreds of doctors refused to work for two hours in outpatient services at government health services and hospitals in the city of Trichy on July 18.

UK Heathrow airport strike continues as pilots vote to strike; South Africa dockers defy unions

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

27 July 2019

In South Africa, dockworkers are continuing a two-week go slow in defiance of the unions.

UK Heathrow airport strike continues as pilots vote to strike; South African national rail strike; unions denounce South African dockers’ unofficial go-slow

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

27 July 2019

Some 4,000 workers carried out a two-day strike at London’s Heathrow airport while strikes continue in South Africa where dockworkers are continuing a two-week go slow in defiance of unions and rail workers carried out a one-day nationwide walkout.

Wall Street demands “discipline” as protests continue in Puerto Rico

By Eric London, 26 July 2019

The resignation of Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rosselló has done little to stem growing opposition.

12,500 job cuts at Nissan as global restructuring of auto industry continues

By Jerry White, 26 July 2019

The Japan-based automaker says it will cut 6,400 jobs in Japan, the US, Mexico, Britain, Spain, India and Indonesia by the end of March 2020.

Electrical worker killed at pipe mill in Western Pennsylvania

By Samuel Davidson, 26 July 2019

Forty-six-year-old David Bupp was electrocuted last Wednesday while repairing a piece of equipment at a small steel pipe manufacturing plant north of Pittsburgh.

Israeli nurses launch nationwide strike

By Jean Shaoul, 25 July 2019

The attack on nurses—usually the very last group of workers to be singled out for wage cuts—came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s interim government passed an austerity budget slashing an additional $900 million.

Chicago Amazon workers confront management, demand improvements

By George Gallanis, 25 July 2019

The day after international protests against Amazon during Prime Day, Chicago Amazon workers staged a “walk-in” to demand increased pay, health insurance and air conditioning in their facility.

Bradford NHS workers to strike against “backdoor privatisation”

By Barry Mason, 24 July 2019

The Bradford hospital trust’s plans are aimed at enforcing government-imposed efficiency cuts of 4 percent each year, around £16 million in the current financial year.

Russian Ford workers betrayed by union, left with meager compensation and without jobs

By Clara Weiss, 22 July 2019

The MPRA has played a critical role in making sure that workers at the Vsevolozhsk plant were forced to sign “voluntary” severance agreements” dictated by Ford.

Ontario government writes off 2009 auto bailout loan to Chrysler

By Carl Bronski, 22 July 2019

The federal Conservative and Ontario Liberal governments handed $13.7 billion over to the auto bosses at General Motors and Chrysler, while extorting massive wage and benefit concessions from autoworkers.

“I want to strike and send a message to the city”

With anger growing, Chicago Teachers Union floats threat of September walkout

By Kristina Betinis, 22 July 2019

Teachers who have suffered through years of falling real income, deteriorating classroom conditions and mass layoffs are determined to fight, but they face a brick wall of opposition from the CTU.

Thousands of Korean workers strike against government labour policies; Sri Lanka teachers walk out for better pay; Bangladesh municipal workers resume strikes

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

20 July 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK London airports to be hit by strikes; unofficial go-slow at South African ports; Zimbabwe public sector strike threat

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

19 July 2019

Some 4,000 staff at London’s Heathrow airport are set for six days of strikes while workers in at South African ports face a court ban on their job action and public workers in Zimbabwe are preparing to launch nationwide walkout over pay.

National strike against Ecuadorian government demands Assange’s freedom

By Andrea Lobo, 17 July 2019

The protests in defense of Assange and the recent five-day strike in Ecuador demonstrate that the only social basis for his liberation and the defense democratic rights is the international working class.

Wall Street Journal warns job threats might not prevent rebellion by autoworkers

By Jerry White, 17 July 2019

The mouthpiece of the banks said younger workers who have never experienced mass layoffs are the “big wild card” in this year’s contract fight.

British Columbia forestry workers strike enters third week

By Jean LaChance, 17 July 2019

The USW is determined to isolate the forest workers and reach a rotten compromise with WFP management.

Walmart workers and teachers on strike in Chile speak out against unions, police-state repression

By Andrea Lobo, 16 July 2019

Entering their second and seventh weeks of strike respectively, workers at Walmart and teachers are part of a resurgence of the class struggle across Latin America.

Argentine bus drivers carry out one-day strike, judge orders fines for American Airlines workers over protest actions

Workers Struggles: the Americas

16 July 2019

Bus drivers across Argentina carried out a one-day strike on July 11 to press wage demands.

“Amazon is a murderer and has to be stopped”

Amazon call center worker in Rabat, Morocco speaks out against company harassment

By Will Morrow, 13 July 2019

Ismaila N’Diaye, a 32-year-old former Amazon customer service employee in Rabat, said the life of his family has been torn apart by the company.

European regulator uncovers autopilot problem on Boeing 737 Max

By Bryan Dyne, 13 July 2019

A leaked document from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency lists five different reasons to keep the 737 Max 8 aircraft grounded.

Talks continue after workers at Cascade Steel Rolling Mills in Oregon vote overwhelmingly to strike

By Jessica Goldstein, 13 July 2019

With a possible strike date of August 1, the United Steel Workers and management are maneuvering to impose a new round of concessions on workers.

Indian aeronautic workers threaten national walkout; Pakistan power workers demand safe, permanent jobs; Taiwan union ends flight attendants’ strike

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

13 July 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK hospital in week-long strike; National strike threats on South Africa’s railways and Nigeria’s public sector

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

12 July 2019

Staff at Bradford hospitals struck against plans to transfer them to the employ of a private company, while thousands of South African railroad workers and Nigerian public workers are on strike.

As industry analyst calls UAW-automaker negotiations “Kabuki theatre”

Autoworkers demand substantial improvement in wages and conditions on eve of contract talks

By Jerry White, 9 July 2019

With negotiations set to begin on July 15, workers are determined to overturn decades of givebacks accepted by the United Auto Workers.

Australian retail giant to cut jobs, wages

By Eric Ludlow, 9 July 2019

Woolworths, one of Australia’s two major supermarket chains, last month announced a restructure that endangers thousands of jobs across the country.

Costa Rican public health workers strike over pay cut, government policies; truckers block highways

Workers Struggles: the Americas

9 July 2019

Three Costa Rican public health unions began strike action July 4 against government policies while Costa Rican truckers blockaded highways over imposition of a value added tax.

Tamil Nadu government bans strikes in auto component industries

By Arun Kumar and Kranti Kumara, 6 July 2019

The ruling class's major goal is to transform India into a premier center of global auto manufacturing by imposing brutal working conditions.

Bus drivers in Massachusetts strike over wages and healthcare

By Elliott Vernon, 6 July 2019

Bus drivers are seeking wage increases consistent with the cost of living in Martha’s Vineyard as well as improvements in safety, disciplinary procedures and healthcare.

Punjab Roadways workers strike for three days; thousands of Bangladesh municipal workers strike

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

6 July 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Zimbabwe unions threaten general strike as walkouts spread in Nigeria

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

5 July 2019

The main Zimbabwe union federation has threatened a nationwide strike over the devaluation of currency while Nigerian dockworkers are set to strike this week over nonpayment of back wages joining civil servants and polytechnic staff.

South Korean public sector workers strike over irregular employment status

By Ben McGrath, 4 July 2019

As with other strikes, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions is maneuvering to isolate workers.

Irish unions sabotage health workers’ strikes

By Dermot Byrne, 3 July 2019

Irish health unions called off the walkouts and have sought to divert anger into appeals to the Labour Court.

German chemical company BASF cuts 6,000 jobs

By Dietmar Gaisenkersting, 3 July 2019

The wave of mass redundancies is continuing with more and more corporations seeking to boost their profits while preparing for a global economic war.

German IG Metall trade union promotes trade war at rally in Berlin

By Hendrik Paul, 3 July 2019

Germany’s biggest trade union used the demonstration to bang the drum for trade warfare, to promote nationalism and prepare the way for mass job losses.

New Zealand secondary teachers’ union pushes through sellout

By Tom Peters and John Braddock, 3 July 2019

The deal pushed through by the Post-Primary Teachers’ Association, following a similar sellout by the primary teachers’ union, will only see the crisis in schools worsen.

Amazon’s meat grinder in the Dallas, Texas suburbs

By Tom Carter, 2 July 2019

Over a two-year period, 567 workers were injured at Amazon’s DFW7 fulfillment center in Fort Worth, Texas.

Quebec: Alcoa issues ultimatum to locked-out ABI workers

By Keith Jones, 2 July 2019

The United Steelworkers Union has refused to make any public comment on Alcoa’s ultimatum, let alone coupled an emphatic call for it to be rejected with an appeal for workers across North America to come to the ABI workers’ defence.

2,000 workers to lose jobs as Philadelphia refinery shuts down

By Samuel Davidson, 2 July 2019

Blaming high costs from fire damage, Philadelphia Energy Solutions announced the closure of the largest oil refinery on the US East Coast.

Uruguay workers in one-day national strike

Workers Struggles: The Americas

2 July 2019

A June 24 strike called by the PIT-CNT trade union federation took place in the context of a worsening economic crisis that has seen continuing attacks on workers.

Assam tea workers on strike; 3,000 Sri Lankan railway workers walk out again; Tasmanian and South Australian teachers fight for better pay

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

29 June 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Ford announces 12,000 layoffs, five plant closures across Europe

By Will Morrow, 28 June 2019

A global restructuring is underway, with all the automakers relying on the trade unions to seek to suppress the seething and growing opposition of autoworkers.

UAW rams through sellout deal at Saline, Michigan Faurecia factory

By Shannon Jones, 28 June 2019

While UAW officials claim the agreement passed by a wide margin, many workers told the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter they had deep reservations about the deal, which failed to address critical issues related to wages and working conditions.

Protesting nurses speak out in Long Beach, California

By Rafael Azul and Kimie Saito, 28 June 2019

“Patients are not numbers! Maximum patients + minimum nurses = maximum profits. And the costs are passed on to the consumers and us.”

New petrochemical complex could create a “cancer alley” on Ohio River

By John Ashbrook, 28 June 2019

The Trump administration is backing a tri-state effort to build a huge fossil fuel processing facility that threatens public health and the environment.

Greek dockers plan 24-hour strike; Irish health workers strike; sit-in strike at South African chrome mine

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

28 June 2019

Greek dock workers have announced a 24-hour strike on Wednesday July 3, which is expected to heavily impact ferry services in the busy tourist season.

Striking Coca-Cola workers rebel against union in Mexico City

By Andrea Lobo, 27 June 2019

The strike is yet another sign that the working class is moving into struggle against the world’s most powerful companies, independently of the unions.

Vote “No” on UAW sellout agreement!

Build rank-and-file committees to unite Faurecia and all autoworkers in a national strike

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 25 June 2019

The following statement is being distributed to auto parts workers in Saline, Michigan who will be voting Thursday on a contract that maintains poverty wages and sweatshop conditions.

One-day general strike in Peru, Chilean teachers continue strikes and protests

Workers Struggles: The Americas

25 June 2019

Various union organizations held a one-day nationwide strike in Chile in June to protest regressive economic legislation, while educators across Peru are continuing strikes and protests over pay, working conditions and ongoing privatizations.

Faurecia and Ford workers denounce UAW sabotage of auto parts strike

By a WSWS reporting team, 24 June 2019

The UAW shut down the strike at the critical auto parts supplier only nine hours after it began.

Anger and disgust over UAW betrayal of Mercy St. Vincent nurses strike in Toledo, Ohio

By Shannon Jones, 24 June 2019

The union’s claim that a return to the bargaining table would lead to an improved deal, was nothing but a cynical ploy.

National strike by Indian doctors; Taiwanese flight attendants launch indefinite strike; Sydney Harbour ferry crews walk out again

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

22 June 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Less than three months to Big Three auto contract expiration

UAW sabotages strike by Faurecia auto parts workers in Michigan

By Marcus Day and Tim Rivers, 21 June 2019

The United Auto Workers shut down a powerful strike by auto parts workers in Saline, Michigan just hours after it began Friday morning claiming it had a contract settlement, but revealing no details.

Striking Chilean copper miners defy police violence

By Rafael Azul, 21 June 2019

Last Tuesday, police attacked striking copper miners at the Chuquicamata mine in Chile.

Australian workers and youth support SEP rallies defending Assange

By our reporters, 21 June 2019

The hostility of ordinary people to the US attempts to prosecute Assange stands in stark contrast to the complicity of the political and media establishment.

Italian and French dockers refuse to load ship to protest Saudi Arabia war in the Yemen; UK Bridgend Ford workers strike vote against closure

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

21 June 2019

Protests against the Saudi war in Yemen continued by French and Italian dockworkers, while Ford workers in Britain voted 83 percent for strike action against threats to shutter the facility.

Brazilian unions sabotage one-day general strike

By Miguel Andrade, 20 June 2019

After telling workers to “stay home” during the general strike, union officials spoke in favor of the reactionary pension reform Bolsonaro sent to Congress.

Protests by Honduran education and medical workers

Workers Struggles: The Americas

19 June 2019

Protests by Honduran workers last week continued the wave of strikes and demonstrations against the regime of President Juan Orlando Hernández.

Shrewsbury 24 flying picket Terry Renshaw: “Only the power of the working class, not the official courts, is going to provide any perspective for freeing Julian Assange.”

18 June 2019

The former building worker explains, “To defend class war prisoners like Julian Assange, the perspective has got to be to raise the awareness and mobilise the masses.”

Vote no to union sellout of New Zealand teachers! Mobilise the working class against the Ardern Labour government!

By the Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand), 18 June 2019

Following last month’s historic strike, the primary and secondary teacher unions are seeking to impose a sellout deal and shut down the teachers’ struggle.

On eve of auto contract talks, VW workers in Tennessee reject UAW again

By Jerry White, 17 June 2019

Workers in Chattanooga were correct to reject, for the second time, “representation” by the United Auto Workers, a corrupt agent of corporate management.

Millions march in Hong Kong against extradition law

By Ben McGrath, 17 June 2019

The huge demonstration on Sunday is an indication of widespread anger in Hong Kong, not only over democratic rights, but the city’s worsening social crisis.

As UAW stonewalls about contract talks

Faurecia workers voice their anger and determination to fight

By George Kirby and Tim Rivers, 17 June 2019

Faurecia workers face near-poverty level wages that force many workers to work two full-time jobs, for a total of at least 80 hours a week, just to make ends meet.

Minnesota Nurses Association announces sellout tentative deal at Children’s Hospitals in Minneapolis-St. Paul

By Jonas Boquist, 17 June 2019

It has been many decades since the unions have launched a nationwide strike in any industry. In its place they have adopted the program of union-management collaboration."

Indian health workers demand fixed salaries; Bangladesh fishermen demonstrate; NZ disability care workers strike

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

15 June 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Nationwide protests by French emergency medical staff; First strike by German pencil workers; University of Lebanon strike continues

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

14 June 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Wildcat strike by Salinas, California food processing workers

By Rafael Azul, 13 June 2019

Salinas food industry workers are being driven into struggle against the unions, which enforce poverty wages and dangerous conditions.

Union halts New Jersey teachers’ strike after one day

By Erik Schreiber, 13 June 2019

Union officials in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey are negotiating behind the backs of educators to impose a sellout contracts.

Los Angeles schools superintendent warns of “reckoning” after failure of property tax measure

By Dan Conway, 13 June 2019

In an effort to justify its shutdown of the LA teacher strike in January, the unions told educators to look to the Democratic Party-backed tax measure to increase school funding.

Mexican teachers hold vigil over pay issues

Workers Struggles: The Americas

11 June 2019

Teachers in the state of Michoacán have begun a protest over millions of pesos in back pay, blockading streets around the Finance Secretariat in the capital Morelia.

Union sabotaging South Korean shipbuilding workers’ strike

By Ben McGrath, 10 June 2019

The Korean Metal Workers Union is incapable of defending workers whose positions are being slashed as part of a global assault on jobs.

Australia: Telstra to destroy 10,000 contract jobs over two years

By Oscar Grenfell, 10 June 2019

The announcement of new sackings targeting contractors coincided with reports that Telstra has already eliminated many of the 9,500 permanent jobs it is seeking to destroy by 2022.

Former ArcelorMittal steelworker speaks out on safety conditions and union repression

By Jessica Goldstein, 10 June 2019

ArcelorMittal and the USW union work together to prevent safety hazards from being addressed so as not to cut into profit margins.

Minnesota nurses seek united struggle as contracts for 13,000 Twin Cities hospital workers expire

By Jonas Boquist, 10 June 2019

Allina, which provoked a 37-day strike in 2016 that was betrayed by the union, is once again spearheading the attack on nurses.

Ford to close Bridgend engine plant in Wales, eliminating 1,700 jobs

By Robert Stevens, 8 June 2019

Workers at the plant were given no notice. They were sent home Thursday after receiving a letter saying they will lose their jobs in phases by September 25, 2020.

Strikes in Chile, Costa Rica and Honduras

Teachers struggles erupt across Latin America

By Andrea Lobo, 8 June 2019

The response by the ruling class to the resistance led by teachers has been the same everywhere: the claim that there is “no money” and police state repression.

UE union and Wabtec reach wage-cutting deal at Pennsylvania locomotive plant

By Nick Barrickman, 8 June 2019

The agreement will create a two-tier pay system, allowing the company to keep newer hires “in progression” at a fraction of standard pay.

Thousands of Bangladesh bidi cigarette workers demonstrate; Taiwanese flight attendants protest harsh conditions; New Zealand hospital workers strike at Waikato

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

8 June 2019

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

New Zealand secondary teachers’ union cancels industrial action

By Tom Peters, 7 June 2019

There is growing anger over the Labour Party-led government’s refusal to adequately fund education, and the unions’ efforts to isolate teachers.

Stop the closure of Benton Harbor schools! Defend public education!

By the World Socialist Web Site Teacher Newsletter, 7 June 2019

The following statement was distributed to teachers, parents and students at a school board meeting Tuesday night in Benton Harbor, Michigan.

French Nutella workers strike, Tram and metro workers’ stoppage in Greek capital

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

7 June 2019

Workers at the Nutella factory in Normandy have been blockading the plant over demands for a wage increase while Greek tram workers stopped work Monday to protest the Syriza government’s attacks on public transportation.

The May 29 national strike and Argentina’s economic, political and social crisis

By Rafael Azul, 4 June 2019

National protest strikes have become cynical rituals, designed to keep workers under the control of the Argentine trade union apparatus and the ruling class.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Mass demonstrations in defense of education in Brazil, Honduran educators and doctors strike

4 June 2019

Mass protests are continuing in Brazil against education cuts by the right-wing Bolsanaro administration while striking Honduran teachers and doctors held protests against privatization of healthcare and education.

South Korean shipbuilding workers oppose massive job cuts

By Ben McGrath, 3 June 2019

The Korean Metal Workers Union has deliberately limited industrial action and isolated the shipyard workers to prevent a broader struggle against capitalist exploitation.

Matamoros workers run for office: The political questions

By Alex González and Andrea Lobo, 1 June 2019

The “20/32” election campaign was deliberately orchestrated to channel workers’ collective anger into the safe and acceptable channels of electoral politics.

Ignoring workers overwhelming strike vote

UAW extends contract for Saline, Michigan Faurecia workers

By Tim Rivers, 1 June 2019

Without offering any explanation, the union announced it had decided, without consulting the membership, to grant the company a three-week extension.

UAW calls for contract vote by Mercy Health support and technical staff in a bid to isolate nurses

By Shannon Jones, 1 June 2019

If the contract is ratified, medical technicians could return to work after Monday, in what is effectively an attempt by the union to force workers to cross the picket line.