Middle East

European Union threatens Iran with naval mission to Persian Gulf

By Alex Lantier, 30 July 2019

Amid the US war drive against Iran, this mission is a reckless attempt by the European imperialists to grab a share of the resources of the oil-rich Persian Gulf region.

UK Heathrow airport strike continues as pilots vote to strike; South Africa dockers defy unions

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

27 July 2019

In South Africa, dockworkers are continuing a two-week go slow in defiance of the unions.

Israeli nurses launch nationwide strike

By Jean Shaoul, 25 July 2019

The attack on nurses—usually the very last group of workers to be singled out for wage cuts—came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s interim government passed an austerity budget slashing an additional $900 million.

Turkish government prepares to deport Syrian refugees living in Istanbul

By Çetin Akın and Ulas Atesci, 24 July 2019

Ankara has announced that Syrian refugees not registered in Istanbul have until August 20 to return to the cities in Turkey where they are registered or face deportation.

War danger in Middle East exacerbates political crisis in Britain

By Robert Stevens, 22 July 2019

As Britain moves closer to war, the Iran crisis is being seized on by those advocating a drastic increase in the UK’s military budget.

Iran seizes UK tanker in Strait of Hormuz as danger of Middle East war mounts

By Jordan Shilton, 20 July 2019

Chief responsibility for the growing war danger in the Persian Gulf rests squarely with US imperialism, which has relentlessly escalated its provocations against Iran.

UK hospital in week-long strike; National strike threats on South Africa’s railways and Nigeria’s public sector

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

12 July 2019

Staff at Bradford hospitals struck against plans to transfer them to the employ of a private company, while thousands of South African railroad workers and Nigerian public workers are on strike.

Mass protests against police shooting of Ethiopian Israeli

By Jean Shaoul, 8 July 2019

The authorities arrested the off-duty police officer before releasing him into “protective custody” under house arrest, further inflaming tensions over the killing.

Royal Marines seize Iranian tanker under orders from US

By Chris Marsden, 6 July 2019

Britain’s seizure of an Iranian supertanker carrying 2 million barrels of oil is an act of piracy and a major escalation in tensions that threaten to spiral out of control.

Zimbabwe unions threaten general strike as walkouts spread in Nigeria

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

5 July 2019

The main Zimbabwe union federation has threatened a nationwide strike over the devaluation of currency while Nigerian dockworkers are set to strike this week over nonpayment of back wages joining civil servants and polytechnic staff.

Trump imposes new sanctions amid continuing war threat against Iran

By Bill Van Auken, 25 June 2019

The latest sanctions, largely symbolic, do little except escalate tensions as the threat of armed conflict remains on a hair trigger.

Minutes to disaster: Lessons to be learned from the confrontation with Iran

By Andre Damon, 24 June 2019

On Thursday, the United States came within minutes of launching a war, without any serious examination of its military consequences.

Turkey’s ruling AKP defeated in re-run of İstanbul mayoral election

By Ulas Atesci, 24 June 2019

The candidate of Erdoğan’s AKP, Binali Yıldırım, conceded the election Sunday night. The AKP forced the cancellation of the first election result on March 31 after suffering a narrow defeat.

Trump escalates war threats after drone shootdown over Iran

By Bill Van Auken, 21 June 2019

The New York Times reported that the American president authorized military strikes against Iran on Thursday before unexpectedly cancelling them.

US secretary of state declares “military response” to Iran “being considered”

By Peter Symonds, 17 June 2019

Clearly Japan and Germany simply do not believe the US allegations against Iran and suspect that the tankers attacks could well be a US provocation to provide the pretext for war.

US Middle East commander proposes permanent buildup against Iran

By Bill Van Auken, 11 June 2019

The head of the US Central Command claimed that the “threat” from Iran remains “imminent” but refused to provide any evidence or details to support the allegation.

US-backed Saudi regime tortures dissidents on eve of threatened beheadings

By Bill Van Auken, 8 June 2019

Among those slated for execution is Murtaja Qureiris, arrested at age 13 for participating in a peaceful protest against the monarchy.

French Nutella workers strike, Tram and metro workers’ stoppage in Greek capital

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

7 June 2019

Workers at the Nutella factory in Normandy have been blockading the plant over demands for a wage increase while Greek tram workers stopped work Monday to protest the Syriza government’s attacks on public transportation.

Fresh Israeli elections after Netanyahu fails to form a government

By Jean Shaoul, 31 May 2019

The calling of new elections expresses the crisis of bourgeois rule provoked by the twin pressures of the decades-long military suppression of the Palestinian people and deepening social inequality within Israel itself.

Why ISIS launched a terror attack on Sri Lanka

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 29 May 2019

The US has, over the past four years, taken steps to transform Sri Lanka into an important base for its military operations throughout the region, including the Middle East.

Netanyahu—unable to form a government—threatens new Israeli elections

By Jean Shaoul, 28 May 2019

Netanyahu’s Likud party has introduced legislation to dissolve the Knesset and call a second election at the end of August.

Fearmongering accompanies release of John Walker Lindh after 17 years in prison

By John Andrews, 24 May 2019

Lindh, an American captured with other foreign Taliban fighters in 2001, was released from a federal penitentiary Thursday, having served his full sentence for carrying arms on behalf of the then government of Afghanistan.

Israeli writer Amos Oz (1939-2018): A critical appreciation

By Clare Hurley and Clara Weiss, 24 May 2019

Oz published 40 books of fiction, collections of essays, speeches and letters that have been translated into 45 languages, including Esperanto.

Socialist Equality Group to hold public meeting in Turkey to demand freedom for Assange and Manning

By the Sosyalist Eşitlik, 22 May 2019

The meeting is part of the ICFI’s ongoing international campaign to defend Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Saudi bombs kill Yemeni civilians, raising war tensions in Persian Gulf

By Bill Van Auken, 17 May 2019

The airstrikes, claiming 77 civilian casualties, came two days after drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities.

The US war drive against Iran and the conflict with Europe

By Alex Lantier, 17 May 2019

Amid growing conflicts with its strategic rivals, including its European Union “allies,” Washington is seeking to reorganize Eurasian geopolitics, beginning with a war drive targeting Iran.

Lebanon: Workers take to the streets to denounce government austerity measures

By Jean Shaoul, 13 May 2019

The rallies were part of a nationwide public sector strike affecting schools, universities, state-run media outlets and government offices.

With B-52s, carrier battle group in place, US war against Iran on a hair trigger

By Bill Van Auken, 11 May 2019

The threatening deployments come in the midst of a new round of bellicose statements from Washington.

Iran conflict intensifies transatlantic tensions

By Peter Schwarz, 11 May 2019

The European governments are doing all they can to avoid triggering a broader mobilisation against war.

As protests grow, Algerian army arrests Workers Party leader

By Will Morrow, 11 May 2019

The army is imprisoning Louisa Hanoune on baseless charges to send a signal that it will deal ruthlessly with anyone, even figures with close ties to the regime.

Netanyahu agrees a ceasefire with Hamas—for now

By Jean Shaoul, 10 May 2019

The Israel Defense Forces launched more than 150 aerial strikes and shelled at least 200 sites in the tiny Palestinian enclave.

Acceding to Erdoğan’s demand

Turkish election authorities order re-vote in Istanbul

By Ulas Atesci and Keith Jones, 10 May 2019

If Erdoğan went to such lengths to overturn the Istanbul mayoral election results, it is because he fears any weakening of his control of the state apparatus under conditions of deepening economic and geopolitical crisis.

Imperialist war, the working-class upsurge in the Mideast and North Africa, and the strategy of Permanent Revolution

By Keith Jones, 10 May 2019

We are publishing here the text of the speech to the 2019 International May Day Online Rally delivered by Keith Jones.

War by other means: US/EU sanctions aimed at crippling Syria

By Jean Shaoul, 27 April 2019

Washington is seeking to crash the Syrian economy to create the conditions for a rebellion so as to impose a pro-US regime in Damascus.

Amid mass beheadings, Wall Street scrambles for Saudi profits

By Bill Van Auken, 27 April 2019

With the blood of 37 men decapitated in public squares barely dry, top financiers rushed to Riyadh in search of deals with the ruling monarchy.

New study documents over 1,600 killed in US siege of Raqqa, Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 26 April 2019

The killings in Raqqa, like those in Mosul, Iraq, constituted massive war crimes committed in the so-called war against ISIS.

Macron moves to prosecute journalists who revealed French arms sales in Yemen war

By Will Morrow, 26 April 2019

French security services have summoned Disclose journalists for questioning over their April 15 report documenting French arms supplies to Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

Leaked documents implicate French government in war crimes in Yemen

By Kumaran Ira, 26 April 2019

Leaked intelligence documents expose top French officials’ denials that Saudi-led coalition forces use French-made weapons against Yemeni civilians as bald-faced lies.

US-backed Saudi regime beheads 37 political prisoners

By Bill Van Auken, 25 April 2019

The barbaric bloodbath exposes the criminality of not only the House of Saud, but also US imperialism, which counts it as its principal pillar in the Arab world.

Turkey’s political crisis escalates after mob attack on CHP leader

By Ulas Atesci, 24 April 2019

The near lynching of the head of the main opposition party is the outcome of a bellicose nationalist campaign mounted by President Erdogan, his AKP, and their far-right MHP allies.

As Israeli Labor vote collapses

Netanyahu prepares to form fourth consecutive government

By Jean Shaoul, 11 April 2019

Netanyahu will head a coalition of ultra-orthodox religious and right-wing parties, as well as an openly fascistic organization.

No clear winner in Israeli elections

By Barry Grey, 10 April 2019

Exit polls had conflicting projections, with most giving opposition candidate Benny Gantz a narrow victory over incumbent prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Libya’s descent into civil war: The bitter fruit of the pseudo-left's pro-imperialism

By Bill Van Auken, 10 April 2019

The escalating civil war in Libya has served as one more demonstration of the criminal role played by the pseudo-left proponents of “humanitarian” imperialist intervention.

US labels Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist group

By Barry Grey, 9 April 2019

Trump and Pompeo made a point of threatening other foreign countries, officials and businesses with retaliatory sanctions and possible criminal prosecution.

Israel holds most right-wing elections in its history

By Jean Shaoul, 9 April 2019

The rival campaigns are inextricably linked to the Greater Israel project of Zionist expansion upon which the wealth of Israel’s elite depends.

Netanyahu embraces Brazil’s Bolsonaro during Israel visit

By Jean Shaoul, 6 April 2019

Under Netanyahu, Israel has become a pole of attraction for right-wing ideologues, ultra-nationalists and neo-fascists the world over.

As Washington hails victory over ISIS, media ignores massive human toll

By Bill Van Auken, 30 March 2019

The Pentagon’s admission of 1,250 civilians killed in four years of bombardment of Iraq and Syria is a vast underestimate of the real death toll.

Saudi attack on hospital kills eight as war in Yemen enters fifth year

By Niles Niemuth, 28 March 2019

At least eight people, including five children, were killed when a missile slammed into a gas station near a medical facility that had been placed on a no-strike list.

US threatens Turkey over Russian S-400 air defence purchase

By Jordan Shilton, 28 March 2019

Despite Washington’s threats of sanctions and a downgrade in US-Turkish military security ties, Erdogan has vowed to proceed with the purchase and deployment of the S-400.

As strikes and protests escalate, Algeria’s army chief demands Bouteflika’s ouster

By Bill Van Auken, 27 March 2019

The call by General Salah for Bouteflika to be declared “unfit to rule” marks a desperate attempt to salvage the regime in the face of a popular uprising.

Canada extends military missions in Ukraine and Mideast, allies with Trump in refugee crackdown

By Roger Jordan, 23 March 2019

The Trudeau government’s right-wing, militarist policies underscore yet again the Liberal Party’s role in advancing the predatory interests of Canadian imperialism.

Amid deepening economic and political crisis, Turkey holds local elections

By Ulas Atesci, 21 March 2019

The ruling AKP faces bitter tensions with Washington and Turkey’s other NATO allies and an economic crisis triggered by the Trump administration’s trade war measures.

Israel mounts savage air bombardment on Gaza

By Jean Shaoul, 16 March 2019

Hamas denied any responsibility for the two ineffectual rockets launched against Tel Aviv.

Hundreds of thousands march in Algeria to demand fall of Bouteflika regime

By Will Morrow, 9 March 2019

Videos on social media show waves of predominantly young people chanting “The people want the downfall of the regime,” and “Thieves, you have eaten the country!”

Teachers strike wave spreads across five continents

By Eric London, 7 March 2019

From Bamako to Buenos Aires and Sacramento to São Paulo, the teachers’ strike movement shows the international character of the class struggle.

Netanyahu to face charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust

By Jean Shaoul, 1 March 2019

The indictment announcement comes amidst mounting tensions within the Israeli political establishment exacerbated by Netanyahu’s increasingly pronounced far-right orientation, including the cultivation of neo-fascist forces.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

South African gold miners’ strike at Sibanye in third month, Kenyan striking nurses defy back to work order

22 February 2019

As the strike by workers at Sibanye gold mine continues, the company announced the closure of two mines costing 7,000 jobs. Meanwhile Kenyan nurses are defying a back to work order by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The Iranian Revolution—Forty Years On

By Keith Jones, 13 February 2019

It is the Stalinist Tudeh Party and the politics of Stalinism that were principally responsible for the tragic derailing of the Iranian Revolution.

Strike wave hits Kosovo

By Paul Mitchell, 6 February 2019

The Kosovan government is determined to prevent workers overturning years of stagnant or declining wages.

French President Macron visits the hangman of Cairo

By Will Morrow and Alex Lantier, 30 January 2019

Macron’s visit to Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is a warning that his government intends to drastically step up repression of the “yellow vests” and broader popular opposition.

Afghanistan peace talks and the debacle of the war on terror

By Bill Van Auken, 29 January 2019

Whether Washington withdraws US troops remains to be seen; what is certain is that Afghanistan is viewed through the prism of preparations for far wider wars.

US ratchets up threats against Iran, Turkey amid Syria withdrawal plans

By Bill Van Auken, 15 January 2019

While the timetable for US troops to pull out of Syria remains unclear, Washington is steadily escalating tensions in the region.

US, Turkey clash over Turkish plan to buy Russian S-400 missiles

By Baris Demir, 15 January 2019

The US team is expected to warn Ankara that Washington will not tolerate a Turkish purchase of Russian air defence systems.

Massive campaign to defend Israeli religious students accused of killing Palestinian mother of nine

By Jean Shaoul, 14 January 2019

The murder and its aftermath highlight the utter lawlessness and racism inherent in the Greater Israel project from which the settler movement stems.

Pompeo in Cairo: The ugly face of US imperialism

By Bill Van Auken, 12 January 2019

Reflecting US imperialism’s priorities in the region, Pompeo mentioned Iran 25 times in his speech, compared to a mere dozen references to “terrorism.”

US-Turkish tensions rise over Syria withdrawal plan

By Bill Van Auken, 9 January 2019

Turkey’s president denounced statements by national security adviser John Bolton on the Syrian Kurds after refusing to meet with a US delegation.

Election campaign confirms further shift to the right by Israeli political establishment

By Jean Shaoul, 9 January 2019

The campaign is dominated by the right-wing and militaristic agenda shared by all Israeli parties, allies and opponents of Likud alike.

Trump says there is no set date for Syria troop withdrawal

By Bill Van Auken, 4 January 2019

While Trump bemoaned Washington’s “never-ending war,” his acting Defense Secretary told the Pentagon to focus on “China, China, China.”

Syrian government troops deployed to flashpoint city of Manbij

By Bill Van Auken, 29 December 2018

Turkey and Russia are staging high-level talks on the future of Syria’s northeast following the US troop withdrawal.

Trump’s visit to Iraq and Washington’s never-ending war in the Middle East

By Bill Van Auken, 28 December 2018

Trump’s buffoonish performance in Iraq carried one serious message: With or without troops in Syria, the decades-long US war for hegemony in the Middle East goes on.

Trump stages visit to Iraq amid mounting crisis over Syria troop withdrawal

By Bill Van Auken, 27 December 2018

The surprise visit appeared aimed at mollifying sections of the military-intelligence apparatus and reasserting Trump's commitment to US militarism in the Middle East.

Israel’s Netanyahu calls early election amid corruption charges

By Jean Shaoul, 27 December 2018

While Netanyahu will have to fight the election under a cloud, he sees this as preferable to doing so as an indicted crook.

Israeli premier demands German government stop funding Jewish Museum Berlin

By Sybille Fuchs, 27 December 2018

Benjamin Netanyahu’s letter accuses the museum of “anti-Israel activities” for seeking to engage in dialogue with Muslims and others.

European powers condemn Trump’s withdrawal from Syria

By Johannes Stern, 24 December 2018

Trump’s planned withdrawal of US troops from Syria and the subsequent resignation of defence secretary James Mattis have provoked a fierce response from European leaders.

The resignation of General Mattis and America’s crisis of class rule

By Bill Van Auken, 22 December 2018

The panic and hysteria over the resignation of the former Marine Corps general reflects a deep-going crisis within the US ruling establishment.

South Africa Sibanye miners’ strike made illegal

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

21 December 2018

Some 15,000 workers at three mines operated by Sibanye’s three gold mines are continuing a strike that has now been declared illegal based on allegations of violence on the part of workers.

Trump’s Syrian withdrawal order sparks political firestorm in Washington

By Bill Van Auken, 20 December 2018

The announcement follows discussions between Trump and Erdogan, who has threatened to send Turkish troops into the northeastern Syrian region where US troops are based.

Turkey threatens to invade Syria amid tensions with Washington

By Barış Demir, 20 December 2018

Trump’s call yesterday for a US withdrawal from Syria reflected growing conflicts between Ankara and Washington over the bloody proxy war in Syria.

Brutal crackdown on West Bank as Netanyahu pledges stepped-up land grab

By Jean Shaoul, 20 December 2018

The Palestinians have faced not just the Israel Defense Forces but also Israeli settlers who have been attacking cars and civilians.

Israel rolls out the welcome mat for Europe’s neo-fascists

By Bill Van Auken, 14 December 2018

Netanyahu’s hailing of Italy’s far-right Interior Minister Salvini as a “great friend of Israel” demonstrates the affinity between the Zionist state and neo-fascism.

Republican senators say “zero question” Saudi prince ordered Khashoggi assassination

By Bill Van Auken, 5 December 2018

A closed-door briefing Tuesday by CIA Director Gina Haspel confirmed Mohamed bin Salman’s responsibility for the murder of the Saudi journalist.

Taliban attack kills three US soldiers in Afghanistan

By Bill Van Auken, 28 November 2018

The attack, which also wounded four Americans, came amid a worsening deterioration of the US position after 17 years of war.

UAE pardons British PhD student Matthew Hedges on spying charges

By Paula Smith, 26 November 2018

The United Arab Emirates’ rulers granted British PhD student Matthew Hedges “gracious clemency.” Just days earlier a court in Abu Dhabi sentenced him to life imprisonment.

At least 85,000 child deaths in Yemen highlight Saudi-US war crimes

By Mike Head, 23 November 2018

Washington is intent on asserting US dominance over the oil-rich and strategically-critical Middle East, regardless of the terrible human cost.

Trump rules out further action against Saudi regime over Khashoggi’s murder

By James Cogan, 21 November 2018

Trump’s only real concern is US “national interest”—namely, lucrative economic relations with the Saudi monarchy and Saudi support for US aggression in the Middle East.

Pakistan prime minister visits Beijing amid heightened US-China tensions

By Pradeep Ramanayaka, 21 November 2018

If Khan was hoping for an immediate financial bailout from China, he was disappointed as Beijing offered no specific aid and signed no significant agreements.

Israel: Netanyahu’s coalition government collapses, forcing early elections

By Jean Shaoul, 17 November 2018

Lieberman has pushed Netanyahu into an election campaign that will be fought over the Gaza debacle and the prime minister’s “weakness.”

Civilian death toll mounts as US escalates offensive in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 16 November 2018

The so-called campaign against ISIS is aimed at carving out a US-controlled zone in eastern Syria and ultimately overthrowing the Damascus government.

US imposes limited sanctions on Saudi officials over Khashoggi’s murder

By Mike Head, 16 November 2018

The announcement’s timing points to the White House seeking to shore up the latest Saudi version of the events, which protects Crown Prince Mohammed.

US, Turkey risk direct military clash as they escalate war in Syria

By Barış Demir, 8 November 2018

Ankara is threatening an outright military occupation of large parts of Syria, which could provoke a direct clash with US forces.

The siege of Hodeidah: Washington doubles down on its war crime in Yemen

By Bill Van Auken, 7 November 2018

Washington’s supposed demand for a ceasefire has only produced a sharp escalation in the world’s most murderous war.

US escalates illegal economic war on the people of Iran

By Keith Jones, 6 November 2018

Speaking like a mafia don, Pompeo offered Iran “a choice” between making a “180-degree turn from its outlaw course of action” and seeing “its economy crumble.”

Europe and America clash over Washington’s economic war on Iran

By Keith Jones, 5 November 2018

Washington’s imposition of sweeping new sanctions on Iran—aimed at strangling its economy and precipitating regime change—is roiling world geopolitics.

US expands illegal, unilateral sanctions against Iran

By Mike Head, 3 November 2018

The measures Washington outlined yesterday are tantamount to a declaration of war.

Washington calls for Yemen ceasefire as Saudis escalate siege of Hodeidah

By Bill Van Auken, 2 November 2018

The hypocritical “peace effort” advanced by Washington places full blame for the genocidal war in Yemen on the Houthi rebels and Iran.

As sanctions tighten, Washington threatens Iran with “military might”

By Keith Jones, 2 November 2018

The US is dramatically escalating its illegal, economic war against Iran, with the aim of crashing its economy and imposing a pro-US regime in Tehran.

Canada upholds $15 billion Saudi arms deal after Khashoggi murder

By Roger Jordan, 29 October 2018

Ottawa’s muted response to Khashoggi’s murder has been aimed not just at upholding the arms deal, but also strengthening Canada’s predatory partnership with Washington.

Saudi airstrike kills 21 civilians in Yemen

By Jacob Crosse, 27 October 2018

Two children among the dead as the US-backed coalition prepares offensive

Turkish president brands Khashoggi killing a premeditated murder

By Peter Symonds, 24 October 2018

While Erdogan had promised to expose the “naked truth,” his less-than-full account of the killing indicates that he is exploiting the issue to further Turkish interests in the Middle East.

Europe makes delayed criticism of Saudis over Khashoggi murder

By Jean Shaoul, 23 October 2018

Britain’s quiescence reflects its dependence on the House of Saud for policing the oil-rich Gulf peninsula.