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Live chat with your writer

Have one on one chart with our able customer care who guides you through our services whenever you have an inquiry or link you up with the writer handling your order.

Competent writers

Our professional writers are well versed in critical thinking and organization of any type of research paper in any discipline.

100% originality

Before the paper is delivered to the client, the paper is passed through a plagiarism checker that is able to check and ensure no plagiarized paper is submitted.

24/7 Customer Support

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6 minutes average response time

When it comes to support, we know how important it is to receive a fast and professional response. That’s why our paper writing service support team is always ready to cover all your issues as fast as possible.


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Just describe what you need and want your paper looks like and we will meet your requirements with ease.

Online Essay Help from Writers of All Academic Degrees

At One-Hour-Essay we hire specialists of all academic levels – starting with specialist who completed a BA degree.

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Not all customers of our writing service need A+ papers, so they can specify what proficiency level they want in their papers.

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