Media & Manipulation

Subvertisers for London

This film looks at a group of activist subvertisers in London who aim to minimize the threat from advertising and the commercial culture that has spawned it.


Commons & Cooperation

Maraká’nà — A Space of Struggle

The Maracanã stadium in Rio is not only a space for leisure but, above all, a space of struggle — for education, housing, Indigenous rights and against capital development....


Autonomy & Authority

All of This, We Have to Defend

An indigenous community in the highlands of Chiapas is learning about the theory and practice of agroecology to lessen their dependency on pesticides.


Autonomy & Authority

Voices of Bakur

In 2015, more than a dozen Kurdish towns in southeastern Turkey declared their autonomy from the state, only to be met by an extremely violent crackdown.


Autonomy & Authority

Resistance, Autonomy and Women’s Rights in Chiapas

Angelina Lopez Gomez is a potter from Chiapas. She shows her work and home, discusses her commitment to Indigenous traditions and how she learned her rights as a woman.


Commons & Cooperation

Cooking Against Capitalism: Oaxaca’s Traditional Kitchens

After an earthquake in late 2017 destroyed their outdoor kitchens, Tehuantepec locals opted to rebuild themselves rather than relying on state support.


Capitalism & Crisis

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire

At the demise of empire, Britain transformed from a colonial power into a financial one that today is estimated to hide up to half of global offshore wealth.


Protest & Policing

War on Dissent

The Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) campaigns against police surveillance and the regular smearing of activists and groups as “domestic extremists.”


Autonomy & Authority

Defending Land, Ocean and Air

Indigenous locals in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec resist the construction of destructive windfarms on their traditional lands.


Autonomy & Authority

Think from the heart: Mexico’s Indigenous Congress

Delegates at the fifth gathering of the CNI in Oventic describe their ideologies, mission and struggles — and the Zapatistas throw a party.



Showing 10 of 59 films


Beyond the Border

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Magazine — Issue 8