ROAR Magazine


An independent journal of the radical imagination providing grassroots perspectives from the front-lines of the global struggle for real democracy

Beigetreten April 2011


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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    16. Dez. 2018

    ROAR is now on ! From as little as $1/month you can help shape ROAR’s future as a multimedia loudspeaker for contemporary social movements, critical analysis and revolutionary ideas:

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  2. vor 3 Stunden

    On the 7th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, check out a selection of the essays that ROAR has published on the topic over the years

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  3. vor 4 Stunden

    Disabled Hackers are Leading the Way — In the latest episode of the , three disability justice activists share their thoughts on how tech can ensure design, technology and art are accessible and equitable

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  4. vor 6 Stunden

    On the occasion of the anniversary of the start of the Spanish Revolution in 1936, read an excerpt of Murray Bookchin's reflections on this iconic moment in radical history

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  5. vor 7 Stunden


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  6. hat retweetet
    vor 7 Stunden

    7 years after! I am happy to be the first person to write about the Rojava Revolution for Roar Magazine in July 2014. Read my article and a selection of others here. Thanks for putting this together and for your solidarity from the beginning

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  7. vor 7 Stunden

    The Revolution began on this day in 2012. Here's a selection of ROAR's coverage of this historical struggle for autonomy:

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  8. vor 9 Stunden

    Design for Justice: Disabled Hackers are Leading the Way — Latest episode of is up on the ROAR blog now!

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  9. 18. Juli

    RevolutionZ: Life After Capitalism — A new podcast hosted by Michael Albert emphasizing vision and strategy for a better future

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  10. 16. Juli

    Help ROAR cultivate the radical imagination — become a patron on !

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  11. 16. Juli

    "Worker Co-ops Rising" — Latest episode of 's "Economic Update", where interviews ' , is now up on the ROAR blog!

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  12. hat retweetet
    15. Juli

    This week's commentary comes by way of , a founding editor of , who paints a grim picture of the global system. Search "Laura Flanders" on your app to listen and subscribe.

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  13. 14. Juli

    "Capitalists fear the — and for good reason" — liberals and conservatives alike wrongly view the as communism-in-disguise, but its radicalizing potential might justify their fears nonetheless

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  14. 14. Juli

    "The trap of trickle-down anti-Islamophobia" — Relying on state institutions as a bulwark against racism and Islamophobia obscures how the law itself reproduces intertwined hierarchies of race and class

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  15. 14. Juli

    "The hidden agenda behind corporate-led reforms" — Do not fall for the corporate class’s offer to self-regulate. It is only interested in silencing criticism and expanding its own power and influence

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  16. 13. Juli

    The "Atlas of Utopias 2019" is a global gallery by , collecting examples of inspiring community-led transformation in water, energy, food systems and housing, featuring 33 stories from 24 countries

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  17. 13. Juli

    "How Spain’s Vox fortifies neo-fascist internationalism" — The rise of and similar neo-fascist parties in is symptomatic of the capitalist class’ attempts to maintain their rule at a time of systemic crisis

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  18. 12. Juli

    "What went wrong for the municipalists in Spain?" — An anarchist's critical reflections on four years of municipalist party rule in and

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  19. 12. Juli

    "The military industrial complex is a major contributor to climate change — this calls for a merger of anti-war, climate and refugee solidarity movements," argues

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  20. 12. Juli

    An oldie-but-goldie from the : "Trump and everyday anti-fascism beyond punching Nazis" by , author of "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook"

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  21. 12. Juli

    The "Atlas of Utopia 2019" by , featuring a unique collection of community-led transformations to ensure access to water, energy, housing and food systems, is OUT NOW!

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